Committed [3123906] to Plugins SVN:
Improve last error handling: Record the last_error closer to the ... -
Wrote a comment on the post MC access for ryelle, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
Sure - done. -
Committed [2815858] to Plugins SVN:
PHP 8 compatibility fix: mysqli_num_fields() is now throwing a Fatal ... -
Committed [2812112] to Plugins SVN:
Require the new location of WPDB on WP 6.1+ -
Committed [2797801] to Plugins SVN:
Bump version tag -
Committed [2797796] to Plugins SVN:
HyperDB 1.9 with the following changes: - Restore the behavior where ... -
Committed [2716477] to Plugins SVN:
For PHP 8.1 we need to set MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF because we check for ... -
Mentioned in [44488] on Core SVN:
Cron API: Make wp-cron.php non-blocking where possible. -
Committed [1753942] to Plugins SVN:
Multiple improvements: - Add action for SQL logging - Never db_connect for ... -
Wrote a comment on the post Update Trac to 1.0.16, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
I'd rather you handle this with @nacin if possible. Trac has lots of patches, custom… -
Wrote a comment on the post HSTS on wordpress.tv, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
Done. -
Wrote a comment on the post Update Trac to 1.0.16, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
@nacin mentioned plans for working on Trac update, but not sure what's the latest on… -
Wrote a comment on the post Expired SSL certificate for jobs.wordpress.net, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
The SSL certificate was renewed using the cPanel AutoSSL feature. The reason that it didn't… -
Wrote a comment on the post Automating ip2location updates, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
Sure -- it's installed now. -
Wrote a comment on the post Hi, is there a chance…, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
Added 5GB more to your sandbox. -
Wrote a comment on the post Update Public Key for Paul Gibbs, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
Sure - updated the key. -
Wrote a comment on the post Marx blacklisted by Barracuda, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
The server still doesn't seem to be sending spam at the moment. The reports I… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hi, is there a chance…, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
Added 5GB more space to yours as well. -
Wrote a comment on the post Hi, is there a chance…, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
Sure -- added 5GB of more disk space. -
Wrote a comment on the post Force SSL for plugins-dev.bbpress.org, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
Sure - added a redirect to https. -
Wrote a comment on the post Automating ip2location updates, on the site Make WordPress Systems:
Using mysqlimport should be fine to use. It's now installed on your sandbox. -
Committed [1645889] to Plugins SVN:
Add additional logging for HyperDB failures and do not save "null" ... -
Committed [1553497] to Plugins SVN:
Multiple improvements: - Add a global counter for total number of query ... -
Committed [1545744] to Plugins SVN:
Tag new release 1.2 and update the compat version -
Reopened ticket #21760 on Core Trac:
get_term_by() calls are not cached -
Committed [1490941] to Plugins SVN:
Make the $errno accessible in PHP 7 outside HyperDB; Replace the apc_* ... -
Committed [1437951] to Plugins SVN:
utf8mb4 is safe to use with HyperDB -
Committed [1418984] to Plugins SVN:
Bring in a mysql_fetch_assoc() handler and fix a strict standards error ... -
Committed [1410864] to Plugins SVN:
Various improvements: - Add MySQLi support with MySQL fallback - Handle ... -
Committed [1398095] to Plugins SVN:
Remove extra spaces and PHP closing tag -
Committed [1300303] to Plugins SVN:
Bump version to 1.4 -
Committed [1300297] to Plugins SVN:
tagging 1.4 -
Committed [1300296] to Plugins SVN:
New stable tag 1.4 -
Committed [1270420] to Plugins SVN:
Look for exact match in the URL version as a protection against expired ... -
Committed [1270263] to Plugins SVN:
Sync with Github -
Committed [1268273] to Plugins SVN:
Create a new stable tag 1.3 -
Committed [1268271] to Plugins SVN:
Revert the 1.2 tag changes, going to make a new tag. -
Committed [1268247] to Plugins SVN:
Multiple bug fixes. 1) Add a use_stale parameter, which allows the usage ... -
Committed [1260794] to Plugins SVN:
Bump version; Port multiple bugfixes from Github - ... -
Committed [996061] to Plugins SVN:
Include support for tables with dashes in them. -
Closed ticket #2256 on Plugins Trac:
"DESC table" query wrongly identified as -
Committed [976902] to Plugins SVN:
Add the DESC statement to the list of non-write queries. Fixes ticket ... -
Committed [911375] to Plugins SVN:
Bump compat version. -
Committed [876552] to Plugins SVN:
Add a callback after a dataset is determined to allow for flexible ... -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Sofia 2011
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Sofia 2012
Committed [860800] to Plugins SVN:
Switch from charset blacklist to charset whitelist. Better to guarantee ... -
Committed [841991] to Plugins SVN:
Force addslashes() for escaping in HyperDB and disallow the use of ... -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Sofia