Alejandro Gil Mialdea
@aekschoko on, @agmialdea on Slack
- Member Since: July 21st, 2010
- Location: Zaragoza
- Website:
Contribution History
Alejandro Gil Mialdea’s badges:- Community Contributor
- Meetup Organizer
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Organizer
- WordCamp Speaker
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Zaragoza 2025
Is the 39th person to arrive at WordCamp Griñón for E-Commerce 2024
Translated 8 strings on
Created a topic, Ecommerce perfecto para WordPress, on the site Forums:
Si bien ningún plugin está exento de problemas o desaf… -
Posted a reply to Issue with Tax Calculation Based on Customer Billing Address, on the site Forums:
Great! It's already solved!!! I wasn't able to find the problem! 🤯 Indeed, the problem… -
Posted a reply to Issue with Tax Calculation Based on Customer Billing Address, on the site Forums:
It is strange. Yes. Referring to the code: no, it's nowhere to be found. I… -
Posted a reply to Issue with Tax Calculation Based on Customer Billing Address, on the site Forums:
Thank you both :) Yes, in the "Default customer location" section I have chosen the… -
Posted a reply to Issue with Tax Calculation Based on Customer Billing Address, on the site Forums:
Hello, thank you for your help. I have followed your steps (you can see the… -
Posted a reply to Issue with Tax Calculation Based on Customer Billing Address, on the site Forums:
Ok, sorry, I'll try again: General Settings: Tax Settings: Tax Class: Checkout:… -
Posted a reply to Issue with Tax Calculation Based on Customer Billing Address, on the site Forums:
Hi, @xue28: I send you links from, I hope you can see them :)… -
Created a topic, Issue with Tax Calculation Based on Customer Billing Address, on the site Forums:
Hey all, I've got different tax rates set up for va… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Zaragoza, Spain 2023
Started mentoring WordCamp GRIÑON
Received props from @anagavilan in Slack:
Props to @aekschoko for being a great WordCamps mentor and accompanying us at all times -
Created a topic, Compañero perfecto para WordPress, on the site Forums:
El plugin idóneo para personalizar WordPress. Te permi… -
Translated 74 strings on
Suggested 233 strings on
Gave props in Slack:
My props to a great friend, great partner, great volunteer, great person. One of the… -
Wrote a comment on the post WordCamp Mentors’ May check-in!, on the site Make WordPress Community:
[code]🇪🇸 WC Barcelona, May 5-6 [/code] It was a great success, sold out and achieved… -
Received props from @peiraisotta in Slack:
Props to @aekschoko for the guidance and support that you showed us as a mentor… -
Started mentoring WordCamp Granada
Wrote a comment on the post Proposed 2023 Global Community Sponsorship Program, on the site Make WordPress Community:
Excellent job. It looks good to me. -
Wrote a new post, WordCamp Zaragoza 2023… ¡ya estamos aquí!, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2023:
Tenemos el placer de anunciar que ¡WordCamp Zaragoza 2023 ya está en el candelero! digo...… -
Wrote a new post, WordCamp Zaragoza 2023… ¡ya estamos aquí!, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2023:
Tenemos el placer de anunciar que ¡WordCamp Zaragoza 2023 ya está en el candelero! digo...… -
Wrote a new post, m, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2023
Wrote a new post, WordCamp Zaragoza 2023… ¡ya estamos aquí!, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2023:
Tenemos el placer de anunciar que ¡WordCamp Zaragoza 2023 ya está en el candelero! digo...… -
Wrote a comment on the post Resumen de las sesiones de orientación a organizadores de WordCamps, on the site Equipo de WordPress España:
Mil gracias Juan, vaya currada tan educativa. Me sorprende los caminos tan diferentes que llevaron… -
Started mentoring WordCamp Barcelona
Posted a reply to Tiene potencial, funciona bien, on the site Forums:
Thanks, the problem has been fixed :) I have edited the review thanking you for… -
Posted a reply to Bookings not available when the worker is free, on the site Forums:
I finally got response from Nikola, the plugin author, and it has been fixed as… -
Created a topic, Tiene potencial, pero falla, on the site Forums:
El plugin tiene potencial, tiene un montón de caracter… -
Created a topic, Bookings not available when the worker is free, on the site Forums:
I have detected an error. I have checked everything bu… -
Created a topic, Errors in Site Health, on the site Forums:
Hi! With the latest 5.5 update (also 5.5.1) of WordPr… -
Posted a reply to Hide Page Title, on the site Forums:
Thank you for your quick response. Yes, hiding with CSS is always an option. As… -
Created a topic, Hide Page Title, on the site Forums:
Is there an option to hide or remove the title of a pa… -
Wrote a comment on the post Revive WordCamp Zaragoza 2020, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2020:
¡Muchas gracias JuanKa! Por venir, por tu ponencia y por todo 😉 -
Wrote a new post, Revive WordCamp Zaragoza 2020, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2020:
Aunque nos consta que a más de uno todavía le dura la resaca postWordCamp ya… -
Wrote a new post, Jornada abierta y gratuita: Día para compartir, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2020:
Si has visto en el programa que la WordCamp es un evento que se divide… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain 2020
Wrote a new post, Ya está listo el programa de WordCamp Zaragoza 2020, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2020:
¡Lo bueno se hace esperar! Hemos tardado un poco pero ya está aquí el programa… -
Wrote a new post, Una mirada a WordCamp Zaragoza 2019, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2019:
Foto de grupo de WordCamp Zaragoza 2019 Siempre es buen momento para revivir y disfrutar… -
Wrote a comment on the post Weekly Updates, on the site Make WordPress Communities:
I help the WordCamp Puebla 2019 (10 days left). They still have to sell about… -
Wrote a new post, #WCZGZ ¡No te pierdas nada!, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2020:
Hoy martes, 29 de noviembre, tan solo quedan 80 días para WordCamp Zaragoza 2020. Nos… -
Created a topic, Warning error, on the site Forums:
I get this warning occasionally on the shopping cart p… -
Wrote a new post, Llamada a patrocinadores, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2020:
CALL TO SPONSORSAlso, you can download our sponsorship dossier in English. ¡Apóyanos! Somos una gran… -
Wrote a new post, Llamada a patrocinadores, on the site WordCamp Zaragoza 2020:
CALL TO SPONSORSAlso, you can download our sponsorship dossier in English. ¡Apóyanos! Somos una gran… -
Committed [1960194] to Plugins SVN:
Update Text Domain to match the plugin slug. -
Committed [1960190] to Plugins SVN:
Actualizamos el parámetro Domain Path -
Committed [1960189] to Plugins SVN:
Actualizamos el archivo readme.txt para que la versión estable ... -
Committed [1960187] to Plugins SVN:
Se actualiza a la versión 0.3
Structured data for Events Manager
Active Installs: 20+