Umair Saleem
@umairsaleem on
- Member Since: November 29th, 2015
- Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
- Website:
- Job Title: Owner
- Employer: Easy Softonic
Committed [3154232] to Plugins SVN:
update version support with wp -
Committed [3154231] to Plugins SVN:
update version support with wp -
Committed [3154229] to Plugins SVN:
update version support with wp -
Committed [3154227] to Plugins SVN:
update version support with wp -
Committed [3154225] to Plugins SVN:
update version support with wp -
Committed [3154220] to Plugins SVN:
updte -
Committed [3154219] to Plugins SVN:
update version -
Committed [3154218] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [2678432] to Plugins SVN:
update version wp support -
Committed [2678431] to Plugins SVN:
update version wp support -
Committed [2678430] to Plugins SVN:
update version wp support -
Committed [2678429] to Plugins SVN:
update version wp support -
Committed [2678428] to Plugins SVN:
update version wp support -
Committed [2678426] to Plugins SVN:
update version wp support -
Committed [2678421] to Plugins SVN:
update version wp support -
Committed [2678419] to Plugins SVN:
update version wp support -
Committed [2581826] to Plugins SVN:
Update -
Committed [2581824] to Plugins SVN:
v1.0 -
Committed [2581823] to Plugins SVN:
add new plugin -
Committed [2579250] to Plugins SVN:
title update -
Committed [2579211] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to: 5.8 -
Committed [2579210] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to: 5.8 -
Committed [2579209] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to: 5.8 -
Committed [2579207] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to: 5.8 -
Committed [2579206] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to: 5.8 -
Committed [2579203] to Plugins SVN:
update wp v -
Committed [2576145] to Plugins SVN:
fix file -
Committed [2576092] to Plugins SVN:
Version: 1.0 -
Committed [2576089] to Plugins SVN:
add new -
Committed [2562275] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [2562274] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [2562271] to Plugins SVN:
update v wp support -
Committed [2562268] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [2562266] to Plugins SVN:
update tags -
Committed [2562256] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [2562254] to Plugins SVN:
update version wp -
Committed [2562250] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [2562249] to Plugins SVN:
release version 1.0 -
Committed [2562248] to Plugins SVN:
add file -
Committed [2412232] to Plugins SVN:
minor changes -
Committed [2410555] to Plugins SVN:
mirrors updates -
Committed [2381744] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [2381743] to Plugins SVN:
screenshots update in folder -
Committed [2381732] to Plugins SVN:
update with wp current version -
Committed [2381731] to Plugins SVN:
update with wp current version -
Committed [2381729] to Plugins SVN:
update with wp current version -
Committed [2381728] to Plugins SVN:
update with wp current version -
Committed [2381699] to Plugins SVN:
plugin logo icon added -
Committed [2381690] to Plugins SVN:
update plugin banner -
Committed [2381655] to Plugins SVN:
fix small bugs