@topod on
- Member Since: September 7th, 2017
Contribution History
tpo’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to PHP Fatal error: TypeError: defined() expects parameter 1 to be string, on the site Forums:
Dobrý deň, PHP verzia sa nemenila a predchádzajúca verzia bola myslím 1.7.1, alebo 1.7.2 (nespomínam… -
Created a topic, PHP Fatal error: TypeError: defined() expects parameter 1 to be string, on the site Forums:
Dobrý deň, dnes po aktualizácii na najnovšiu verziu… -
Created a topic, Separation Select options by something other than a comma, on the site Forums:
Hi! I have a question - when I create a field of ty… -
Created a topic, Tlačidlo na export pri každej objednávke, on the site Forums:
Dobrý deň, rád by som sa opýtal, či je chyba len u … -
Posted a reply to Bulk Import Members from file, on the site Forums:
Hi madalinaruzsa, thank you very much for your comprehensive reply! I understand that this can't… -
Posted a reply to Bulk Import Members from file, on the site Forums:
Hi madalinaruzsa! No, the problem is that I need to move users from a site… -
Created a topic, Bulk Import Members from file, on the site Forums:
Hi! I need some advice. I have a file (in .csv, .xm… -
Posted a reply to How to translate “Phone number must be numbers only”, on the site Forums:
So far, I've done that in the ../includes/phone-text.php file on line 127 instead of this… -
Created a topic, How to translate “Phone number must be numbers only”, on the site Forums:
Hello! I use Loco Translate and I translated the st… -
Created a topic, Značka v názve produktu, on the site Forums:
Ahojte, keďže Heuréka občas chce mať v názvoch prod… -
Translated 2 strings on
Suggested 4 strings on
Created a topic, WP All Import integration, on the site Forums:
Hi! I found this question in a search, but there wa… -
Created a topic, Post Grid Loop Ad, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have a pre-sale question. Is it possible i… -
Posted a reply to critical error on this website (White Screen), on the site Forums:
Same here. After clean manual install I got this error if I try access to… -
Created a topic, Combine double colors to one in filter, on the site Forums:
Hi! I want to know if your plugin can do something lik… -
Created a topic, Combine double colors as one color in filter, on the site Forums:
Hi! I want to know if your plugin can do something lik… -
Posted a reply to Show more / Show less is still not translated in frontend, on the site Forums:
It was resolved through support. It's OK now. Thank you very much for your quick… -
Posted a reply to Show more / Show less is still not translated in frontend, on the site Forums:
Hi! Yes, it's a translation into Slovak. I did what you said, specifically: - I… -
Posted a reply to Show more / Show less is still not translated in frontend, on the site Forums:
Hi, thank you for your reply. I have sent a request to the above link… -
Created a topic, Show more / Show less is still not translated in frontend, on the site Forums:
Hello, this has been mentioned here several times, bu… -
Posted a reply to E-mail if any field is changed during saving, on the site Forums:
Thanks, the code snippet works only at checkout. Is there a hook that detects if… -
Created a topic, E-mail if any field is changed during saving, on the site Forums:
Hi! I couldn't find a hook in the documentation that … -
Posted a reply to Custom composite variations price via hooks / functions.php, on the site Forums:
Thank you! -
Posted a reply to Custom composite variations price via hooks / functions.php, on the site Forums:
I was able to edit the price to display correctly by editing line 2780 in… -
Created a topic, Custom composite variations price via hooks / functions.php, on the site Forums:
Hello, is there any possibility to set custom display… -
Posted a reply to EAN for variable products, on the site Forums:
OK -
Posted a reply to EAN for variable products, on the site Forums:
Oh, sorry and thank you, I haven't noticed him before. It's really there. Thank you,… -
Created a topic, EAN for variable products, on the site Forums:
Hi, is it possible to add the custom field EAN to the… -
Created a topic, Permission to end the course after viewing at least 80% of the course content, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to set a student to be allowed to mark … -
Created a topic, Import from, on the site Forums:
Hi, I'm trying to link the plugin to I m… -
Posted a reply to Translate plugin via Loco Translate, on the site Forums:
I found a solution. You need to go to: Loco Translate -> Plugins -> Woo… -
Created a topic, Translate plugin via Loco Translate, on the site Forums:
Hi! First of all I want to thank you for an amazing p… -
Created a topic, Add only for non composite product, on the site Forums:
Hi, 549/5000 thank you for this amazing plugin! I ha… -
Created a topic, Separate subcategories and products in loop, on the site Forums:
Hi, is there a way to insert a new line in the catego… -
Created a topic, Problem after update to WordPress 5.3, on the site Forums:
Hi, can you help me with this? Warning: Illegal stri… -
Posted a reply to Set default phone country prefix, on the site Forums:
Hi, thank you very much, it is it! You have great support! -
Created a topic, Set default phone country prefix, on the site Forums:
Hi, can I set a form other than the default country t… -
Created a topic, Open one popup after page load, on the site Forums:
Hi, how can i set one (or all) popup(s) as open after… -
Created a topic, Add name and e-mail from order to content, on the site Forums:
Hi, this is great plugin, thank you! Can I add name … -
Created a topic, Pagination, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have this code. Is it possible to add pagination… -
Created a topic, Inventory QTY not showing, on the site Forums:
Hello, I'm using your plugin, but I can not. In XML fe… -
Created a topic, Manage inventory, on the site Forums:
Hello, I'd like to ask how in the plugin set the quant… -
Posted a reply to Variable products separated with a slash in one thread with parent, on the site Forums:
Hi @wpallimport Plugin I purchased, I can send you a purchase code if needed. I… -
Posted a reply to Variable products separated with a slash in one thread with parent, on the site Forums:
Hi @wpallimport Can you answer my question, please? Thank you! -
Posted a reply to Variable products separated with a slash in one thread with parent, on the site Forums:
Hi @wpallimport Thank you for your reply! Option "Link to all variations" and "str_replace" I… -
Created a topic, Variable products separated with a slash in one thread with parent, on the site Forums:
Hi, thank you in the first place for a great plugin! … -
Posted a reply to New trigger: Comment editing by admin, on the site Forums:
Hi, it is okay and thank you for your answer! I have another question (maybe…