@theodelaruelle on
- Member Since: August 10th, 2016
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Created a topic, Great support!, on the site Forums:
I had a slight problem with NextGEN Gallery and within… -
Posted a reply to Plugin is shown as a risk, on the site Forums:
I really don't understand a bit of what's going on. But I hope there is… -
Posted a reply to [Slide Anything - Responsive Content / HTML Slider and Carousel] Plugin is shown as a risk, on the site Forums:
@chrissmithwestmill What has PatchStack got to do with this vulnerability report? I don't use PatchStack,… -
Posted a reply to Vulnarability Report, on the site Forums:
I have read that thread, but I don't use PatchStack, so that's not the issue. -
Created a topic, Vulnarability Report, on the site Forums:
When will there be an update for this plugin? Accordin… -
Created a topic, Sorting an album alphabetically, on the site Forums:
Hi,I have made some albums, one of them is at www.mijn… -
Posted a reply to Copying setup, on the site Forums:
Hi, Thanks, I've tried to set the block as a reusable block. Then I get… -
Created a topic, Copying setup, on the site Forums:
Hi, I recently started using Advanced Post Block on… -
Posted a reply to Insert NextGen Gallery in cell, on the site Forums:
Hi Tobias, I've tried it via the Advanced Editor button of TablePress. But that doesn't… -
Created a topic, Insert NextGen Gallery in cell, on the site Forums:
Hi, I want to add a column to my table with - for e… -
Posted a reply to Captions in NextGEN Pro Lightbox, on the site Forums:
OK, I'll do that. -
Posted a reply to Captions in NextGEN Pro Lightbox, on the site Forums:
I found it, but now I have remarked another problem. When I open a gallery,… -
Created a topic, Show galleries in Lightroom, on the site Forums:
I want to upload images from Lightroom to some existin… -
Created a topic, Captions in NextGEN Pro Lightbox, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have purchased and installed NextGEN Pro and no… -
Posted a reply to Click on Thumbnail shows slideshow, on the site Forums:
OK, I’ll do that. Thanks. -
Posted a reply to Click on Thumbnail shows slideshow, on the site Forums:
PS In which payed version is it possible to open images in a lightbox directly? -
Posted a reply to Click on Thumbnail shows slideshow, on the site Forums:
That’s exactly what I meant! Thank you! So I have to make for my images… -
Created a topic, Click on Thumbnail shows gallery, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have another question. At my page www.mijnblogj… -
Posted a reply to Thumbnail in table, on the site Forums:
Thanks, it works. It didn't work in the first place, so I checked the thumbs… -
Posted a reply to Thumbnail in table, on the site Forums:
Hi, Thanks for your reaction. I use this link: The first part of the link… -
Created a topic, Thumbnail in table, on the site Forums:
Hi, At my website I have a table (made with TablePres… -
Posted a reply to Inserting photos from NextGen Gallery, on the site Forums:
Hi Tobias, NG uses own galleries for storing the images and don't use the WP… -
Posted a reply to Sorting images doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
I've found the second option. But that doesn't work either with my overview of moths.… -
Created a topic, Inserting photos from NextGen Gallery, on the site Forums:
Hi, I use TablePress for an overview of, among other,… -
Posted a reply to Sorting images doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
Hi, I don't understand your question. To sort the photos, I go to the page… -
Posted a reply to Sorting images doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
I tried a few times and it worked at last. But it took quite a… -
Posted a reply to Sorting images doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your reaction. No, the sort doesn’t freeze with the smaller galleries. I don’t… -
Created a topic, Sorting images doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have some trouble sorting my photos. I have a g… -
Posted a reply to Icons not displaying after latest update, on the site Forums:
I am indeed using a different plug-in for the social icons now and luckily that… -
Created a topic, Icons not displaying after latest update, on the site Forums:
After the latest update, the icons are not displaying.… -
Posted a reply to Deleting Primary Menu, on the site Forums:
A well known problem to me. The reason is that this theme hasn't been updated… -
Posted a reply to Don’t use this theme, on the site Forums:
I have a paid version Fifteen Plus 2.0. One of the issues is that my… -
Created a topic, Don’t use this theme, on the site Forums:
I bought this theme four years ago. And now I regret i… -
Posted a reply to Export statistics data, on the site Forums:
Found it! I don't think I can download the data as I want, but I… -
Posted a reply to Export statistics data, on the site Forums:
Thanks Jerry, I can't find a Posts and Pages card. At the left I see… -
Created a topic, Export statistics data, on the site Forums:
Is there a possibility to export the statistics data o… -
Posted a reply to How to deal with bounced e-mails?, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your reaction. The problem is solved. I have send an email from the… -
Created a topic, How to deal with bounced e-mails?, on the site Forums:
I have been using Mailpoet for quite a while now. I us… -
Posted a reply to Tags don’t appear in galery, on the site Forums:
Hi @mihaiimagely, Thanks for your feedback. I've setup a staging site and first deactivated all… -
Posted a reply to Tags don’t appear in galery, on the site Forums:
I've tried some other things. I deleted an existing tag at a photo. This was… -
Posted a reply to Tags don’t appear in galery, on the site Forums:
In my attempt to solve the problem I've added an existing tag to an untagged… -
Posted a reply to Tags don’t appear in galery, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your answer, but the entered tags are not in the list. That makes… -
Posted a reply to Plugin gezocht: schuivende balk met tekst, on the site Support forums:
Dank je Richard. Ik ga daar eens naar kijken. -
Created a topic, Tags don’t appear in galery, on the site Forums:
Today I wanted to tag some photos in my gallery. But a… -
Created a topic, Plugin gezocht: schuivende balk met tekst, on the site Support forums:
Hallo allemaal, Ik ben op zoek naar een plugin waarmee… -
Posted a reply to Edit blogpage, on the site Forums:
It is standard in most themes. It's called featured images. -
Created a topic, Edit blogpage, on the site Forums:
Hi, I find the overview page with blogs too clumsy. H… -
Posted a reply to Insert Gallery with a text link, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your answer, but I don't use Simplebox. The wordaround doesn't work for me… -
Posted a reply to Insert Gallery with advanced editor, on the site Forums:
So what I want is not possible? Thanks, I will look further. -
Created a topic, Insert Gallery with a text link, on the site Forums:
I want to insert a text link to a NextGEN gallery. For…