lars Portman
@webppower on
- Member Since: July 5th, 2019
- Location: Netherlands
Contribution History
lars Portman’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Translated 1 string on
Created a topic, Complete defective with word-press 5..5, on the site Forums:
Complete defective with word-press 5..5 -
Created a topic, Contact forrm not working., on the site Forums:
Contact forrm not working. MAJOR bad issues -
Posted a reply to only for EventON users?, on the site Forums:
Will this plugin need another custom solution or adaption to other Plugin. Missing the information… -
Posted a reply to only for EventON users?, on the site Forums:
Reason why did ask can only work for EventON users?! Import Eventbrite events seem to… -
Created a topic, only for EventON users?, on the site Forums:
only for EventON users? Or can help display events fo… -
Posted a reply to Gutenberg Block not shown, on the site Forums:
Same here! No showing in Gutenberg-blok editor. New clean install wordpress 5.4.2 Standaard test thema… -
Posted a reply to surprisingly good, on the site Forums:
If you like to know that works well with PHP 7.3 and 7.4 And also… -
Posted a reply to Manifest doesn’t have a maskable icon, on the site Forums:
Thanks! that did the job!! -
Created a topic, Manifest doesn’t have a maskable icon, on the site Forums:
// Filter web app manifest add_filter( 'web_app_manife… -
Posted a reply to Optimize?, on the site Forums:
That would have great speed advantage. No more remove unused JS. And one less DSN… -
Created a topic, Optimize?, on the site Forums:… -
Posted a reply to It helps me speed up things correctly, on the site Forums:
I don't personaly don't like Asset cleanup mutch. But this are small things sometimes need… -
Created a topic, It helps me speed up things correctly, on the site Forums:
Would easy to use, even if know how setup own header i… -
Created a topic, Good start for removing unused CSS., on the site Forums:
Had bit trouble findout the right settings but when wo… -
Created a topic, The idea is good!, on the site Forums:
hope update it someday! because basic idea is good for… -
Posted a reply to Ad-hoc Backup Never Runs, on the site Forums:
if add this for short moment to wp-config.php then will runn backup here. Did that… -
Posted a reply to Ad-hoc Backup Never Runs, on the site Forums:
Got also something like this. Did look at the log. Did not come further then… -
Posted a reply to PHP 7.4 Update., on the site Forums:
Thanks! I can conform that the small bug is solved! -
Posted a reply to PHP 7.4 Update., on the site Forums:
Thankyou for making this usefull plugin! -
Posted a reply to PHP 7.4 Update., on the site Forums:
$filename .= 'class-' . strtolower(implode($pieces, '-')) . '.php'; -
Created a topic, PHP 7.4 Update., on the site Forums:
GOOD PLUGIN ! But if update from PHP7.3 tot PHP7.4 you… -
Posted a reply to Proxy Cache Purge, on the site Forums:
Yes it seems that need add some extra code, I think your plugin allows that.… -
Created a topic, Proxy Cache Purge, on the site Forums:
Will it work With DreamHost DreamPress (Varnish cache)… -
Created a topic, Proxy Cache Purge, on the site Forums:
Will it work With DreamHost DreamPress (Varnish cache)… -
Created a topic, WORKS! Versie: 5.3.2 – PHP7.3.11, on the site Forums:
Works with new version of Wordpress smooth! -
Created a topic, WORKS!, on the site Forums:
It works with new versions of Wordpress and PHP7.' Th… -
Created a topic, Good solution to add more secure login to wordpress, on the site Forums:
Error free user friendly solution, that did not experi… -
Created a topic, GOOD BETA, on the site Forums:
Hope will make final release, it's simple and quick. -
Created a topic, Sorry but this shit, on the site Forums:
Boated.... Impossible... anno 2020.... Speed matters..… -
Created a topic, PHP error, on the site Forums:
Use of undefined constant apache1 - assumed 'apache1' … -
Created a topic, Finally, a good thing without bloating., on the site Forums:
GOOD! Keep up great-work! -
Created a topic, This not a Solution… BUT THE SOLUTION!, on the site Forums:
If you trying to use Google Analytics did not want to … -
Created a topic, Great! Simple solution to small Issues., on the site Forums:
Thanks for this Plugin! This helps me with one only on… -
Created a topic, surprisingly good, on the site Forums:
GOOD ALTERNATIVE! It's quit easy as alternative if no … -
Created a topic, Smart, clean, simplicity, Speedy Solution, on the site Forums:
Great! This is very a good solution to use when need s… -
Posted a reply to Google lighthouse/ Failing Elements, on the site Forums:
Thanks! -
Created a topic, Google lighthouse/ Failing Elements, on the site Forums:
Google says: Failing Elements html <html class=" o… -
Posted a reply to Plugin installer but nowhere to be found, on the site Forums:
Yes, the settings menu here also missing... Bug needs to be fixed -
Posted a reply to DreamPress & AO and SiteOrigin, on the site Forums:
I agree! Exactly as you describe just now. But with DreamPress and Varnish seem a… -
Created a topic, A good addition, on the site Forums:
Integrates perfectly! -
Created a topic, DreamPress & AO and SiteOrigin, on the site Forums:
Seem one of the few CSS optimizations that play really… -
Posted a reply to MAJOR ERROR 404, on the site Forums:
I will contact you soon! Thanks -
Posted a reply to MAJOR ERROR 404, on the site Forums:
Is there an alternative way of coming into the settings section? I really would appreciate… -
Posted a reply to MAJOR ERROR 404, on the site Forums:
I did try everything to make work again. But get only 404 page of my… -
Created a topic, MAJOR ERROR 404, on the site Forums:
I try go>> Serttings Optimole>> But only g… -
Created a topic, settings.php on line 46, on the site Forums:
PHP Deprecated: filter_var(): explicit use of FILTER_… -
Posted a reply to GTMetrix CDN Yslow says use a CDN, on the site Forums:
I had contact by email. Tankyou -
Posted a reply to GTMetrix CDN Yslow says use a CDN, on the site Forums:
[12-Dec-2019 21:30:09 UTC] wp_remote_get failed with error. Her also! [12-Dec-2019 21:31:35 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined…
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