@sjadevoxx on
- Member Since: August 1st, 2019
- Location: Belgium
- Website:
- GitHub: stephanj
- Job Title: Founder
- Employer: Devoxx
Contribution History
Stephan’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3191527] to Plugins SVN:
Support for bluesky and mastodon -
Committed [3158851] to Plugins SVN:
Removed base_url method call -
Committed [3154708] to Plugins SVN:
Slug caching + SEO improvements -
Committed [3153164] to Plugins SVN:
Talk and Speaker slug URLs -
Committed [3135636] to Plugins SVN:
Deleted obsolete files -
Committed [3135633] to Plugins SVN:
Fix Speaker photo loading css -
Committed [3135617] to Plugins SVN:
Fix : Proposal keywords + Speaker photos retrieval -
Committed [3134305] to Plugins SVN:
Restored 3.3.4 -
Committed [3134299] to Plugins SVN:
Speaker images are retrieved async to speed up the page load and cached. -
Committed [3134254] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed cache logic + Fine grained admin cache management -
Committed [3132318] to Plugins SVN:
Async loading of speaker images -
Committed [3085512] to Plugins SVN:
Speaker bio strip_tags() fix -
Committed [3047386] to Plugins SVN:
v3.3.1 With search fix -
Committed [3024183] to Plugins SVN:
Fix for keep-alive issue -
Committed [2995682] to Plugins SVN:
Added 'hide_search' param for the speakers shortcode -
Committed [2976841] to Plugins SVN:
v3.1.1 shows room name -
Committed [2963561] to Plugins SVN:
v3.1 Dark/Light theme selection support -
Committed [2962927] to Plugins SVN:
v3.0 supporting the new mobile app -
Committed [2933229] to Plugins SVN:
Session type fix for pause field + One Hour cache -
Committed [2895994] to Plugins SVN:
Closing DIV tag fix for talk details page -
Committed [2886812] to Plugins SVN:
Restored v2.3.1 -
Committed [2886808] to Plugins SVN:
Rollback -
Committed [2886799] to Plugins SVN:
Cache logic fix -
Committed [2874628] to Plugins SVN:
Updated home page short code -
Committed [2874399] to Plugins SVN:
Fix for Registration button link -
Committed [2873753] to Plugins SVN:
Support cache selection in WordPress plugin admin -
Committed [2873102] to Plugins SVN:
Fix for clear cache issue -
Committed [2872180] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme and changelog -
Committed [2872178] to Plugins SVN:
Check if item has speakers on schedule page. Pruned some unused methods -
Committed [2871642] to Plugins SVN:
SVG path fix + HREF URL fix -
Committed [2871301] to Plugins SVN:
New version tagged -
Committed [2871300] to Plugins SVN:
Clear cache fix -
Committed [2868265] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged new version 2.1.7 -
Committed [2868262] to Plugins SVN:
Added missing new directories -
Committed [2868253] to Plugins SVN:
Upgraded version number -
Committed [2868249] to Plugins SVN:
CSS Fix 2 -
Committed [2868246] to Plugins SVN:
CSS Fix -
Committed [2868245] to Plugins SVN:
Updated README file -
Committed [2868241] to Plugins SVN:
New design -
Committed [2733808] to Plugins SVN:
Fix schedule search result href -
Committed [2733769] to Plugins SVN:
MySchedule fix. Search bar enhancement. Clearing cache enhancement -
Committed [2708029] to Plugins SVN:
Show speaker image or track image for twitter card -
Committed [2707896] to Plugins SVN:
Fix social card for speaker details page -
Committed [2626859] to Plugins SVN:
Wording fix -
Committed [2626829] to Plugins SVN:
Show event timezone -
Committed [2538071] to Plugins SVN:
Support CFP.DEV v1.10.x -
Committed [2240891] to Plugins SVN:
Corrected error handling for wp_remote_get -
Committed [2236460] to Plugins SVN:
Updated install info -
Committed [2236458] to Plugins SVN:
Cache schedule items layout corrected -
Committed [2236447] to Plugins SVN:
Schedule cache fix
CFP.DEV shortcodes
Active Installs: 10+