@vinmatrix on
- Member Since: December 14th, 2011
Contribution History
vinmatrix’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [527013] to Plugins SVN:
fixed a bug -
Committed [519444] to Plugins SVN:
fixed a bug -
Committed [514763] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of vm backups plugin -
Committed [514242] to Plugins SVN:
Added Donate link.. -
Committed [506036] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed a small issue version of wp vm testimonials plus plug-in. -
Committed [493112] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed a small issue version of wp vm testimonials plus plug-in. -
Committed [493087] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed a small issue version of wp vm testimonials plus plug-in. -
Committed [489875] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of wp vm testimonials plus plug-in. -
Committed [489871] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of wp vm testimonials plus plug-in. -
Committed [479893] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of wp vm show tweets plug-in. -
Committed [479150] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of wp admin custom fields plugin
VM Testimonials Plus
Active Installs: 10+
WP Admin Custom Fields
Active Installs: 10+