
  • Member Since: October 12th, 2010
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  • Created a topic, Mission value price. Disapproved all items., on the site Forums:
    Google Merchant Center disapproved all items due to Mi…

  • Created a topic, Not for Elementor, yet, I guess., on the site Forums:
    I tried with 2 different codes snippets and it doesn't…

  • Posted a reply to Display the Last Updated Date in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    I tried the shortcode and auto insert in the post as well.

  • Posted a reply to Display the Last Updated Date in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    I tried with shortcode and auto insert, nothing.

  • Posted a reply to Display the Last Updated Date in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    The shortcode is in the footer, is activated, cached flushed, with or without css. I…

  • Created a topic, Display the Last Updated Date in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm using the code from the library, in auto-in…

  • Created a topic, passive listener pagespeed, on the site Forums:
    Im trying to add a code to avoid the error of passive …

  • Created a topic, Dashboard appears in front-end, Elementor website, on the site Forums:
    After installing the plugin and clear the cache, the d…

  • Created a topic, too many revisions, on the site Forums:
    why?, will you plan to issue a new rev every other day?

  • Created a topic, Ugly design, on the site Forums:
    You should make this plugin compatible with Elementor …

  • Posted a reply to 500 server error, on the site Forums:
    Same here, after update website went to ERROR 500. You should fix the lates update…

  • Posted a reply to Elementor Loops not showing CPT posts, on the site Forums:
    They say it is working in GitHub, because they can see the CPT in the…

  • Created a topic, Elementor Loops not showing CPT posts, on the site Forums:
    Hi, First, thank you for this amazing plugin. I…

  • Created a topic, Position is not exact, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Great idea to track the existing keywords. The p…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect after download, on the site Forums:
    Yes, user can see the Thank You page, and the link works to download the…

  • Created a topic, Redirect after download, on the site Forums:
    Hi, What is the best way to redirect the user after d…

  • Created a topic, Yoast is in danger, on the site Forums:
    Yoast is in danger

  • Created a topic, Showing not showing Currency, on the site Forums:
    Hi! I checked the plugin performance using Opera (VPN…

  • Posted a reply to CPT not present in Breadcrumbs, on the site Forums:
    CPT taxonomy is showing. It was because I forgot to set Has Archive True in…

  • Created a topic, CPT not present in Breadcrumbs, on the site Forums:
    Hi, The custom post-type taxonomy is not shown in the…

  • Posted a reply to Exclude?, on the site Forums:
    The excluded box is INSIDE de page. I got it. Thank you!

  • Posted a reply to Exclude?, on the site Forums:
    Yes, those are woocommerce endpoints, and a page "purchase summary".

  • Posted a reply to Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format i, on the site Forums:
    Oh, I see now, sitemap HTML must be removed now from google console. Idea: put…

  • Posted a reply to Not Indexed and Redirect Issue, on the site Forums:
    archives dates must be enable, Yoast keep that dissable

  • Created a topic, Exclude?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks for this plugin that works. Is it possible…

  • Posted a reply to About the bug of the plugin Google XML Sitemaps, on the site Forums:
    Same problem here. Are you are working to fix this bug?

  • Posted a reply to SPAM everywhere, on the site Forums:
    I don't need your "answer" @nlpro , I was thinking ithemes support is here but…

  • Posted a reply to Ithemes security creating infinite tables in WordPress database., on the site Forums:
    More reasons to not use this plugin

  • Created a topic, SPAM everywhere, on the site Forums:
    This plugin is sending millions of emails, I can't sto…

  • Posted a reply to Ithemes security creating infinite tables in WordPress database., on the site Forums:
    @nlpro stop answering as support should be doing it.

  • Created a topic, Content-Security-Policy ??, on the site Forums:
    Do you provide Content-Security-Policy in the plugin? …

  • Posted a reply to Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format i, on the site Forums:
    Idea: maybe you delete that option of sitemap in html.

  • Posted a reply to Button “External Payments” not working, on the site Forums:
    It's sad that you are losing the 99% of people that don't use storefront and…

  • Created a topic, Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format i, on the site Forums:
    Error in Google Search Console: Your Sitemap appears t…

  • Posted a reply to [Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce] Button “External Payments” not working, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, Button “External Payments” not working, on the site Forums:
    I'm using Elementor Pro, Woocommerce. The button is s…

  • Created a topic, It doesn’t come back to Woocommerce checkout page, on the site Forums:
    Why?? the button is there but it doesn't work. Please…

  • Posted a reply to Change 404 to 410, on the site Forums:
    How can I mark the 404 to 410 using the plugin?

  • Created a topic, Change 404 to 410, on the site Forums:
    Hi John, I moved the website to another hosting (same…

  • Created a topic, Great job, on the site Forums:
    It worked perfectly. I did first the customers, then t…

  • Posted a reply to Host Build Interrupt, on the site Forums:
    I've found a difference, this site with the problem has: MySQL Version 10.6.7 Comments…

  • Posted a reply to Host Build Interrupt, on the site Forums:
    Cory why a ticket? this is the support of Duplicator free version. I mean is…

  • Created a topic, Host Build Interrupt, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm getting this message when building "database o…

  • Created a topic, Database creation?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Can you put back the database creation (at the mo…

  • Created a topic, WP Super Cache, on the site Forums:
    Hi, there is an issue with WP Super Cache, is regardin…

  • Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
    Taking out 3 or 4 secs from your load time is a big th…

  • Posted a reply to Visual Composer incompatibility, on the site Forums:
    Yes! thank you!

  • Created a topic, Visual Composer incompatibility, on the site Forums:
    Hi! Thank you for this wonderful plugin. I recently i…

  • Posted a reply to Google Pay text/icon not showing, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I changed to the storefront theme and the button image is there. Looks like…