@vpay on WordPress.org
- Member Since: November 3rd, 2022
- Website: verified-pay.com
Contribution History
Vpay’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3223037] to Plugins SVN:
added order states -
Committed [3223036] to Plugins SVN:
more order states -
Committed [3217732] to Plugins SVN:
better error handling -
Committed [3217730] to Plugins SVN:
better error handling -
Committed [3217724] to Plugins SVN:
improved error handling -
Committed [3217723] to Plugins SVN:
better error handling -
Committed [3081514] to Plugins SVN:
improved checkout -
Committed [3081513] to Plugins SVN:
improved checkout -
Committed [3080366] to Plugins SVN:
improved checkout -
Committed [3080364] to Plugins SVN:
improved checkout -
Committed [3080141] to Plugins SVN:
improved checkout -
Committed [3079726] to Plugins SVN:
improved checkout -
Committed [3079725] to Plugins SVN:
improved checkout -
Committed [3075336] to Plugins SVN:
addded redirect setting -
Committed [3075334] to Plugins SVN:
added redirect setting -
Committed [3075331] to Plugins SVN:
added redirect setting -
Committed [3075330] to Plugins SVN:
added redirect setting -
Committed [3040099] to Plugins SVN:
added payment redirect setting -
Committed [2965524] to Plugins SVN:
added Woo new datastore compat -
Committed [2965523] to Plugins SVN:
added Woo new datastore compat -
Committed [2878910] to Plugins SVN:
added voucher store redemption -
Committed [2878907] to Plugins SVN:
added voucher store redemption -
Committed [2878888] to Plugins SVN:
added voucher store -
Committed [2878887] to Plugins SVN:
added voucher store redemption -
Committed [2871361] to Plugins SVN:
improved woocommerce compatibility -
Committed [2871360] to Plugins SVN:
improved woocommerce compatibility -
Committed [2860308] to Plugins SVN:
adjustable frame size -
Committed [2860306] to Plugins SVN:
adjustable frame size -
Committed [2836274] to Plugins SVN:
improved redirect -
Committed [2836273] to Plugins SVN:
improved gateway redirect -
Committed [2835954] to Plugins SVN:
added page reload after payment -
Committed [2835953] to Plugins SVN:
added page reload after payment -
Committed [2832017] to Plugins SVN:
fixed styling -
Committed [2832016] to Plugins SVN:
improved styling -
Committed [2832015] to Plugins SVN:
improved styling -
Committed [2832014] to Plugins SVN:
improved styling -
Committed [2832013] to Plugins SVN:
improved styling -
Committed [2832012] to Plugins SVN:
improved styling -
Committed [2831596] to Plugins SVN:
nicer confirmed page -
Committed [2831595] to Plugins SVN:
nicer confirmed page -
Committed [2831583] to Plugins SVN:
improved API -
Committed [2831581] to Plugins SVN:
improved API -
Committed [2831568] to Plugins SVN:
improved API -
Committed [2831567] to Plugins SVN:
improved API -
Committed [2830784] to Plugins SVN:
added coupon link -
Committed [2830783] to Plugins SVN:
added coupon link -
Committed [2830782] to Plugins SVN:
added coupon link -
Committed [2830764] to Plugins SVN:
added coupon link -
Committed [2830763] to Plugins SVN:
added coupon link -
Committed [2830731] to Plugins SVN:
center iframe
Active Installs: Less than 10