@thinkupthemes on and Slack
- Member Since: July 27th, 2013
- Location: Bristol, England
- Website:
- Job Title: Developer
- Employer: Think Up Themes Ltd
Contribution History
ThinkUpThemes’s badges:- Theme Developer
- Themes Team
- WordCamp Speaker
Created ticket #205858 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Minamaze – 1.10.1 -
Created ticket #205857 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Alante – 1.5.1 -
Created ticket #205627 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Renden eMinimal – 1.0.0 -
Created ticket #202623 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Ryan – 1.7.0 -
Created ticket #202622 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Melos – 1.6.0 -
Created ticket #202621 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Harest – 1.7.0 -
Created ticket #202620 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Grow – 1.7.0 -
Created ticket #202619 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Experon – 1.7.0 -
Created ticket #202618 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Engrave (Lite) – 1.13.0 -
Created ticket #202617 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Drift – 1.5.0 -
Created ticket #202616 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Consulting – 1.5.0 -
Created ticket #202615 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Alante – 1.5.0 -
Created ticket #201570 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Ryan iMagazine – 1.0.1 -
Created ticket #196004 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Melos Store – 1.0.0 -
Created ticket #192496 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Sento eMagazine – 1.0.0 -
Created ticket #190596 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Minamaze Biz – 1.0.0 -
Created ticket #183871 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Alante Store – 1.0.0 -
Created ticket #180989 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Grow – 1.6.10 -
Created ticket #180985 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Grow eMinimal – 1.0.1 -
Created ticket #179844 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Smarter – 1.3.8 -
Created ticket #179842 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Sento Shop – 1.0.1 -
Created ticket #179839 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Sento eBusiness – 1.0.2 -
Created ticket #179836 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Sento – 1.7.8 -
Created ticket #179835 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Sento Boxed – 1.0.8 -
Created ticket #179834 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Sento Blog – 1.0.3 -
Created ticket #179833 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Ryan News – 1.0.3 -
Created ticket #179829 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Ryan Dark – 1.0.12 -
Created ticket #179827 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Ryan – 1.6.8 -
Created ticket #179762 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Experon eMagazine – 1.0.3 -
Created ticket #179761 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Experon Shop – 1.0.5 -
Created ticket #179760 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Experon News – 1.0.3 -
Created ticket #179758 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Experon – 1.6.8 -
Created ticket #179756 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Experon grid – 1.0.3 -
Wrote a comment on the post Theme Review Team Meeting Agenda for August 27, 2019, on the site Theme Review Team:
Please also add to the agenda the discussion from the previous meeting surrounding fixing the… -
Wrote a comment on the post Trusted Authors Program, on the site Theme Review Team:
User: thinkupthemes Ticket: -
Posted a reply to Multiple issues, on the site Forums:
Hello @jdembowski Manoj is working with us to provide support for our themes. He's now… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda for 2018 February 27, on the site Theme Review Team:
The Theme Review Team holds a fortnightly meeting and we encourage all members to attend.… -
Wrote a new post, Meeting notes for 2018 February 13, on the site Theme Review Team:
Meeting [ link ]. A Slack account is needed to view the archives. Items discussed:… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda for 2017 December 19, on the site Theme Review Team:
This meeting will focus on the recent discussions regarding custom blocks in themes. This topic… -
Wrote a new post, Meeting notes for 2017 December 12, on the site Theme Review Team:
Meeting [ link ]. A Slack account is needed to view the archives. Items discussed:… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda for 2017 October 24, on the site Theme Review Team:
The Theme Review Team holds a fortnightly meeting and we encourage all members to attend.… -
Wrote a comment on the post Meeting notes for 2017 November 14, on the site Theme Review Team:
For clarification on the 1 theme / month point please see the following comment in… -
Wrote a new post, Meeting notes for 2017 October 24, on the site Theme Review Team:
Meeting [ link ]. A Slack account is needed to view the archives. Items discussed:… -
Wrote a new post, Agenda for 2017 October 24, on the site Theme Review Team:
The Theme Review Team holds a fortnightly meeting and we encourage all members to attend.… -
Wrote a new post, Meeting notes for 2017 October 10, on the site Theme Review Team:
Meeting [ link ]. A Slack account is needed to view the archives. Items discussed:… -
Posted a reply to API License key, on the site Forums:
Hello @littlep Please can you reach out to us by submitting a support ticket from… -
Posted a reply to Don’t buy the PRO version, on the site Forums:
Hello again @didrionel I've checked the ticket history, and there are no unanswered tickets in… -
Posted a reply to Absolute garbage, on the site Forums:
Hello @saskatoonauthor Sorry to hear you experienced issues, did you get a chance to submit… -
Posted a reply to Don’t buy the PRO version, on the site Forums:
Hello @didrionel Sorry to hear you experienced issues, did you get a chance to submit… -
Posted a reply to Waste of time, on the site Forums:
Hello @lamjoee Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues. Please can you provide us with more…
AlanteActive Installs: 1,000+
Alante BizActive Installs: 60+
Alante BlogActive Installs: 100+
Alante BoxedActive Installs: 300+
Alante BusinessActive Installs: 100+
Alante CorporateActive Installs: 70+
Alante DarkActive Installs: 60+
Alante eBlogActive Installs: 90+
Alante eBoxedActive Installs: 60+
Alante eBusinessActive Installs: 60+
Alante eMagazineActive Installs: 50+
Alante EngageActive Installs: 40+
Alante GridActive Installs: 100+
Alante MagazineActive Installs: 100+
Alante MinimalActive Installs: 200+
Alante NewsActive Installs: 40+
Alante ShopActive Installs: 100+
Alante StoreActive Installs: 50+
Alante XActive Installs: 30+
ConsultingActive Installs: 20,000+
DriftActive Installs: 100+
Engrave (Lite)Active Installs: 500+
ExperonActive Installs: 1,000+
Experon BizActive Installs: 60+
Experon BlogActive Installs: 80+
Experon BoxedActive Installs: 30+
Experon BusinessActive Installs: 200+
Experon DarkActive Installs: 70+
Experon eBlogActive Installs: 50+
Experon eBusinessActive Installs: 200+
Experon eDarkActive Installs: 90+
Experon eMagazineActive Installs: 70+
Experon gridActive Installs: 90+
Experon MagazineActive Installs: 80+
Experon MinimalActive Installs: 100+
Experon NewsActive Installs: 50+
Experon ShopActive Installs: 70+
GrowActive Installs: 800+
Grow BlogActive Installs: 100+
Grow BoxedActive Installs: 50+
Grow BusinessActive Installs: 100+
Grow eBusinessActive Installs: 80+
Grow eMagazineActive Installs: 30+
Grow eMinimalActive Installs: 50+
Grow eNewsActive Installs: 40+
Grow GridActive Installs: 60+
Grow iMagazineActive Installs: 50+
Grow iNewsActive Installs: 50+
Grow LightActive Installs: 50+
Grow MagazineActive Installs: 50+
Grow MinimalActive Installs: 100+
Grow NewsActive Installs: 80+
Grow ShopActive Installs: 80+
HarestActive Installs: 200+
MelosActive Installs: 1,000+
Melos BlogActive Installs: 90+
Melos BoxedActive Installs: 50+
Melos BusinessActive Installs: 200+
Melos CorporateActive Installs: 100+
Melos CreativeActive Installs: 100+
Melos DarkActive Installs: 100+
Melos eBusinessActive Installs: 100+
Melos eMagazineActive Installs: 30+
Melos eMinimalActive Installs: 80+
Melos eNewsActive Installs: 100+
Melos GridActive Installs: 100+
Melos LightActive Installs: 100+
Melos MagazineActive Installs: 100+
Melos MinimalActive Installs: 70+
Melos NewsActive Installs: 100+
Melos ShopActive Installs: 50+
Melos StoreActive Installs: 80+
MinamazeActive Installs: 4,000+
Minamaze BizActive Installs: 60+
Minamaze BlogActive Installs: 100+
Minamaze BoxedActive Installs: 60+
Minamaze BusinessActive Installs: 100+
Minamaze DarkActive Installs: 60+
Minamaze eBlogActive Installs: 70+
Minamaze eBusinessActive Installs: 50+
Minamaze eMagazineActive Installs: 90+
Minamaze eNewsActive Installs: 60+
Minamaze eShopActive Installs: 30+
Minamaze MagazineActive Installs: 100+
Minamaze NewsActive Installs: 50+
Minamaze ShopActive Installs: 70+
Minamaze StoreActive Installs: 30+
RendenActive Installs: 700+
Renden BlogActive Installs: 90+
Renden BoxedActive Installs: 60+
Renden BusinessActive Installs: 100+
Renden DarkActive Installs: 90+
Renden eBlogActive Installs: 60+
Renden eBusinessActive Installs: 80+
Renden eDarkActive Installs: 60+
Renden eMagazineActive Installs: 60+
Renden eMinimalActive Installs: 40+
Renden eShopActive Installs: 70+
Renden GridActive Installs: 100+
Renden iMagazineActive Installs: 80+
Renden MagazineActive Installs: 50+
Renden MinimalActive Installs: 50+
Renden ShopActive Installs: 80+
Renden XActive Installs: 70+
RyanActive Installs: 500+
Ryan BoxedActive Installs: 50+
Ryan BusinessActive Installs: 60+
Ryan DarkActive Installs: 70+
Ryan eBusinessActive Installs: 30+
Ryan GridActive Installs: 70+
Ryan iMagazineActive Installs: 30+
Ryan MagazineActive Installs: 90+
Ryan MinimalActive Installs: 200+
Ryan NewsActive Installs: 80+
SentoActive Installs: 700+
Sento BlogActive Installs: 80+
Sento BoxedActive Installs: 50+
Sento BusinessActive Installs: 40+
Sento DarkActive Installs: 400+
Sento eBusinessActive Installs: 50+
Sento eMagazineActive Installs: 60+
Sento MagazineActive Installs: 50+
Sento NewsActive Installs: 40+
Sento ShopActive Installs: 90+
Sento StoreActive Installs: 40+
SmarterActive Installs: 100+