@wp-maverick on WordPress.org
- Member Since: April 12th, 2012
- Location: Rennes
- Website: jltweb.info
- Job Title: R&D Software engineer
- Employer: MBA Multimedia
Contribution History
wp-maverick’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Committed [885586] to Plugins SVN:
Links in readme.txt -
Committed [885581] to Plugins SVN:
Assets -
Committed [885542] to Plugins SVN:
Version update and readme.txt -
Committed [885534] to Plugins SVN:
Adding files of the first version 0.1 -
Committed [885524] to Plugins SVN:
Share project "wp-w3d" into "http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/wp-w3d" -
Committed [844589] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.8 release -
Committed [844588] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.8 release -
Committed [822971] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.7 release -
Committed [822965] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged 0.9.7 -
Committed [789144] to Plugins SVN:
v0.5.1 release -
Committed [789143] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v0.5.1 -
Committed [777725] to Plugins SVN:
v0.5 release -
Committed [777631] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v0.4.1 -
Committed [742167] to Plugins SVN:
v0.4.1 release: minor bugs -
Committed [738775] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v0.4 -
Committed [738773] to Plugins SVN:
v0.4 release -
Committed [738762] to Plugins SVN:
New banner -
Committed [738760] to Plugins SVN:
Deletion of an old file -
Committed [738755] to Plugins SVN:
New banner -
Committed [738754] to Plugins SVN:
Deletion of an old file -
Committed [738753] to Plugins SVN:
svn ignore -
Committed [738752] to Plugins SVN:
New banner -
Committed [735008] to Plugins SVN:
Dossier obsolète -
Committed [735007] to Plugins SVN:
Fichier obsolète -
Committed [735006] to Plugins SVN:
Dossier obsolète -
Committed [735004] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v0.2 -
Committed [735003] to Plugins SVN:
v0.2 release -
Committed [734951] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v0.1 -
Committed [734950] to Plugins SVN:
Added cecile id to the contributors -
Committed [734946] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed Plugin URL value -
Committed [734943] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed Plugin URL value -
Committed [734744] to Plugins SVN:
First commit -
Committed [734738] to Plugins SVN:
Share project "easy-shortcode-manager" into ... -
Committed [732783] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v0.9.6 -
Committed [732771] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.6 release -
Committed [702369] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.5 release - Minor bug fix -
Committed [702365] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v0.9.5 -
Committed [698784] to Plugins SVN:
Readme update and minor tweaks -
Committed [688497] to Plugins SVN:
Fix a minor output bug -
Committed [688496] to Plugins SVN:
Fix a minor output bug -
Committed [688472] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.4 release -
Committed [688469] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v0.9.4 -
Committed [688465] to Plugins SVN:
Code formatting -
Committed [687442] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v0.2.2 -
Committed [687439] to Plugins SVN:
Readme versionn update -
Committed [687438] to Plugins SVN:
Readme update -
Committed [687400] to Plugins SVN:
Code improvements -
Committed [687197] to Plugins SVN:
Go back to v0.9.3 -
Committed [687192] to Plugins SVN:
Added a parameter to the shortcode to filter categories -
Committed [685846] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.3 release
WP Fading Content Slider
Active Installs: 10+
WP Parallax Content Slider
Active Installs: 500+
WP W3D plugin
Active Installs: 10+
Admin Columns
Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection
All in One SEO – Powerful SEO Plugin to Boost SEO Rankings & Increase Traffic
Antispam Bee
Basic Google Maps Placemarks
Contact Form 7
CSV Importer
Download Monitor
Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth
jQuery Image Lazy Load WP
LightStart - Maintenance Mode, Coming Soon and Landing Page Builder
Limit Login Attempts
Login Lockdown & Protection
Members - Membership & User Role Editor Plugin
Meta Box
MonsterInsights - Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (Website Stats Made Easy)
Multisite Language Switcher
My Calendar - Accessible Event Manager
Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress
Options Framework
Posts 2 Posts
Print Invoice & Delivery Notes for WooCommerce
Regenerate Thumbnails
Relevanssi - A Better Search
Sucuri Security - Auditing, Malware Scanner and Security Hardening
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
Taxonomy Images
The Events Calendar
W3 Total Cache
White Label CMS
WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML
WordPress MU Domain Mapping
WordPress Popular Posts
WordPress Quick Save
WordPress REST API (Version 2)
WordPress Web Service
WP Fading Content Slider
WP Parallax Content Slider
WP Search
WP Super Cache
WP W3D plugin
WPshop 2 - E-Commerce
XML Sitemap Generator for Google
YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
Yoast SEO