@tompradana on
- Member Since: February 20th, 2015
- Location: Indonesia
- Website:
Contribution History
Tommy’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Created a topic, Best addon for elementor, on the site Forums:
Excellent plugin -
Created a topic, Go Send Ongkir Tetap Muncul, walau beda provinsi, on the site Forums:
Hallo Bung, Terima kasih sudah membuat plugin ini, te… -
Posted a reply to Eror Akses WP, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Coba akses /my-account/ -
Posted a reply to Plugin Jetpack n Smush, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Iya. Smush mengompress dan jetpack menyimpannya dalam CDN, coba saja apakah performanya meningkat atau menurun… -
Committed [1832968] to Plugins SVN:
Update version -
Committed [1832967] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.1.5 -
Committed [1832819] to Plugins SVN:
icon -
Committed [1832817] to Plugins SVN:
Update missing icon -
Committed [1788322] to Plugins SVN:
Update to 2.1.3 -
Posted a reply to Color picker styling issue after updating to WordPress 4.9, on the site Forums:
Hello. I am using Google Chrome browser... -
Posted a reply to Color Pikcer Not Working on WordPress 4.9, on the site Forums:
Hello. I just tried to dequeue wp color picker alpha that enqueued on titan-framwork, and… -
Created a topic, Color picker styling issue after updating to WordPress 4.9, on the site Forums:
Hello. I found that color picker style issue, after u… -
Created a topic, Color Pikcer Not Working on WordPress 4.9, on the site Forums:
Hello. I found that color picker is not working on Wo… -
Created a topic, Can not delete bookmark post, on the site Forums:
Hi, I found this bug, i tried to delete some post on … -
Committed [1701231] to Plugins SVN:
update again -
Committed [1701229] to Plugins SVN:
Update -
Committed [1697725] to Plugins SVN:
perbaikan data radio -
Posted a reply to Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page., on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Halo. 1. Cek role user serta capabilitynya, jika kamu Administrator harusnya bisa mengakses semua folder/menu/plugin.… -
Posted a reply to tidak bisa upload foto dengan pesan (Missing a temporary folder.), on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Halo. Kamu mencoba untuk upload pada live server? atau localhost? -
Posted a reply to [ASK] Featured Image from Other Site (URL), on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Halo. Hal itu tidak mungkin, untuk menjadikan dia featured image, kamu harus menguploadnya terlebih dahulu.… -
Posted a reply to [Help] Problem pada text editor artikel dan widget, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Hello. Kamu menggunakan default post type? atau menggunakan custom post type? -
Posted a reply to Help me!!!!!, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Helo, Coba solusi ini: 1. Ubah folder permission /wp-content/ menjadi 755 2. Tingkatkan wp memory… -
Posted a reply to MEMBUAT MENU KATEGORI, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Halo. Kamu harus membuat sebuah meta field thumbnail untuk kategori tersebut, dan itu membutuhkan code… -
Posted a reply to #ASK Mohon Bantuannya dalam install plugin, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Halo. Sepertinya itu masalah folder permission, coba ubah folder permission pada wp-content/ menjadi 755, atau… -
Posted a reply to error login ke admin, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Helo. Bisa lebih jelas lagi, code nya? Login dimana? Mana Urlnya? Code apa yang dipakai? -
Posted a reply to Horizontal Line Tidak Muncul!, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Halo. Coba gunakan CSS ini hr { display:block; width: 100%; height: 1px; background-color: #000 } -
Posted a reply to Error establishing a database connection, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Halo. Banyak hal yang dapat menyebabkan hal itu. Diantaranya: 1. Database tidak ada. 2. Database… -
Posted a reply to Mengapa warna tidak berubah setelah edit warna di "style.css"?, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Halo. Coba, di clear cache browser. Atau, tambahkan !important di css valuenya, kemudian clear cache… -
Posted a reply to bertanya woocommerce JNE Shipping, on the site Bahasa Indonesia Support Forums:
Halo. Kalau begitu, di prepare saja data kotanya, menjadi huruf kecil, atau coba cek code… -
Committed [1538575] to Plugins SVN:
add a new logo -
Committed [1538572] to Plugins SVN:
version 2.1.0 -
Committed [1533520] to Plugins SVN:
version 2.0.0 -
Committed [1518673] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to 4.6.1 -
Committed [1518667] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to latest version -
Committed [1337140] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.5.0 -
Committed [1337139] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.5.0 - Readme updated -
Committed [1337134] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.5.0 -
Committed [1312041] to Plugins SVN:
fix broken link -
Committed [1296189] to Plugins SVN:
fix error css -
Committed [1291296] to Plugins SVN:
update donate link and author link -
Committed [1290402] to Plugins SVN:
version 2.1, fix css issue -
Committed [1288729] to Plugins SVN:
css transition -
Committed [1288636] to Plugins SVN:
version 2.0 -
Committed [1288629] to Plugins SVN:
adding assets js and img -
Committed [1288608] to Plugins SVN:
v.2.0 -
Committed [1284495] to Plugins SVN:
Update to 1.2.1, enqueue script when widget is activated -
Committed [1264587] to Plugins SVN:
Dakwah Studio for OaseMedia -
Committed [1264582] to Plugins SVN:
Replace Oasemedia Dev with DakwahStudio -
Committed [1264581] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.2 -
Committed [1263058] to Plugins SVN:
readme update
Radio Islam
Active Installs: 10+
Simple Hijri Calendar
Active Installs: 90+