Committed [3221476] to Plugins SVN:
Support for new version -
Committed [3021794] to Plugins SVN:
Support for new version -
Committed [2850419] to Plugins SVN:
Turkish translation bugfixes in payment form -
Committed [2837637] to Plugins SVN:
Add payment method via account screen -
Committed [2836309] to Plugins SVN:
Updated plugin version -
Committed [2836307] to Plugins SVN:
Added logging for save_card service -
Committed [2681026] to Plugins SVN:
updated plugin version -
Committed [2680839] to Plugins SVN:
added logging -
Committed [2680837] to Plugins SVN:
iyzico does not provide card_type input for non-turkish test card ... -
Committed [2680835] to Plugins SVN:
iyzico does not provide card_type input for non-turkish test card ... -
Committed [2536076] to Plugins SVN:
updated plugin version -
Committed [2536074] to Plugins SVN:
improved exception logging -
Committed [2533879] to Plugins SVN:
updated plugin version -
Committed [2533878] to Plugins SVN:
fixed typo -
Committed [2533877] to Plugins SVN:
updated plugin version -
Committed [2533876] to Plugins SVN:
added logging, possible fix for JSON.parse error -
Committed [2533873] to Plugins SVN:
renamed -
Committed [2477818] to Plugins SVN:
added logo -
Committed [2477739] to Plugins SVN:
updated name -
Committed [2477716] to Plugins SVN:
initial commit -
Posted a reply to Tekrarlayan Ödemeler – Subscriptions, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Merhaba Tekrarlayan ödemeler için Subscreasy wordpress plugini kullanabilirsiniz. iyzico, paytr, payu ve banka sanal poslarını… -
Committed [2007117] to Plugins SVN:
updated tags -
Committed [2007113] to Plugins SVN:
added plugin icon -
Committed [2007112] to Plugins SVN:
updated faq -
Committed [2007102] to Plugins SVN:
initial commit