
  • Member Since: October 14th, 2016
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  • Created a topic, Change logo in hover?, on the site Forums:
    Please, can you explain how is possible change the log…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin para validar usuarios, on the site Foros de soporte:
    @jose64 eso es José, Voy a probar esto que comentas. Gracias por currarte la respuesta,…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin for approve user with Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    Because, I have in Woocommerce hide prices for no users. When I use this plugin…

  • Created a topic, Plugin for approve user with Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    Hello I am looking for a plugin for validation users. …

  • Created a topic, Plugin for approve user with Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    Hello I am looking for a plugin for validation users. …

  • Created a topic, Plugin para validar usuarios, on the site Foros de soporte:
    ¿Alguien sabe de un plugin para poder validar usuario…

  • Created a topic, Great Plugin, on the site Forums:
    The best plugin for Mailchimp Newsletter

  • Posted a reply to Effect when submit, on the site Forums:
    Yes!!! Now I can remove the effect. thank you very much :) Great Plugin

  • Posted a reply to Effect when submit, on the site Forums:
    @liljimmi Thank you Tracy, I will wait for a solution. I'll cross my fingers so…

  • Posted a reply to Effect when submit, on the site Forums:
    Hi @liljimmi Sorry, my problem is that I have the web in local now. But…

  • Created a topic, Effect when submit, on the site Forums:
    Hello @liljimmi, is possible remove the effect when su…

  • Created a topic, Image Hover Effects with Carousel in responsive, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I use your premium plugin in my website but in…

  • Created a topic, List by ubication, on the site Forums:
    Hello! My answer is: Is possible list by ubication o…

  • Posted a reply to Display tags by categories, on the site Forums:
    No for me it doesn´t work. Maybe because I use Genesis Framework?

  • Created ticket #42704 on Core Trac:
    is impossible display tag cloud widget by category

  • Created a topic, This plugin doesn´t work, on the site Forums:
    :( Now it doesn´t work

  • Posted a reply to Display tags by categories, on the site Forums:
    This plugin doesn´t work :( It´s difficult this feature. Thank you

  • Created a topic, Bug when I clone, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have a bug with your plugin. When I clone a…

  • Posted a reply to Problem with slug, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Yes but the problem is... when I change the category after duplication the slug…

  • Posted a reply to How custom singlejobpost with a sidebar, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, but I don´t find where explain how add a sidebar in single-jobpost.php. :(

  • Created a topic, Problem with slug, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I use your plugin and I have a problem. My po…

  • Posted a reply to Display tags by categories, on the site Forums:
    @saltennys do you know a solution or how can I do it? :) Thank you

  • Posted a reply to Display tags by categories, on the site Forums:
    Yes, I understand the longer answer... but i need the short answer. I don´t find…

  • Created a topic, Display tags by categories, on the site Forums:
    If possible that Tag Cloud Widget show only tags by ca…

  • Created a topic, How custom singlejobpost with a sidebar, on the site Forums:
    I need add a sidebar in this theme. <aside id="sid…

  • Created a topic, IS possible remove old jobs automatically??, on the site Forums:
    Hello, your plugin is great, but I don´t find an imp…

  • Created a topic, Is posible add buttom in my php theme??, on the site Forums:
    I want to add the register button in my theme, no shor…

  • Posted a reply to If possible shortlink in my twitter button? Bitly, etc?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you Jens, Twitter links is a plugin for wordpress?? I don´t find it

  • Created a topic, If possible shortlink in my twitter button? Bitly, etc?, on the site Forums:
    Dear users, I want to use shortlink in my twitter but…

  • Posted a reply to CPT con archive= false como relacionar con una página, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Otra web va con esos slug y quiero que sean los mismos para el tema…

  • Created a topic, CPT con archive= false como relacionar con una página, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Tengo un custom post type de "servicios" y el archive …

  • Created a topic, CPT with archive false, how parent with page?, on the site Forums:
    I have a custom post type 'services', but the archive …

  • Posted a reply to /blog/ slug before category, on the site Forums:
    Yes, i have problem with custom post type. If I use permalinks, 404 in CPT…

  • Created a topic, /blog/ slug before category, on the site Forums:
    How is possible add /blog/ in mys urls before category…

  • Created a topic, Why doesn´t work Locale Template?, on the site Forums:
    ob_start(); include (locate_template('includes/box-gro…

  • Created a topic, It doesn´t work with String Translation, on the site Forums:
    It´s not compatible

  • Created a topic, list Terms with order by, on the site Forums:
    Hello, please, If I have this code. How can order my …

  • Posted a reply to Subpages use archive.php, why?, on the site Forums:
    Why use archive in my custom template by default? :(

  • Posted a reply to Subpages use archive.php, why?, on the site Forums:
    Yes, but How can I change it? Is very strange that subpage display archive.php It´s…

  • Posted a reply to CHILD Pages muestra como archive.php, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Pues yo tampoco le veo sentido pero así es. Sí es archive porque tengo el…

  • Created a topic, Subpages use archive.php, why?, on the site Forums:
    Hello guys, My problem is that when I create a subpag…

  • Posted a reply to CHILD Pages muestra como archive.php, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola, gracias por contestar. Es difícil de explicar mi caso. Yo no me refiero al…

  • Created a topic, CHILD Pages muestra como archive.php, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenos días, sabéis por qué puede ser que cuando c…

  • Created a topic, Buttom Mega Menu in Menu Option, on the site Forums:
    Hello Support :) I have MegaMenu install but in some …

  • Created a topic, Header Sticky problema con CSS, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas tardes, Quería hacer que el header de arriba …

  • Posted a reply to Eliminar primera imagen de los post de un año concreto, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Si señor, efectivamente ese es el código. Brutal la ayuda! Muy agradecida

  • Posted a reply to Eliminar primera imagen de los post de un año concreto, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Gracias Carlosssssssssssssssss, por fin doy con este tema!!!!!! En el caso que fuera desde una…

  • Created a topic, Eliminar primera imagen de los post de un año concreto, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenos días, estoy usando este código para eliminar…

  • Posted a reply to Conditional functions by date, on the site Forums:
    Please, can you show me an example as a conditional?

  • Created a topic, Conditional functions by date, on the site Forums:
    Good morning, I need to know if is possible a conditi…