@webpuls on WordPress.org
- Member Since: September 7th, 2015
- Location: Croatia
- Website: weblink.hr
- Job Title: Web development
- Employer: Weblink
Contribution History
Weblink’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1532215] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt -
Committed [1525509] to Plugins SVN:
Changed readme.txt -
Committed [1524975] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme -
Committed [1524974] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt -
Committed [1524969] to Plugins SVN:
Changed assets images -
Committed [1524963] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.1. New UI Code changed to OOP -
Committed [1516121] to Plugins SVN:
Included Ace code editor with css autocomplete. -
Committed [1515637] to Plugins SVN:
added tag v0.1 -
Committed [1462572] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to: 4.6. -
Committed [1458952] to Plugins SVN:
Uploaded banner-1544x500.png & banner-772x250.png -
Committed [1448191] to Plugins SVN:
Small bugfix -
Committed [1448175] to Plugins SVN:
Updated README.txt -
Committed [1448172] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed mod_headers & check wich module is enabled on server -
Committed [1448048] to Plugins SVN:
Added logo 128 & 256 -
Committed [1447779] to Plugins SVN:
Added @since in warp-cache-admin.js -
Committed [1447776] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme file description -
Committed [1447774] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed readme file -
Committed [1447773] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed console output i javascript -
Committed [1447772] to Plugins SVN:
Released new subversion. 3 bug fixes -
Committed [1446887] to Plugins SVN:
Edit readme stable tag -
Committed [1446886] to Plugins SVN:
Initial tag -
Committed [1446879] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit -
Committed [1320909] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Plugin URI -
Committed [1320903] to Plugins SVN:
Updated description -
Committed [1320901] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme Testet up to -
Committed [1320893] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed wrong menu initialization -
Committed [1320877] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin Icon -
Committed [1320854] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Tags -
Committed [1320849] to Plugins SVN:
Banner -
Committed [1320840] to Plugins SVN:
Cssor user interface screenshot -
Released a new plugin, Cssor
Committed [1320832] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit
Active Installs: 10+
Warp Cache
Active Installs: 10+