Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 2 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 59 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 40 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 62 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Posted a reply to Make hyperlink span whole cell, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, thank you for your fast reply and the link to the other post. That… -
Created a topic, Make hyperlink span whole cell, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, While adding links within cells works flawlessl… -
Translated 19 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 19 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Posted a reply to Custom CSS cannot be saved, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Kain, thanks for your advice. In the meantime our admin fixed the whole WP… -
Created a topic, Great Plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
An excellent way of providing customized tables. One o… -
Posted a reply to Custom CSS cannot be saved, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Tobias, thank you for your fast reply. Basically this means I have to talk… -
Created a topic, Custom CSS cannot be saved, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, because of the restrictive permission setup of ou… -
Posted a reply to Cant Import from DEV to PROD-Instance, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, thanks for noticing. That typo should be gone now :) -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for Weather Station, on the site Translate WordPress:
Thanks a lot @pputzer -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for Weather Station, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello @pputzer, yes I am and I already am global PTE for de_DE. And I'm… -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for Now Playing Widget, on the site Translate WordPress:
@sirjavik The original strings should be in English also in the readme part... -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots, I am the…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello @ronalfy! Unfortunately @alexaneel02 has not contributed any strings yet. In order to make him… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots, I am the…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hallo @coolmann, I just had a look at the German translation and unfortunately there are… -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for WP Plugin: SEO-Automated Link Building, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello @webraketen! I just validated a few of your strings. Besides some minor issues (please… -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for Floating Contact…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi @cmsgeek! I just had a look at a few of your strings. Unfortunately, most… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello dear Polyglots!, on the site Translate WordPress:
@pixelverbieger Thank you for the hint to the differences, I will consider them... Just checked… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello dear Polyglots!, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello! Thank you for adding me as PTE! Yes, the translations were copied over from… -
Created a topic, Excellent, both for beginners and professionals, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Everybody who shows only the slightest interest in the…