Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Wrote a new post, PTE Request for RARA: Education Zone, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello Polyglots, I have suggested strings for this theme and would like to become a…
Nederlands (België) (Dutch (Belgium)) Themes Translation Editor - #nl_BE
App Landing Page -
Author Landing Page -
Bakes And Cakes -
Benevolent -
Book Landing Page -
Builders Landing Page -
Business One Page -
Charity Care -
Construction Company -
Construction Landing Page -
Creative Business -
Elegant Pin -
Elegant Pink -
Elegant Portfolio -
Feminine Pink -
Fluid Magazine -
Halcyon -
Influencer -
JobScout -
Kalon -
Kalon Chic -
Medical Spa -
Metro Magazine -
Mudita -
Mugu -
Numinous -
Perfect Portfolio -
Pranayama Yoga -
Preschool and Kindergarten -
Rara Academic -
Rara Business -
Rara Journal -
Rara Magazine -
Rara Readable -
Restaurant and Cafe -
School Zone -
Software Company -
Spa and Salon -
The Conference -
The Minimal -
The Schema -
The Ultralight -
Tour Operator -
Travel Agency -
Travel Diaries -
Travel Magazine -
University Zone -
Wedding Band -
WP Tour Package