@xpay on WordPress.org
- Member Since: June 28th, 2022
- Location: Kyiv
- Website: xpay.com.ua
- Employer: XPAY Group LLC
Committed [2815733] to Plugins SVN:
new readme -
Committed [2815303] to Plugins SVN:
new readme -
Committed [2815286] to Plugins SVN:
renew readme help -
Committed [2815284] to Plugins SVN:
fixed -
Committed [2815283] to Plugins SVN:
add new file -
Committed [2814425] to Plugins SVN:
new banner -
Committed [2814397] to Plugins SVN:
banner -
Committed [2814377] to Plugins SVN:
add new logo -
Committed [2814362] to Plugins SVN:
add favicon -
Committed [2814359] to Plugins SVN:
Icon xpay add -
Committed [2814311] to Plugins SVN:
release 1 -
Committed [2814299] to Plugins SVN:
renew error -
Committed [2809595] to Plugins SVN:
deploy first versions plugin payment XPAY