@wash-1 on WordPress.org
- Member Since: December 4th, 2012
- Employer: Wa2 Design & Marketing Digital
Created a topic, Foi indicação, até agora parece ótimo, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Ao parecer realmente limpa o sistema. Estou contente c… -
Posted a reply to Unpatched security vulnerability., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Gracias @gioni por estar contestando las preguntas y generar tranquilidad. Un saludo -
Created a topic, Ótimo plugin, abre grandes possibilidades, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Excelente, solucionei várias dificuldades com esse plu… -
Created a topic, Agilidade, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Ótimo plugin que facilita e agiliza o processo de inte… -
Created a topic, Foi indicação, até agora parece ótimo, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
atende muito bem as necessidades -
Created a topic, Muito bom, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
A conectividade com Google Drive é muito importante e … -
Created a topic, Até o momento Excelente, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Simples de usar nos botões de Elementor, em alguns plu… -
Created a topic, Facil de ativar e de usar, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Facil de ativar e de usar, recomendo! Realiza de forma… -
Created a topic, Sim! Agiliza a construção, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Soluciona as necessidades básicas para profissionaliza… -
Created a topic, Fácil de usar e eficiente, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Continuo fazendo testes e me adaptando mas realmente m… -
Created a topic, Fácil de usar e eficiente, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Fácil de usar e eficiente, foi indicado pela empresa d… -
Posted a reply to Widget VLibras, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
Olá @aphador , eu usei o plugin mencionado ao princípio "Insert headers and footers" e… -
Created a topic, Iniciando o uso, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Até o momento só encontrei coisas positivas, não co… -
Created a topic, Excelente opção!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Eu buscava uma opção de menu simples para colocar em… -
Created a topic, Excelente pero falta traducción, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Excelente, cumple satisfatoriamente, una pena la tradu… -
Created a topic, Esencial y simple, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Muy util, esencial! -
Created a topic, Visualmente perefito para o cliente!!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Visualmente perfeito para o cliente ter uma ideia gera… -
Created a topic, Não é possivel mudar o ‘Powered by’, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
não é possível mudar o 'Footer', o espaço 'Powered… -
Created a topic, Excelente, os sinais indicativos se está dentro das exigências, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Muito útil e importante esse plugin, nos orienta bast…
3D Product configurator for WooCommerce
Ad Inserter - Ad Manager & AdSense Ads
Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce
AddToAny Share Buttons
Admin Columns
Admin Menu Editor
Advanced Database Cleaner
Advanced Editor Tools
Advanced File Manager — Ultimate WordPress File Manager and Document Library Plugin
All-In-One Security (AIOS) – Security and Firewall
All-in-One WP Migration and Backup
Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall
AnWP Football Leagues
AnyWhere Elementor
Asesor de Cookies RGPD para normativa europea
Auto Publish for Google My Business
Awesome Contact Form7 for Elementor
Beautiful Cookie Consent Banner
Better Font Awesome
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
Brazilian Market on WooCommerce
Broken Link Checker
Caldera Forms styler for Elementor Page Builder
CF7 Google Sheets Connector
CF7 Skins for Contact Form 7
Check & Log Email - Easy Email Testing & Mail logging
Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce
Child Theme Configurator
Claudio Sanches - Correios for WooCommerce
Claudio Sanches - PagSeguro for WooCommerce
Clearfy Cache – WordPress optimization plugin, Minify HTML, CSS & JS, Defer
Click to Chat - HoliThemes
Companion Auto Update
Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 - PayPal & Stripe Add-on
Contact Form 7 - Success Page Redirects
Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Forms
Contact Form 7 Signature Addon
Content Views - Post Grid & Filter, Recent Posts, Category Posts ... (Shortcode, Blocks, and Elementor Widgets)
Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA
CookieYes - Cookie Banner for Cookie Consent (Easy to setup GDPR/CCPA Compliant Cookie Notice)
Cresta Help Chat
Custom Icons for Elementor
Debug Bar
Dokan - Powerful WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Solution - Build Your Own Amazon, eBay, Etsy
Easy WP SMTP – WordPress SMTP and Email Logs: Gmail, Office 365, Outlook, Custom SMTP, and more
Elementor Addons by Livemesh
ElementsKit Elementor addons
Email Tracker – Email Tracking Plugin to track Emails for Open and Email Links Click (Compatible with WooCommerce)
Essential Addons for Elementor – Popular Elementor Addon With Ready Templates, Advanced Widgets, Kits & WooCommerce Builders
Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!
Events Tracker for Elementor
EWWW Image Optimizer
Export All URLs
Extensions for Elementor Form
Filterable Portfolio
Floating Notification Bar, Sticky Menu on Scroll, Announcement Banner, and Sticky Header for Any Theme - My Sticky Bar (formerly myStickymenu)
Football Pool
Form Input Masks For Elementor Form
Fuse Social Floating Sidebar
GA Google Analytics – Connect Google Analytics to WordPress
Google Tag Manager
GTM4WP - A Google Tag Manager (GTM) plugin for WordPress
Hotel Booking & Elementor Integration
Hotel Booking Lite
HT Slider For Elementor
Hummingbird Performance - Cache & Page Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals | Critical CSS | Minify CSS | Defer CSS Javascript | CDN
Icegram Engage – Ultimate WP Popup Builder, Lead Generation, Optins, and CTA
Jssor Slider by jssor.com
Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer
LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin
LifterLMS - WP LMS for eLearning, Online Courses, & Quizzes
LifterLMS Labs
LightStart - Maintenance Mode, Coming Soon and Landing Page Builder
Lists Shortcode and Widget
LiteSpeed Cache
Livemesh SiteOrigin Widgets
Loco Translate
Login Logout Menu
LoginWP (Formerly Peter's Login Redirect)
MashShare - Social Media Share Buttons, Social Share Icons
Mask Form Elementor
Master Addons - Elementor Addons with White Label, Free Widgets, Hover Effects, Conditions, & Animations
Master Slider - Responsive Touch Slider
Max Mega Menu
MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress
Melhor Envio
Members - Membership & User Role Editor Plugin
Meta pixel for WordPress
Microthemer Lite - Visual Editor to Customize CSS
MonsterInsights - Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (Website Stats Made Easy)
Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Brevo (formely Sendinblue)
Ninja Forms - The Contact Form Builder That Grows With You
Ocean Posts Slider
OneClick Chat to Order
Page Builder by SiteOrigin
Page scroll to id
Password Strength Settings for WooCommerce
Perfect Brands for WooCommerce
PHP Compatibility Checker
Piotnet Addons For Elementor
PixelYourSite - Your smart PIXEL (TAG) & API Manager
PopBox For Elementor
Popup Builder - Create highly converting, mobile friendly marketing popups.
Popup Maker - Boost Sales, Conversions, Optins, Subscribers with the Ultimate WP Popups Builder
Portfolio - WordPress Portfolio Plugin
Post Grid and Gutenberg Blocks - ComboBlocks
Post to Google My Business (Google Business Profile)
Premium Addons for Elementor
Prevent Browser Caching
Prime Slider - Addons For Elementor (Revolution of a slider, Hero Slider, Post Slider and Ecommerce Slider)
Products Compare for WooCommerce
Query Monitor - The developer tools panel for WordPress
Quick Buy For Woocommerce
Real-Time Find and Replace
Redirection for Contact Form 7
Remove admin menus by role
Responsive Menu - Create Mobile-Friendly Menu
Responsive Videos by Angie Makes
Resume Builder
Schema - All In One Schema Rich Snippets
Schema App Structured Data
Search & Filter
Search Everything
Simple Calendar - Google Calendar Plugin
Simple Custom CSS and JS
Simple Event Planner
SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle
Skyboot Custom Icons for Elementor - Elementor Icons library - 14000+ Icons
Smart Slider 3
SmartCrawl WordPress SEO checker, SEO analyzer, SEO optimizer
Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed – Easy Social Feeds Plugin
Smush Image Optimization – Optimize Images | Compress & Lazy Load Images | Convert WebP | Image CDN
Social Chat - Click To Chat App Button
Social Sharing Buttons
Speed Booster Pack ⚡ PageSpeed Optimization Suite
SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager
SportsPress for Football (Soccer)
Starter Templates — Elementor, WordPress & Beaver Builder Templates
StatsFC Fixtures
StatsFC Results
StatsFC Squad Selector
StatsFC Table
Sticky Header Effects for Elementor
Style Kits - Advanced Theme Styles for Elementor
Sucuri Security - Auditing, Malware Scanner and Security Hardening
Table of Contents Plus
TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy
Tawk.To Live Chat
The Events Calendar
The Plus Addons for Elementor - Elementor Addons, Page Templates, Widgets, Mega Menu, WooCommerce
TI WooCommerce Wishlist
Timely All-in-One Events Calendar
Ultimate Addons for Elementor (Formerly Elementor Header & Footer Builder)
UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin
User Menus - Nav Menu Visibility
Username Changer
Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
Visual Sitemap
Website Pop-up Builder by BDOW! (formerly Sumo): Pop-ups + forms for email opt-ins and lead generation
weForms - Easy Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder For WordPress
weMail - Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Optin Forms, Email Newsletters, A/B Testing, and Automation
WooCommerce - Show only lowest prices in variable products
WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway
Wordfence Security - Firewall, Malware Scan, and Login Security
WordPress Button Plugin MaxButtons
Wordpress Football Leagues
WordPress Reset
WordPress Social Share Buttons
WP Author, Date and Meta Remover
WP Fastest Cache
WP Mail SMTP by WPForms - The Most Popular SMTP and Email Log Plugin
WP Reset - Most Advanced WordPress Reset Tool
WP Sitemap Page
WP Super Cache
WP-Optimize – Cache, Compress images, Minify & Clean database to boost page speed & performance
WPBakery Page Builder Addons by Livemesh
WPCode - Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets - WordPress Code Manager
WPS Hide Login
WPtouch - Make your WordPress Website Mobile-Friendly
XML Sitemap Generator for Google
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
Yoast Duplicate Post
Yoast SEO
Yoast Test Helper