
  • Member Since: November 28th, 2016
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  • Created a topic, calculate the number of posts, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to calculate the number of posts with m…

  • Posted a reply to can use meta_value ?, on the site Forums:
    Can I pay you to develop this feature? How much does it cost?

  • Posted a reply to can use meta_value ?, on the site Forums:
    i try [sbs_posts meta_value="出租中"] Not working Are there any other examples that work successfully?

  • Created a topic, can use meta_value ?, on the site Forums:
    Can meta_value be used for statistical output? Pai…

  • Created a topic, Can the income and expense statement be added to woocommerce customers?, on the site Forums:
    Can the income and expense statement be added to wooco…

  • Created a topic, It’s incredible, on the site Forums:
    I'm from TaiwanI have never seen such a perfect plug-i…

  • Posted a reply to [WooCommerce] I need to remove the product name link in the first-level order list in my-accou, on the site Forums:
    I hope it can be included in the order listRemove product name linkRemove "x quantity"Add…

  • Created a topic, I need to remove the product name link in the first-level order list in my-accou, on the site Forums:
    I need to remove the product name link in the first-le…

  • Created a topic, There is a problem with the subscription function, on the site Forums:
    The original code table column has been fixed after th…

  • Created a topic, Shortcode problem, on the site Forums:
    Write shortcode Normal operation will display two fiel…

  • Created a topic, How to fix the following error message, on the site Forums:
    wordpress 5.5.6 php 7.4 How to fix the following error…

  • Created a topic, How to modify the time point of sending a letter before sending it, on the site Forums:
    Our third-party payment gold flow platform, Connect wi…

  • Posted a reply to Why is the theme’s function.php file automatically deleted the next day?, on the site Forums:
    The cache plugin has been deleted Website is in normal operation

  • Created a topic, How do I make the wp menu edit page display product categories and product names, on the site Forums:
    I find Some wordpress with woocommerce installed You c…

  • Posted a reply to Why is the theme’s function.php file automatically deleted the next day?, on the site Forums:
    I have removed this plugin Test tomorrow to see if any files have been deleted

  • Posted a reply to Why is my cache statistics page record all 0kb?, on the site Forums:
    Sorry You can tell me clearly Why redirect? Because woocommerce? But my product is from…

  • Created a topic, Why is my cache statistics page record all 0kb?, on the site Forums:
    Why is my cache statistics page record all 0kb? http…

  • Created a topic, Why is the theme’s function.php file automatically deleted the next day?, on the site Forums:
    Since using your plugin Why is the theme's…

  • Created a topic, Multi Currency for WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
    It's ok I have another question Caching currently wor…

  • Posted a reply to How do I set users to browse as fast as they log in?, on the site Forums:
    It's ok I have another question Caching currently works well on websites but Plugin name…

  • Created a topic, How do I set users to browse as fast as they log in?, on the site Forums:
    When not logged in Fast browsing speed but When genera…

  • Created a topic, How to set product page labels uniformly, on the site Forums:
    How to set uniformly Pre-price tags across the site ar…

  • Created a topic, ipad doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
    When I use the iPad to turn pages to 50 pages, it will…

  • Posted a reply to the button on the shopping cart page does not respond, on the site Forums:
    Problem has been solved

  • Created a topic, the button on the shopping cart page does not respond, on the site Forums:
    Buttons on product pages can act But the button on the…

  • Posted a reply to Quantity buttons not working, on the site Forums:
    Buttons on product pages can act But the button on the shopping cart page does…

  • Created a topic, The value captured by the FB pixel plugin has an error., on the site Forums:…

  • Posted a reply to Install woocommerce error message, on the site Forums:
    I am currently installing with a downgraded version of wordpress Can be used normally

  • Posted a reply to Install woocommerce error message, on the site Forums:
    test wordpress 5.1.1 can use woocommerce 3.6.3 version

  • Posted a reply to Install woocommerce error message, on the site Forums:
    I just tried to downgrade WordPress version installation using the downgrade plugin The result is…

  • Posted a reply to Install woocommerce error message, on the site Forums:

  • Posted a reply to Install woocommerce error message, on the site Forums:
    I will add your code to the theme of function.php The same error message will…

  • Posted a reply to Install woocommerce error message, on the site Forums:
    The result of my test Is the problem with the updated version of WordPress

  • Posted a reply to Install woocommerce error message, on the site Forums:
    I should put it Wp-includes/function.php Or Wp-content/themes/ themename /function.php which one?

  • Posted a reply to Install woocommerce error message, on the site Forums:
    Excuse me Will the above code Which file to join in the file

  • Posted a reply to Install woocommerce error message, on the site Forums:
    Added the above suggested code to the theme function.php The installation will display an error…

  • Created a topic, Install woocommerce error message, on the site Forums:
    Install woocommerce error message Please see the error…

  • Posted a reply to Contact list is missing, on the site Forums:
    problem solved Open with a seamless browser to see

  • Created a topic, Contact list is missing, on the site Forums:
    It was normal suddenly Contact list is missing But the…

  • Created a topic, How to adjust the store order that only displays the selected login?, on the site Forums:
    After selecting the store to log in, The list of order…

  • Posted a reply to Please fix the bug, on the site Forums:
    Has been resolved

  • Posted a reply to add New member from the POS, on the site Forums:
    Has been resolved

  • Created a topic, add New member from the POS, on the site Forums:
    add New member from the POS What is the password prese…

  • Posted a reply to Please fix the bug, on the site Forums:
    Message: New member from the front desk What is the password preset?? Because after adding…

  • Created a topic, Order list Name not shown, on the site Forums:
    Report customer list Order list Name not shown http:/…

  • Created a topic, Search for the order field. What keyword do you want to enter?, on the site Forums:
    POS page at the front desk Customer field in the order…

  • Posted a reply to Please fix the bug, on the site Forums:
    We have no way to get that information in other ways? Is there no way…

  • Created a topic, Please fix the bug, on the site Forums:
    Please do not close the topic Because the seller compl…

  • Created a topic, Please fix the Pro feature, on the site Forums:
    I purchased the professional version at 2018.12.03 Pur…

  • Created a topic, installation failed, on the site Forums:
    wordpress 4.9.8 WooCommerce 3.5.0 installation failed …