Committed [1916165] to Plugins SVN:
replace wp_redirect with javascript equivalent window.location due to ... -
Committed [1916155] to Plugins SVN:
replaced wp_redirect method with equivalent javascript window.location ... -
Committed [1915762] to Plugins SVN:
removed url from features -
Committed [1915414] to Plugins SVN:
deleting file for now -
Committed [1915408] to Plugins SVN:
corrected icon.svg -
Committed [1915378] to Plugins SVN:
correct stable tag line -
Committed [1915373] to Plugins SVN:
modificed icon.svg file -
Committed [1915369] to Plugins SVN:
modificed icon files -
Committed [1915359] to Plugins SVN:
link fixed in Features texts -
Committed [1915354] to Plugins SVN:
made modification to Features texts -
Committed [1915345] to Plugins SVN:
adding assets of my plugin -
Committed [1915342] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin