Kathryn Presner
@zoonini on WordPress.org, @Kathryn Presner on Slack
- Member Since: February 9th, 2011
- Location: Montreal, QC, Canada
- Website: kpresner.com
- GitHub: kathrynwp
- Job Title: Community Education Manager
- Employer: Automattic
Contribution History
Kathryn Presner’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Meta Contributor
- Plugin Review Team
- Support Contributor
- Support Team
- Training Contributor
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Organizer
- WordCamp Speaker
Wrote a comment on the post Meet your 2025 Training Team Representatives, on the site Make WordPress Training:
Congrats to both of you, @psykro and @devmuhib! The team is lucky to have you… -
Wrote a new post, Learn WordPress site remake: First two months, on the site Make WordPress Training:
It's been two months since Learn.WordPress.org launched on August 1, at approx. 22:00 UTC. This… -
Created issue #2914 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Create a 410 page template -
Wrote a comment on the post Drawing new learners to the new Learn.WordPress.org, on the site Make WordPress Training:
On Sept. 17, @lada7042 @cnormandigital and I led a discussion on this topic with a… -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress, on the site Make WordPress Training:
- Tour the new WordPress is out, with a video walkthrough by @west7 - @psykro… -
Closed issue #2865 on the WordPress/Learn repository:
Online Workshop: Exploring the Query Loop block -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Content Maintenance Process Update Phase 1, on the site Make WordPress Training:
Now that the team has voted on the Learn WordPress North Star wording and no… -
Wrote a comment on the post Drawing new learners to the new Learn.WordPress.org, on the site Make WordPress Training:
Thanks for everyone's excellent ideas so far. I'd like to extend the deadline for feedback… -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Retiring the Faculty Program, on the site Make WordPress Training:
This project is now complete, about 10 days early. Thanks for everyone's cooperation along the… -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Retiring the Faculty Program, on the site Make WordPress Training:
I've gone through the Help Scout saved replies and deleted all those relating to the… -
Created issue #2873 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Consider removing locale prompt on Learn.WordPress.org -
Wrote a comment on the post Drawing new learners to the new Learn.WordPress.org, on the site Make WordPress Training:
Thanks so much for your thoughtful reflections, @rfluethi. I really like the idea of study… -
Wrote a comment on the post Drawing new learners to the new Learn.WordPress.org, on the site Make WordPress Training:
Awesome – can't wait to hear your thoughts when you're ready, Bob! -
Created issue #2865 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Online Workshop: Exploring the Query Loop block -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Retiring the Faculty Program, on the site Make WordPress Training:
For reference, following is the list of handbook pages which have been removed: - Administrator… -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Retiring the Faculty Program, on the site Make WordPress Training:
In collaboration with team reps, the process updates are complete. In addition, the corresponding handbook… -
Made 5 updates to handbook pages on Make WordPress Training.
Wrote a comment on the post Drawing new learners to the new Learn.WordPress.org, on the site Make WordPress Training:
"So, what are no-cost ways to introduce Learn resources to the casual WP user who… -
Wrote a new post, Drawing new learners to the new Learn.WordPress.org, on the site Make WordPress Training:
Now that the new Learn WordPress is out in the world, we want to have… -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress, on the site Make WordPress Training:
August 28 Update - The second video is in production and aiming to launch around… -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Content Maintenance Process Update Phase 1, on the site Make WordPress Training:
August 27 Update Added to this week's meeting agenda. Also reiterated the call for other… -
Made 2 updates to handbook pages on Make WordPress Training.
Made 45 updates to handbook pages on Make WordPress Training.
Created issue #2856 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
If course hasn't launched yet, course links from lesson cards give a... -
Created issue #2855 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Add Facilitator Notes area to Lessons -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress, on the site Make WordPress Training:
August 21 Update Development - All the high-priority post-launch items have been completed. Remaining items… -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Retiring the Faculty Program, on the site Make WordPress Training:
The "training-faculty" Slack channel is now archived. -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Retiring the Faculty Program, on the site Make WordPress Training:
The following Slack updates have been made: - Removed the following Slack groups: @faculty @faculty-admin… -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress, on the site Make WordPress Training:
August 14 Update Reception/Marketing - Community response to the new site has been very positive.… -
Made 6 updates to handbook pages on Make WordPress Training.
Closed issue #2595 on the WordPress/Learn repository:
Display experience level on all lesson cards -
Made 26 updates to handbook pages on Make WordPress Training.
Closed issue #2827 on the WordPress/Learn repository:
Online Workshop: Meet the new Learn.WordPress.org -
Made 3 updates to handbook pages on Make WordPress Training.
Created issue #2834 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Online Workshops Calendar page - text is truncated in event boxes -
Wrote a comment on the post Exploring WordPress Certifications, on the site Make WordPress Training:
Not at the moment, @abdo120, but your profile does show the courses you've completed: https://profiles.wordpress.org/abdo120/ -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Retiring the Faculty Program, on the site Make WordPress Training:
After incorporating feedback gathered from several past team reps, including corrections on certain dates, I've… -
Wrote a new handbook page, History of the Training Team, on the site Make WordPress Training:
Team mission The Training Team was founded in 2013 at WordCamp San Francisco, a precursor… -
Created issue #2829 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
On course pages, consider changing "Preview" to a less ambiguous word -
Closed issue #2826 on the WordPress/Learn repository:
Online Workshop: Meet the new Learn.WordPress.org -
Created issue #2827 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Online Workshop: Meet the new Learn.WordPress.org -
Created issue #2826 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Online Workshop: Meet the new Learn.WordPress.org -
Updated a handbook page on Make WordPress Training.
Created issue #2823 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Hide a course composed just of quizzes -
Closed issue #2822 on the WordPress/Learn repository:
WordPress.org Admin bar: A11y feedback -
Closed issue #1837 on the WordPress/Learn repository:
Feature request - add Subscribe block to footer -
Wrote a comment on the post Project Thread: Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress, on the site Make WordPress Training:
August 5 Update On August 1, the new Learn.WordPress.org went live. 🎉 Huge congratulations to… -
Wrote a new post, Meet the new Learn WordPress, on the site Make WordPress Training:
Over a year ago, members of the Training team had a vision to overhaul the… -
Created issue #2805 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Localized lesson content is overwriting or being appended to English content -
Created issue #147 in the WordPress/wporg-parent-2021 repository:
Comment form inputs and textarea missing borders
Completed Courses
Total completed courses: 4
- Basic principles of conflict resolution May 17, 2022
- Writing in the WordPress voice May 17, 2022
- Open source basics and WordPress May 17, 2022
- How decisions are made in the WordPress project May 16, 2022