@website366 on
- Member Since: May 15th, 2018
- Location: Việt Nam
- Website:
Contribution History’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3166863] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.6 -
Committed [3162163] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.5 -
Committed [3162153] to Plugins SVN:
#Tags 1.4 -
Committed [3159915] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.4 -
Committed [3159891] to Plugins SVN:
#tags 1.3 -
Committed [3159020] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.3 -
Committed [3159019] to Plugins SVN:
# Tạo tags 1.2 -
Committed [3158636] to Plugins SVN:
# fix missing takto -
Committed [3158576] to Plugins SVN:
# Nâng cấp 1.2 -
Committed [3158573] to Plugins SVN:
# Lưu trữ 1.1.1 -
Committed [3153938] to Plugins SVN:
#update: 1.1.1 -
Committed [3143307] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.1.0 -
Committed [3143306] to Plugins SVN:
#update -
Committed [3140694] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.0.9 -
Committed [3140693] to Plugins SVN:
#Tao nhanh 1.0.8 -
Committed [3140638] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.0.8 -
Committed [3140459] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.0.7 -
Committed [3140451] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.0.6 -
Committed [3140408] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.0.6 -
Committed [3137042] to Plugins SVN:
#update 2.1 -
Committed [3137041] to Plugins SVN:
#Them anh -
Committed [3137039] to Plugins SVN:
#Cap nhat widget product price -
Committed [3137037] to Plugins SVN:
Cap nhat 2.0 -
Committed [3137036] to Plugins SVN:
Cap nhat plugin -
Committed [3013987] to Plugins SVN:
Update Hotline ring can convert zalo -
Committed [3013985] to Plugins SVN:
Cap nhat ban moi -
Committed [2906770] to Plugins SVN:
#update .0.7 -
Committed [2906769] to Plugins SVN:
#update .0.7 -
Committed [2906768] to Plugins SVN:
create tag -
Committed [2886428] to Plugins SVN:
# add video to use -
Committed [2886424] to Plugins SVN:
Add banner -
Committed [2886419] to Plugins SVN:
# xuat nban plugin -
Committed [2885663] to Plugins SVN:
#update to 1.0.6 -
Committed [2885661] to Plugins SVN:
Tao nhanh -
Committed [2856412] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.0.1 -
Committed [2856411] to Plugins SVN:
#Get tags -
Committed [2851643] to Plugins SVN:
update icon -
Committed [2851642] to Plugins SVN:
Publish plugin -
Committed [2824582] to Plugins SVN:
Cap nhat phien ban moi -
Committed [2824581] to Plugins SVN:
Lay code de cap nhat ban moi -
Committed [2824438] to Plugins SVN:
Xuat ban plugin -
Committed [2823673] to Plugins SVN:
Cap nhat phien ban moi -
Committed [2823666] to Plugins SVN:
CAp nhat ban moi -
Committed [2823454] to Plugins SVN:
Cap nhat phien ban moi -
Committed [2823449] to Plugins SVN:
Cap nhat phien ban moi -
Committed [2593804] to Plugins SVN:
#update 1.0.3 -
Committed [2593803] to Plugins SVN:
#Get tags -
Committed [2575068] to Plugins SVN:
# Update 1.0.1 -
Committed [2575067] to Plugins SVN:
# before update 1.0.1 -
Committed [2575056] to Plugins SVN:
# Publishing plugin
All-in-one contact buttons - WPSHARE247
Active Installs: 3,000+
Attach Excel Invoice WOOC - WPSHARE247
Active Installs: 10+
Do Shortcode Widget EveryWhere - WPSHARE247
Active Installs: 10+
Flash Sale Product for WooCommerce - WPSHARE247
Active Installs: 100+
Lightbox content images - WPSHARE247
Active Installs: 50+
Product Image Hover Effects WOOC - WPSHARE247
Active Installs: 1,000+
Quick quotes - WPSHARE247
Active Installs: 30+
WPSHARE247 Elementor Addons
Active Installs: 10+