Committed [2913553] to Plugins SVN:
deleting screenshot-1-5.jpg -
Committed [2912891] to Plugins SVN:
fixed logo icon stretching -
Committed [2912890] to Plugins SVN:
SAL - updating icon size -
Committed [2912889] to Plugins SVN:
icon updated -
Committed [2912887] to Plugins SVN:
logo updated -
Committed [2912884] to Plugins SVN:
banner updated -
Committed [2912877] to Plugins SVN:
updating README.txt -
Committed [2893976] to Plugins SVN:
changed "Tested up to" value to 6.2 -
Committed [2858736] to Plugins SVN:
change led to lead -
Committed [2854989] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed: ## Incorrect Stable Tag ## Incorrect Use of Plugin Headers ## ... -
Committed [2853429] to Plugins SVN:
rewamping the sunny plugin to simple custom html page publisher -
Committed [2709750] to Plugins SVN:
updating banner -
Committed [2709593] to Plugins SVN:
#updating banner-772x250.png -
Committed [2709009] to Plugins SVN:
updating banner -
Committed [2709005] to Plugins SVN:
removing low res banner-772x250.png -
Committed [2708559] to Plugins SVN:
updating README.txt -
Committed [2708554] to Plugins SVN:
updating banner and README.txt -
Committed [2708538] to Plugins SVN:
adding gifs -
Committed [2708531] to Plugins SVN:
updating banner -
Committed [2708527] to Plugins SVN:
# testing if readme file support image tags -
Committed [2708519] to Plugins SVN:
adding gifs to README.txt -
Committed [2708495] to Plugins SVN:
# updating README.txt -
Committed [2708479] to Plugins SVN:
#adding banner and icon -
Committed [2705549] to Plugins SVN:
README.txt changes -
Committed [2705212] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed: template gallery URL fixed -
Committed [2705202] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ... -
Committed [2705175] to Plugins SVN:
#ui fix -
Committed [2705147] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of plugin -
Committed [2576922] to Plugins SVN:
#addded compatibility with latest vesion of wordpress -
Committed [2247342] to Plugins SVN:
version changed to 3.8 -
Committed [2247341] to Plugins SVN:
Warning/error messages changed for better understanding -
Committed [2247339] to Plugins SVN:
#warning message fixed for better understanding -
Committed [2178071] to Plugins SVN:
#updating tested upto 5.3 -
Committed [2092789] to Plugins SVN:
version update to 3.7 -
Committed [2076679] to Plugins SVN:
version update and warning message fix -
Committed [2005495] to Plugins SVN:
#updating wp version -
Committed [2005489] to Plugins SVN:
#plugin version update -
Committed [1997046] to Plugins SVN:
#adding wp version and plugin to signup url -
Committed [1995603] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [1995584] to Plugins SVN:
#version update for last change -
Committed [1995583] to Plugins SVN:
login form label added -
Committed [1995345] to Plugins SVN:
#tested updated to 5.0.1 -
Committed [1985863] to Plugins SVN:
#changed sign up link -
Committed [1975342] to Plugins SVN:
#version update -
Committed [1975341] to Plugins SVN:
#removed multi call to same function -
Committed [1975339] to Plugins SVN:
#fix -
Committed [1975338] to Plugins SVN:
#updating version with change log -
Committed [1975337] to Plugins SVN:
#fix for future post -
Committed [1932209] to Plugins SVN:
#version update 2.8 -
Committed [1932206] to Plugins SVN:
#utm update