Umesh Gupta
@umesh84 on, @Umesh Gupta on Slack
Contributions Sponsored
- Member Since: September 28th, 2021
- Location: India
- Website:
- GitHub: umeshggupta
- Job Title: Front end Developer
- Employer: Multidots Solutions pvt ltd
Contribution History
Umesh Gupta’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Meta Contributor
- Pattern Author
- Photo Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Is the 593rd person to arrive at WordCamp Ahmedabad 2025
Is the 592nd person to arrive at WordCamp Ahmedabad 2025
Mentioned in [58824] on Core SVN:
Twenty Twenty: Fixes Table font size when custom showing on front. -
Mentioned in [58819] on Core SVN:
Twenty Twenty: Calendar and Table blocks do not apply custom font size. -
Mentioned in [58728] on Core SVN:
Twenty Sixteen: Fixes quote block border not changing color. -
Posted a reply to Site images not visible at all on mobile, on the site Forums:
Hello @topias1 Please add the following CSS in your CSS file. @media only screen and… -
Mentioned in [58104] on Core SVN:
Twenty Twelve: Pullquote block alignment correction for margins. -
Mentioned in [58103] on Core SVN:
Twenty Thirteen: Updates table font size in editor and front. -
Posted a reply to It doesn’t show the submenus, on the site Forums:
Hello @robye Please add the following CSS in your CSS file. ul.nav li.sfHover ul.sub-menu {… -
Posted a reply to Sub-menu clickable but not show, on the site Forums:
Hello @mindmarkdigital Please add the following CSS in your CSS file. .ast-desktop .ast-builder-menu-1 .site-navigation .menu-item… -
Created ticket #3594 on bbPress Trac:
footer not display proper in small devices -
Mentioned in [56081] on Core SVN:
Twenty Ten: Prevent Block Inserter icon color override. -
Mentioned in [56080] on Core SVN:
Twenty Ten: Reflect Heading block text color on front-end. -
Mentioned in [55228] on Core SVN:
Twenty Fourteen: Correctly reflect text color changes in Pullquote block. -
Mentioned in [55114] on Core SVN:
Bundled Themes: Fix Separator block "Dots" style variation on various themes. -
Posted a reply to Logo and menu position issue, on the site Forums:
Hello @cspires93 Please add the following CSS in your CSS file. .header-content-container { flex-direction: column;… -
Posted a reply to Header Menu Blue Boxes, on the site Forums:
Helllo @moonis123 Please add the following CSS in your CSS file. nav.main_menu > ul >… -
Created ticket #57472 on Core Trac:
Twenty Twelve theme: Pullquote block alignment issue in backend site -
Posted a reply to Too much space, on the site Forums:
Hello @milestone1989 Please add the following CSS in that your CSS file. .post__content-info .post__content .elementor-section{… -
Created ticket #57415 on Core Trac:
Twenty Twenty One: Text color not reflected backend and Front side in ... -
Created ticket #57414 on Core Trac:
Twenty Ten: The color of the plus icon should be white in Add Block button -
Created ticket #56977 on Core Trac:
Theme Twenty Twenty-Three Quote block Default Style not reflected on ... -
Created ticket #56960 on Core Trac:
Theme Twenty Nineteen Highlight Text color not reflected in editor side -
Posted a reply to Removing the bottom arrow to move to top, on the site Forums:
Hi @spshospitals Please Try this css a#slide_top { display: none !important; } -
Posted a reply to Removing the bottom arrow to move to top, on the site Forums:
Hello @spshospitals Please add the following CSS in that your CSS file. a#slide_top { display:… -
Posted a reply to fixing css for overlapping text, on the site Forums:
Hi @whatsrachelmaking Please add the following css body { line-height: 1.5 !important; } Thanks -
Mentioned in [54413] on Core SVN:
Twenty Nineteen: Ensure Pullquote Block text color is reflected on front-end. -
Posted a reply to fixing css for overlapping text, on the site Forums:
Hi @whatsrachelmaking Please add the following CSS in that your CSS file. .comments-area ol.comment-list li… -
Mentioned in [54340] on Core SVN:
Twenty Eleven: Improve text color consistency of Table Block heading cells and figcaption. -
Created ticket #56603 on Core Trac:
Theme Twenty Ten Heading Block Text color not reflected in Front side -
Created ticket #56600 on Core Trac:
Theme Twenty Ten Pullquote Block Text color not reflected in editor side -
Created ticket #56567 on Core Trac:
Theme Twenty Nineteen Pullquote Block Text color not reflected in ... -
Mentioned in [54152] on Core SVN:
Twenty Twenty: Correctly align Social Icons block in the editor. -
Mentioned in [54151] on Core SVN:
Twenty Fifteen: Ensure border-bottom styles are applied to the Button Block. -
Created ticket #56565 on Core Trac:
Theme Twenty Sixteen Quote Block Border Left color not reflected in editor -
Mentioned in [54107] on Core SVN:
Twenty Twenty: Add a missing border to button-style links with Outline style. -
Created issue #923 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Need some spacing between the select filter box and filter button on... -
Posted a reply to gray shade while scrolling, on the site Forums:
hello @gkeeper Please find this css below your project file path @media (max-width:1024px){ .elementskit-menu-overlay {… -
Created ticket #56462 on Core Trac:
Theme Twenty Eleven: Table thead color not reflected in editor and ... -
Created ticket #56337 on Core Trac:
Theme Twenty Eleven Single Product page in description tab content ... -
Created ticket #8725 on BuddyPress Trac:
Looks not Proper in iPad and Mobile screen -
Mentioned in [53819] on Core SVN:
Twenty Eleven: Use more specific CSS selectors for `.required` styles. -
Created ticket #56297 on Core Trac:
Theme Twenty Eleven in the review tab asterisk symbol alignment not proper -
Created ticket #56255 on Core Trac:
Theme Twenty Twenty: <a> tag color not reflected in editor -
Created issue #825 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
Need change button color on hover
Standard Accordion
Active Installs: Less than 10
Total photo contributions: 34
View all photos contributed by Umesh Gupta to the WordPress Photo Directory →
ગુજરાતી (Gujarati) Plugins Translation Editor - #gu
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