
  • Member Since: January 10th, 2013
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  • Created a topic, Great plugin and support., on the site Forums:
    Thank you Ashish for the support.God bless..

  • Posted a reply to Incompatible to HPOS, on the site Forums:
    Hi David,I download the plugin from WP Overnight but it is not 1.28 the way…

  • Created a topic, Incompatible to HPOS, on the site Forums:
    The plugin flagged as incompatible to the latest WooCo…

  • Created a topic, Incompatible to HPOS, on the site Forums:
    The plugin flagged as incompatible to the latest WooCo…

  • Created a topic, Pending payment status, on the site Forums:
    If we update to version 2.1.8 the orders will have sta…

  • Created a topic, Shor more button on mobile, on the site Forums:
    Is there an easy way that we can change the text of th…

  • Created a topic, Improve facet filters, on the site Forums:
    Hi,I find the Elastic Press filtering fast and we have…

  • Posted a reply to Display filter on products (after subdirectories), on the site Forums:
    I read again my message and seems not clear.If it is possible that if the…

  • Posted a reply to Display filter on products (after subdirectories), on the site Forums:
    Sorry I meant sub categories

  • Created a topic, Display filter on products (after subdirectories), on the site Forums:
    Hi,We have 30,000+ products and we can't display the d…

  • Posted a reply to conditional extension, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @mediawebster This is exactly what I need.

  • Posted a reply to conditional extension, on the site Forums:
    Thanks. I will try this

  • Posted a reply to conditional extension, on the site Forums:
    So there is no way to filter specific parent category? Cause I plan to have…

  • Created a topic, conditional extension, on the site Forums:
    I plan to show conditional filters on specific categor…

  • Created a topic, Nice support, on the site Forums:
    Nice support. You are the best Kamran.

  • Created a topic, incorrect prefix, on the site Forums:
    We input an Belgium VAt number but it automatically se…

  • Created a topic, Helpful tool, on the site Forums:
    Helps me in troubleshooting.

  • Created a topic, Change invoice date, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way we can change the invoice date?

  • Created a topic, nice plugin, on the site Forums:
    nice plugin but sometimes i got 0 products on feed

  • Created a topic, unpublish old event, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to unpublished the old events in bulk?

  • Created a topic, template missing, on the site Forums:
    Hi Dev, My issue is how come the template using is st…

  • Created a topic, Exclude pages for showing the banner, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way that we can exclude some pages from sho…

  • Posted a reply to user level access, on the site Forums:
    For the user role editor approach seems not possible cause many things we don't want…

  • Created a topic, user level access, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to make the settings accessible to edit…

  • Posted a reply to shop manager access, on the site Forums:
    I see... We can't show this to shopmanager user level (owner of store)

  • Created a topic, shop manager access, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to make this work also on shop manager …

  • Posted a reply to can’t remove event attributes, on the site Forums:
    In this section

  • Posted a reply to can’t remove event attributes, on the site Forums:
    I checked functions.php and plugins that can create custom fields but it don't exist. Can…

  • Posted a reply to can’t remove event attributes, on the site Forums:
    I checked all events and remove it but it still exist. Also if I recreate…

  • Created a topic, can’t remove event attributes, on the site Forums:
    Custom event attribute still showing even not exist on…

  • Posted a reply to Reject email submission, on the site Forums:
    Yes the frontend form for event submission [event_form] shortcode

  • Posted a reply to Reject email submission, on the site Forums:
    In the admin. Cause in the documentation the notification is only for approved submissions.…

  • Created a topic, Reject email submission, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way we can also send a email notification i…