Created a topic, Problem with translating some strings, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I have not been able to find how to translate a couple… -
Posted a reply to Spectra issue on websites where Blocksy WordPress theme is installed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
ok, thanks! -
Created a topic, Spectra issue on websites where Blocksy WordPress theme is installed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I have a problem with all versions of Spectra, after v… -
Created a topic, Excellent plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Excellent! -
Wrote a new post, Postponed, on the site #WCVS:
Coronavirus - WCVS 1:0 Despite all our hopes and struggle to keep the planned date,… -
Wrote a new post, Odloženo, on the site #WCVS:
Korona - WCVŠ 1:0 Uprkos svim nadanjima i željama da se vidimo planiranog datuma, primorani… -
Wrote a new post, Postponed, on the site #WCVS:
Coronavirus - WCVS 1:0 Dear friends, The opponent we were faced with has forced us… -
Wrote a new post, Odloženo, on the site #WCVS:
Dragi prijatelji, Protivnik sa kojim smo se sučelili naterao nas je da se ipak povučemo.… -
Wrote a new post, Agreement among WordCamp Organizers, Speakers, Sponsors, and Volunteers, on the site #WCVS:
I agree that WordCamps are meant to benefit the local WordPress community through live events… -
Wrote a new post, Pre-sale tickets, on the site #WCVS:
WordCamp Vršac 2020 aims to bring together participants and speakers, as well as sponsors -… -
Wrote a new post, Ulaznice u pretprodaji, on the site #WCVŠ:
WordCamp Vršac 2020 trudi se da poveže na jednom mestu učesnike i predače, ali i… -
Wrote a new post, Gde odsesti u Vršcu, on the site #WCVŠ:
Zbog svoje lepote i gostoljubivosti Vršac je na dobrom glasu kod turista. Smeštajni kapaciteti mogu… -
Wrote a new post, Contributor Day – korist za svakoga, on the site #WCVŠ:
Možda posedujete stranicu koja je rađena u WordPressu, ili on pokreće vašu veb-prodavnicu. Možda ste… -
Wrote a new post, Sponzorski paketi, on the site #WCVŠ:
Bronzani sponzor Objava sa našeg Twitter naloga koja najavljuje vaše sponzorstvoObjava i story na Instagram-u… -
Wrote a new post, Poziv za predavače, on the site WordCamp Vršac:
Hvala na interesovanju da predajete na prvom WordCamp-u u Nišu. Treba da planirate dužinu predavanja… -
Wrote a new post, Poziv za sponzore, on the site WordCamp Vršac:
WordPress kampovi ne bi bili mogući bez sponzora. Ako želite da pomognete prvi WordCamp Niš,… -
Wrote a new post, Poziv za volontere, on the site WordCamp Vršac:
WordCamp-ove ne bi bilo moguće organizovati bez volontera i zato vam zahvaljujemo na iskazanom interesovanju.… -
Wrote a new post, Вордпрес окупљање у Вршцу #WPVŠ 05/19, on the site Српски:
Добродошли на вршачко Вордпрес окупљање! Мајско дружење одржаће се у другачијем формату. Уместо уобичајених предавања… -
Posted a reply to Fatal Error on activating, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
After update 2.3 to 2.4: Fatal Error on activating, Advance-Menu-Manager.php on line 66... -
Wrote a new post, Вордпрес окупљање у Вршцу #WPVŠ 04/19, on the site Српски:
Добродошли на вршачко Вордпрес окупљање! Априлско дружење доводи нам двоје ерудита у својим областима: девелопера… -
Wrote a new post, Вордпрес окупљање у Вршцу #WPVŠ 03/19, on the site Српски:
Добродошли на вршачко Вордпрес окупљање! Мартовско дружење је (сасвим нетенденциозно) у знаку жена. Упознаћете две… -
Wrote a new post, Вордпрес окупљање у Вршцу #WPVŠ 02/19, on the site Српски:
Добро дошли нa вршачки Вордпрес окупљање! Фебруарско дружење угостиће двојицу креатора. Један је аутор Вордпрес… -
Wrote a new post, WordPress Meetup у Вршцу #WPVŠ 02/19, on the site Српски:
Добродошли вршачки WordPress Meetup! Фебруарско дружење угостиће двојицу креатора. Један је аутор WordPress тема и… -
Wrote a new post, WordPress Meetup u Vršcu #WPVŠ 02/19, on the site Српски:
Dobrodošli vršački WordPress Meetup! Februarsko druženje ugostiće dvojicu kreatora. Jedan je autor WordPress tema i… -
Wrote a new post, WordPress Meetup u Vršcu #WPVŠ 02/19, on the site Српски:
Dobrodošli vršački WordPress Meetup! Februarsko druženje ugostiće dvojicu kreatora. Jedan je autor WordPress tema i… -
Created a topic, Great Plugin!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Easy to use, effective, thanks!
AddToAny Share Buttons
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF®)
Advanced Editor Tools
Advanced Sidebar Menu
Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall
Assign Widgets
Better Font Awesome
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
Bold Page Builder
Brozzme DB Prefix & Tools Addons
Call Now Button - The #1 Click to Call Button for WordPress
Captcha Booster: Best Captcha Plugin
Child Theme Creator by Orbisius
Child Themify
Childify Me
Classic Editor
CMS Tree Page View
CodeKit - Custom Codes Editor
Contact Form 7
Cool Timeline (Horizontal & Vertical Timeline)
Custom Error Pages
Custom Permalinks
Duplicator - Backups & Migration Plugin - Cloud Backups, Scheduled Backups, & More
Easy Social Feed - Social Photos Gallery - Post Feed - Like Box
Elementor Website Builder - More Than Just a Page Builder
EWWW Image Optimizer
ExactMetrics - Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (Website Stats Plugin)
File Manager
Floating Notification Bar, Sticky Menu on Scroll, Announcement Banner, and Sticky Header for Any Theme - My Sticky Bar (formerly myStickymenu)
Imagify – Optimize Images & Convert WebP & AVIF | Compress Images Easily
Loco Translate
ManageWP Worker
MapPress Maps for WordPress
Menu Duplicator
Meta pixel for WordPress
MonsterInsights - Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (Website Stats Made Easy)
Photo Gallery, Sliders, Proofing and Themes - NextGEN Gallery
PHP Code Widget
Product Import Export for WooCommerce - Import Export Product CSV Suite
Product Input Fields for WooCommerce
Really Simple CAPTCHA
Really Simple Security - Simple and Performant Security (formerly Really Simple SSL)
reCaptcha by BestWebSoft
Regenerate Thumbnails
Restrict Widgets
Reveal IDs
Say what?
ShortPixel Image Optimizer - Optimize Images, Convert WebP & AVIF
Slider, Gallery, and Carousel by MetaSlider - Image Slider, Video Slider
Smart Custom 404 Error Page
Smart Post Show – Post Grid, Post Carousel, Post Slider, Post Timeline, Post Table, and List Category Posts, Latest Posts, Recent Posts, Popular Posts and More
Smart Slider 3
Smush Image Optimization – Optimize Images | Compress & Lazy Load Images | Convert WebP | Image CDN
SOGO Add Script to Individual Pages Header Footer
Solid Security – Password, Two Factor Authentication, and Brute Force Protection
SrbTransLatin - Serbian Latinisation
Strong Testimonials
SVG Support
Translate Wordpress with GTranslate
Ultimate Addons for Elementor (Formerly Elementor Header & Footer Builder)
What The File
Widget CSS Classes
Wordfence Security - Firewall, Malware Scan, and Login Security
WP Editor
WP Fastest Cache
WP Markdown Editor (Formerly Dark Mode)
WP Migrate Lite - WordPress Migration Made Easy
WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate
WP Statistics - The Most Popular Privacy-Friendly Analytics Plugin
WP Super Cache
WPCode - Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets - WordPress Code Manager
Yoast Duplicate Post
Yoast SEO