

Design technologist in civic tech.

  • Member Since: April 1st, 2017
  • Location: ATX
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  • Job Title: Product designer
  • Employer: N/a
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  • Wrote a comment on the post Fields API team seeking new leadership, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    This response is *chef's kiss*

  • Created a topic, Broken. doesn’t work anymore, on the site Forums:
    Sad because I'd really like to export my posts but doe…

  • Posted a reply to Changes to Gutenberg wp-image-block?, on the site Forums:
    @rwaynick Yes. I am starting with a brand new WP on AWS bitnami instance with…

  • Created a topic, Changes to Gutenberg wp-image-block?, on the site Forums:
    Context: I'm developing a website using React and Word…

  • Posted a reply to How do I include some custom Gutenberg blocks in a custom theme?, on the site Forums:
    I have tried adding the following code to my function.php and it should work but…

  • Posted a reply to How do I include some custom Gutenberg blocks in a custom theme?, on the site Forums:
    @sterndata Sorry, I'm not asking about how to include ACF in my theme. I'm asking…

  • Created a topic, How do I include some custom Gutenberg blocks in a custom theme?, on the site Forums:
    I'm developing a Wordpress theme with a very focused u…

  • Posted a reply to Is it possible to rename login page AND use the native WordPress app?, on the site Forums:
    Some clarification as to why this have happened would be helpful but I'm going to…

  • Posted a reply to Is it possible to rename login page AND use the native WordPress app?, on the site Forums:
    switched it back to my old renamed url and tested it and now it works!…

  • Created a topic, Is it possible to rename login page AND use the native WordPress app?, on the site Forums:
    I'd like to use the official Wordpress Android app to …

  • Posted a reply to Feature Request: Provide opition to select at random from a selection of images, on the site Forums:
    Hey @janwoostendorp Thanks for replying. Does that just pick a random image from the media…

  • Posted a reply to Lots of issues and have not received requested troubleshooting info, on the site Forums:
    @resmushit Hi, thanks so much for following up. I’ve actually moved to a different media…

  • Posted a reply to Re.Smushit seems to be conflicting with regenerating thumbnails, on the site Forums:
    @resmushit Hi, thanks so much for following up. I've actually moved to a different media…

  • Posted a reply to Lacks the ability to move already uploaded media, on the site Forums:
    @mguenter Awesome, I'll check it out!

  • Created a topic, Feature Request: Provide opition to select at random from a selection of images, on the site Forums:
    Instead of just one image, I think it would be nice to…

  • Posted a reply to Why wordpress only use old jQuery version is 1.12.4?, on the site Forums:
    I've also always wondered this. This is clearly not resolved and it would be good…

  • Posted a reply to Feature Request: Video Clips and/or embeds, on the site Forums:
    You could use conditional JSX statements in the save field. That's basically what I did…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Gutenberg Phase 2, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Better yet they should just have a page editor where you can designated generic containers…

  • Wrote a comment on the post The REST API in WordPress 5.0, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    @jane1811 You can just hit ctr-shift-alt-m to switch to the code editor mode inside Gutenberg.…

  • Posted a reply to Feature Request: Video Clips and/or embeds, on the site Forums:
    @richtabor I have a live version of my gallery on my portfolio website. Here's one…

  • Created a topic, Feature Request: Video Clips and/or embeds, on the site Forums:
    I have made my own custom masonry gallery for Wordpres…

  • Wrote a comment on the post New 5.0 Target Date, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Did I miss hundreds of issues being fixed? Apparently you did. Have you even been…

  • Wrote a comment on the post New 5.0 Target Date, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    This kind of statement seems really out of touch with how modern open source actually…

  • Wrote a comment on the post New 5.0 Target Date, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    I think you mean human right? Anyway, the team has shifted their resources to addressing…

  • Created a topic, Is there a github repo for this project?, on the site Forums:
    I was wondering if you had a github repo for this proj…

  • Created a topic, Demo website doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
    I wanted to check out the demo sandbox linked on the i…

  • Posted a reply to I seem to be unable to update to the WP 5.0 release candidate via the Beta plugi, on the site Forums:
    Aaaah, that makes sense. I guess I was thinking that a major release was a…

  • Posted a reply to I seem to be unable to update to the WP 5.0 release candidate via the Beta plugi, on the site Forums:
    Oh sorry. Maybe I don't understand point release as term then. I'm still pretty new…

  • Created a topic, I seem to be unable to update to the WP 5.0 release candidate via the Beta plugi, on the site Forums:
    So when I try to upgrade to the 5.0 RC using the beta …

  • Posted a reply to Lots of issues and have not received requested troubleshooting info, on the site Forums:
    I understand you do it for free but that doesn't change the issue that it…

  • Posted a reply to Lacks the ability to move already uploaded media, on the site Forums:
    Rad! Will do. Also I figured that it was probably pretty dangerous after using a…

  • Created a topic, Lacks the ability to move already uploaded media, on the site Forums:
    This is great, but as I'm adding it to an existing web…

  • Created ticket #3937 on Meta Trac:
    Feature request: Add standardized field for git/svn repo on plugin pages

  • Posted a reply to Feature request: Add standardized field for git/svn repo on plugin pages, on the site Forums:
    Oh yeah and vscode extensions did this before MS even bought Github, so like.... kind…

  • Created a topic, Clarify feature question?, on the site Forums:
    So I can't sort media by category when I'm inserting m…

  • Created a topic, Feature request: Add standardized field for git/svn repo on plugin pages, on the site Forums:
    Plugin pages are not the best place to discuss an open…

  • Created a topic, Lots of issues and have not received requested troubleshooting info, on the site Forums:
    This plugin basically destroyed my media library. I …

  • Posted a reply to Issue when thumbnail images are regenerated, on the site Forums:
    Commenting here since this was the problem I was having. I'm curious to hear more…

  • Posted a reply to How to reset the Media Library after database gets wonky and out of date, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks @contentiskey I have looked over those but I don't see which one I'm…

  • Created a topic, How to reset the Media Library after database gets wonky and out of date, on the site Forums:
    I have switched from one media library plugin to anoth…

  • Created a topic, Regenerating thumbnails leads to all files in uploads folder being deleted?, on the site Forums:
    When I try to regenerate all thumbnails after installi…

  • Created a topic, Re.Smushit seems to be conflicting with regenerating thumbnails, on the site Forums:
    When I try to regenerate thumbnails with this plugin, …

  • Wrote a comment on the post Classic Editor Plugin Support Window, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    ...? That's why they're shipping 5.0 with the classic editor plugin, so you don't have…

  • Posted a reply to So close, but still not quite there, on the site Forums:
    @alanP57 Oh cool! I didn't know that. I may do this. I tried the Joomunited…

  • Created a topic, So close, but still not quite there, on the site Forums:
    This is a very well designed plugin. It's very simple.…

  • Posted a reply to Lots of weird caching problems with W3 Total Cache and Cloudflare. Redirects etc, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, A great start, on the site Forums:
    This by far has the most custom fields options for any…

  • Created a topic, How do I put my frontpage featured image in a page template for home.php?, on the site Forums:
    #Important: I want to makes sure this is clear: **I am…

  • Created a topic, Highly recommended. Hope they keep developing, on the site Forums:
    This is awesome. I actually think I might ditch Advanc…

  • Wrote a comment on the post What’s New in Gutenberg? (31st August), on the site Make WordPress Core:
    We are we going to custom inline styles? AGH! It's so necessary and it's still…
