
  • Member Since: December 15th, 2004
  • Location: London
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  • Job Title: Web development, design and film
  • Employer: Usayd Networks
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  • Posted a reply to Honeypot on Search Field, on the site Forums:
    @dnesscarkey I'm using a field which does exactly the same thing as the default searchform.php…

  • Created a topic, Honeypot on Search Field, on the site Forums:
    Hi there Is there any way to add this to the search f…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect category permalinks to anchor, on the site Forums:
    Solution: /work/([a-z0-9_-]+)/ /work#$1 Seems to work fine!

  • Created a topic, Redirect category permalinks to anchor, on the site Forums:
    Hi there I'm trying to redirect permalinks within a c…

  • Created a topic, Not removing nag with GravityView v2.0.14.1, on the site Forums:
    Not sure how long this plugin hasn't worked but it isn…

  • Created a topic, Seperate RSS feeds for Different Categories, on the site Forums:
    Hi everyone. I just recently started using WordPress (…

  • Created ticket #26202 on Core Trac:
    Plugin install/update thickbox title should truncate at 103 characters