@xltheme on WordPress.org
- Member Since: September 18th, 2015
- Website: xltheme.com
- Employer: xltheme
Contribution History
XLTHEME’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Theme Developer
Committed [1837402] to Plugins SVN:
version change -
Committed [1837401] to Plugins SVN:
version change -
Committed [1837400] to Plugins SVN:
version change -
Committed [1837399] to Plugins SVN:
version change -
Committed [1837398] to Plugins SVN:
version no change -
Committed [1837397] to Plugins SVN:
New version number added. -
Committed [1649805] to Plugins SVN:
Read me Update -
Committed [1649801] to Plugins SVN:
Readme update. -
Committed [1649792] to Plugins SVN:
Readme text update. -
Committed [1649757] to Plugins SVN:
readme text update. -
Committed [1346541] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Committed [1309272] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme -
Committed [1309218] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Released a new plugin, XL PopUp
Committed [1299962] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Committed [1288848] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme -
Committed [1288846] to Plugins SVN:
readme update -
Committed [1288255] to Plugins SVN:
Banner -
Released a new plugin, XL Testimonial Carousel
Committed [1288250] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Committed [1286459] to Plugins SVN:
banner -
Released a new plugin, XL Scroll To Top
Committed [1262250] to Plugins SVN:
First Version -
Created ticket #27298 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Bloga – 1.0.0
XL Logo Carousel
Active Installs: 10+
XL PopUp
Active Installs: Less than 10
XL Product Carousel
Active Installs: 10+
XL Scroll To Top
Active Installs: 10+
XL Testimonial Carousel
Active Installs: 30+
BlogaActive Installs: 50+