Taras Mankovski
@tarasm on WordPress.org
- Member Since: April 22nd, 2010
- Website: taras.cc
- Employer: Developer at NewClarity LLC & Founder of WRKTG Inc.
Contribution History
Taras Mankovski’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- WordCamp Speaker
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Toronto 2016
Committed [904686] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged 1.1 -
Committed [904684] to Plugins SVN:
Removed phpRack -
Committed [816709] to Plugins SVN:
Upgraded readme in tags 1.5.5 -
Committed [816708] to Plugins SVN:
Changed stable to 1.5.5 -
Committed [816707] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged 1.5.5 -
Committed [816706] to Plugins SVN:
Added error handling to authentication -
Committed [788326] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed version number in plugin file -
Committed [788324] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed 5.2.x compatibility Upgraded dependancies Bumped up version to 1.5.4 -
Committed [787055] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged 1.5.3 -
Committed [786006] to Plugins SVN:
Changed version to 1.5.2 -
Committed [786005] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged 1.5.2 -
Committed [786004] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed badges didn't have lins to status pages -
Committed [782924] to Plugins SVN:
Tweaked description -
Committed [782917] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging 1.5.1 -
Committed [782916] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed error that prevented users from accesing the admin page -
Committed [782800] to Plugins SVN:
Moved assets directory out of trunk -
Committed [782796] to Plugins SVN:
Moved screenshots to assets directory -
Committed [781834] to Plugins SVN:
Promoted to tag 1.5 -
Committed [781826] to Plugins SVN:
Upgrade to 1.5 -
Closed ticket #22102 on Core Trac:
Tags list not displaying programmatically added child tags -
Created ticket #22370 on Core Trac:
dynamic_sidebar does not consider switch_to_blog
Lexity Live for WP e-Commerce
Active Installs: 10+
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
BuddyPress Groupblog
Co-Authors Plus
Control Live Changes
Edit Flow
Email Post Changes
Embed GitHub Gist
Front-end Editor
Geo Data Store
Ice Visual Revisions
Lazy Load
Monkeyman Rewrite Analyzer
More Privacy Options
Multisite Plugin Manager
Multisite User Registration Manager
Network Plugin Auditor
Organizational Message Notifier
Posts 2 Posts
Relevanssi - A Better Search
Remote API
Rewrite Rules Inspector
Spectacu.la Discussion
Superadmin Helper
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
The Events Calendar PRO Alarm
Tribe Object Cache
Unfiltered MU
User Management Tools
User Meta - User Profile Builder and User management plugin
WP Editor
WP Help
WP Updates Notifier
WPMU Automatic Links
Zone Manager (Zoninator)