Created ticket #59176 on Core Trac:
functions.php loads more than one time at one refresh -
Closed ticket #53906 on Core Trac:
wp_mail_content_type doesn't work with pluggable function wp_mail -
Created ticket #53906 on Core Trac:
wp_mail_content_type doesn't work with pluggable function wp_mail -
Created ticket #51061 on Core Trac:
In WordPress 5.5 the rest_api_init action doesn't work in PHPUnit tests -
Reopened ticket #50366 on Core Trac:
WordPress rest_api_init action doesn't work in PHPUnit tests -
Created ticket #50366 on Core Trac:
WordPress rest_api_init action doesn't work in PHPUnit tests -
Posted a reply to Bad code implementation, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, @monbauza Thank you for your response! I can give you an example of a… -
Created a topic, Bad code implementation, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Too complexed classes, methods. Too many nested IF/Els… -
Mentioned in [47843] on Core SVN:
REST API: Ensure proper namespacing when registering routes. -
Mentioned in [47842] on Core SVN:
REST API: Ensure proper namespacing when registering routes. -
Created ticket #49777 on Core Trac:
Bug after update to WordPress 5.4 I have unexpected favicon -
Created ticket #49749 on Core Trac:
Bug in WordPress API when I have the prefix wp for the custom endpoint -
Posted a reply to High CPU usage, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @mbrsolution, The issue is resolved. We increased the server resources. -
Posted a reply to High CPU usage, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @wpsolutions, The file change detection and DB backups are disabled in the admin panel,… -
Posted a reply to High CPU usage, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thank you too! If you have any future information about that problem, could you please… -
Posted a reply to High CPU usage, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I have no info about server specs. But after removing the actions from the… -
Posted a reply to High CPU usage, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, The website is located on the VM server. -
Posted a reply to High CPU usage, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I tried, but nothing happens. Also, I've tried to disable AIO and I've no… -
Created a topic, High CPU usage, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, Every morning around 6AM (UTC +3) we have too h… -
Posted a reply to When update the polylang with WP 5.0.2 home page doesn’t work, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
It seems to work as well with wordpress 5.0.3 and polylang to 2.5.1. -
Created a topic, When update the polylang with WP 5.0.2 home page doesn’t work, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
When I update the polylang to 2.5 (last version) and W… -
Created ticket #45636 on Core Trac:
Html edit mode in Gutenberg editor doesn't work as expected -
Posted a reply to Menu All Options doesn’t work, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
The problem is solved by fix the permissions of the directory wp-content. In this directory… -
Created a topic, Menu All Options doesn’t work, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
The button Save Changes doesn't work as expected. When… -
Created a topic, get_fields doesn’t work as well with dummy data in phpunit, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
In unit tests I have the problem when use factory clas… -
Created ticket #43881 on Core Trac:
url_to_postid doesn't works with custom post type in PhpUnit Test -
Created a topic, Missing documentation for second parameter get_fields, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Here https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/ge… -
Reopened ticket #42660 on Core Trac:
Single event scheduler -
Reopened ticket #42660 on Core Trac:
Single event scheduler -
Created a topic, Redirect doesn’t work, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
When we set redirection for file url http://url.com/wp… -
Closed ticket #42672 on Core Trac:
Unexpected incorrect usage notice for wpdb::prepare in wordpress test lib -
Created ticket #42672 on Core Trac:
Unexpected incorrect usage notice for wpdb::prepare in wordpress test lib -
Created ticket #42660 on Core Trac:
Single event scheduler -
Posted a reply to Image of print button disappears after update plugin., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Dear Print Friendly plugin support, Thank you for fast reactions. Now print icons again is… -
Created a topic, Image of print button disappears after update plugin., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Dear support team, After update plugin to least versio… -
Created ticket #39872 on Core Trac:
curl_enforce_ipv4() expected to be a reference -
Closed ticket #39820 on Core Trac:
[Resolved] Can't change header status code response -
Created ticket #39820 on Core Trac:
Can't change header status code response -
Posted a reply to Error loading css language switchers, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thank you for your response David! -
Created a topic, [WPML to MultilingualPress] Error loading css language switchers, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, We use WMPL version 4.0.0 and in this version w… -
Posted a reply to error cdn images, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks for fast issue fix. -
Created a topic, Good plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Good plugin -
Created a topic, error cdn images, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, We have error 404 of icon images: "Network…