Committed [2113505] to Plugins SVN:
banner changed -
Committed [2113436] to Plugins SVN:
old banner removed -
Committed [2113431] to Plugins SVN:
banner size changed -
Committed [2113415] to Plugins SVN:
banner uploaded -
Committed [2113406] to Plugins SVN:
plugin updated -
Committed [2113400] to Plugins SVN:
modified some functions -
Posted a reply to More errors, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks, for feedback, will check and update this on a priority basis. -
Committed [2113377] to Plugins SVN:
readme file updated -
Committed [2113375] to Plugins SVN:
tags readme modified for logo -
Committed [2113369] to Plugins SVN:
logo uploaded -
Committed [2112660] to Plugins SVN:
Screenshots added. -
Committed [2112635] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt -
Committed [2112573] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release ..!
Performance Checker
Active Installs: 20+