Danny Janse
@vetyst on WordPress.org, @Danny Janse on Slack
- Member Since: February 3rd, 2016
- Location: The Netherlands
- GitHub: danny-janse
- Job Title: Backend Webdeveloper
- Employer: New Fountain
Contribution History
Danny Janse’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Translation Contributor
Mentioned in [50826] on Core SVN:
Themes: Introduce the `delete_theme` and `deleted_theme` action hooks. -
Created a topic, Easy and Fast, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Yoast SEO provides easy SEO implementations just by in… -
Posted a reply to jQuery.fn.load() deprecated, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks for the fast response :O! I am well aware of this fact but I… -
Created a topic, jQuery.fn.load() depricated, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I've been bugged by the warning caused by jQUery migra… -
Created ticket #37951 on Core Trac:
Theme deletion hook -
Created ticket #2476 on Plugins Trac:
Invalid array creation/usage
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
InfiniteWP Client
Query Monitor - The developer tools panel for WordPress
Smush Image Optimization – Optimize Images | Compress & Lazy Load Images | Convert WebP | Image CDN
Solid Security – Password, Two Factor Authentication, and Brute Force Protection
What The File
Yoast SEO