Jan Štětina
@zaantar on WordPress.org and Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: December 16th, 2010
- Location: Czech Republic
- Website: zaantar.eu
- GitHub: zaantar
- Job Title: Software developer
- Employer: OnTheGoSystems
Contribution History
Jan Štětina’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- WordCamp Organizer
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Prague, Czech Republic
Wrote a new post, Návod na Hopin, on the site WordCamp Praha 26. 2. 2022:
Letos se bude konat už devátý ročník WordCamp Praha. I tentokrát se vše odehrává živě… -
Wrote a new post, Hledáme posily do našeho týmu, on the site WordCamp Praha 26. 2. 2022:
Zajímá vás, co všechno obnáší přípravy takové konference, jako je náš WordCamp Praha? Chcete získat… -
Wrote a new post, Hledáme řečníky!, on the site WordCamp Praha 26. 2. 2022:
Hledáme řečníky pro zatím jediný plánovaný #WordCamp v celé ČR a SR v příštím roce! -
Wrote a new post, Reach hundreds of WordPress fans and professionals by becoming a sponsor of WordCamp Prague 2021!, on the site WordCamp Praha 26. 2. 2022:
Prague will host its 8th WordCamp on the 27th of February 2021, and our plans… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Prague 2022 Online 2022
Wrote a new post, WordCamp na Slacku a sociálních sítích, on the site WordCamp Praha 26. 2. 2022:
Žádná větší akce se neobejde bez sociálních sítí a možnosti komunikace s organizátory. V tomto… -
Wrote a new post, Welcome to WordCamp Prague, Czech Republic, on the site WordCamp Prague, Czech Republic:
Organizers note: Please update the portions with red text. We're happy to announce that WordCamp… -
Wrote a new post, Making a great online conference experience at WordCamp Prague, on the site WordCamp Central:
My name is Jan, I am a Toolset developer at OnTheGoSystems. For the past several… -
Wrote a comment on the post Proposal to improve the organizing experience for online WordCamps, on the site Make WordPress Communities:
Hi @harishanker and please accept my apologies for the delayed reply. Overall, WordCamp Prague was… -
Wrote a new post, WordCamp Praha 2021 je za námi, ať žije WP pivo! PS: Zveřejňujeme nahrávky přednášek, on the site WordCamp Praha 27. 2. 2021:
Již je to měsíc, co se uskutečnil co do počtu účastníků zatím největší, osmý, ročník… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Prague 2021
Wrote a new post, Welcome to WordCamp Prague, on the site WordCamp Prague:
Organizers note: Please update the portions with red text. We're happy to announce that WordCamp… -
Wrote a new post, Meet ImpromptMe: your personal event assistant, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
Want to make the most out of your WordPress Prague 2020 experience? Of course, you… -
Wrote a new post, Seznamte se s ImpromptMe – vaším osobním digitálním asistentem na WordPress Prague 2020, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
Rádi byste vytěžili WordPress Prague 2020 na maximum? Žádný problém! #Oficiální eventová aplikace ImpromptMe vám… -
Wrote a new post, Letos jsme pro vás nachystali hned dvojnásobnou dávku workshopů!, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
Poslechnout si novinky na přednáškách je vždy skvělé. Zapojit se aktivně během workshopů může být… -
Wrote a new post, Anja Deubzer and Fabian Kägy, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
Anja is an experienced front-end developer and Fabian is a former agency owner, who recently… -
Wrote a new post, Magdalena Paciorek, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
Magdalena is a skilled WordPress developer from Poland with more than 11 years experience. After… -
Wrote a new post, WPSec — The Most Comprehensive WordPress Vulnerability Scanner, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems out there powering more than… -
Wrote a new post, How to use WordCamps to promote your business, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
One of the many benefits of working in WordPress is the community of developers, designers,… -
Wrote a new post, What Can AnyDesk Do for the WordPress Community?, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
For the second year in a row, software company AnyDesk will be the chief sponsor… -
Wrote a new post, Co AnyDesk představuje pro wordpressovou komunitu?, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
Hlavním sponzorem WordCampu je už druhým rokem softwarová společnost AnyDesk, která nabízí řešení pro připojení… -
Wrote a new post, Schedule, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
Registration begins at 8:15. TBA = "To be announced", the name and topic of the… -
Posted a reply to Coming back online or still security flaws?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@maartenbelmans, given that there seem to be no known vulnerabilities in the plugin, your explanation… -
Posted a reply to Coming back online or still security flaws?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
This is really unfortunate. What is the point of the WordPress plugin repository, if not… -
Wrote a new post, Bitcoin on WooCoomerce – Powering Open Commerce [ Contest to win 3 WordCamp tickets inside ], on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
Commerce is increasingly becoming global and digital. Global e-commerce market share is estimated to be… -
Wrote a new post, Learn How to Simplify WordPress Site Management with Ansible, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
The seventh edition of WordCamp Prague comes with numerous exciting and informative lectures for you… -
Wrote a new post, Beebyte is a premium high performance hosting provider with a special focus on WordPress , on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
We choose to come to Prague and sponsor WordCamp Prague because it is our way… -
Wrote a new post, Why does Weglot support WordCamps and Meetups?, on the site WordCamp Praha 29. 2. 2020:
At Weglot, you’ll always hear somebody talking about how important the WordPress community is, whether… -
Wrote a comment on the post WP Notify Meeting Recap – August 26, 2019, on the site Make WordPress Core:
The free plan of Notion has a limitation to 1000 blocks (a block is a… -
Wrote a comment on the post WP Notify Meeting Recap – August 26, 2019, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Makes sense. But maybe you will find out that someone from the contributors already uses… -
Wrote a comment on the post WP Notify Meeting Recap – August 26, 2019, on the site Make WordPress Core:
The only limitation is that it's a paid service if you actually want to use… -
Wrote a comment on the post WP Notify Meeting Recap – August 26, 2019, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Just a note regarding tools: I'd highly suggest looking into Notion, it's very versatile and… -
Mentioned in [45817] on Core SVN:
Taxonomy: In `feed_links_extra()` and `get_the_archive_title()`, make sure the queried taxonomy term exists before accessing its properties. -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Prague 2020
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Praha 2020
Created ticket #46420 on Core Trac:
Warnings on front-end when trying to display the archive for a ... -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Prague 2019
Committed [1892771] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.3.2 -
Committed [1892716] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.3.2 -
Committed [1888146] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.3.1 -
Committed [1888136] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.3.1 -
Committed [1883962] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.3 -
Committed [1883921] to Plugins SVN:
Fix missing files for 2.3 -
Committed [1883904] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.3 -
Committed [1831609] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.2.22 -
Committed [1831601] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.2.22 -
Committed [1755815] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.2.17 -
Committed [1755790] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.2.17 -
Committed [1720482] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 2.2.16
Admin PHP Eval
Active Installs: 10+
Enforce Strong Password
Active Installs: 100+
Even More Privacy Options
Active Installs: Less than 10
Hide Old Posts
Active Installs: 10+
HTML Classified Recent Posts & Comments Widgets
Active Installs: 10+
Multisite User Registration Manager
Active Installs: 10+
Organizational Message Notifier
Active Installs: 10+
Superadmin Helper
Active Installs: 10+
Top Level Category Widget
Active Installs: 10+