sinan isler
@sinan-isler on, @sinanisler on Slack
- Member Since: April 5th, 2014
- Location: Türkiye
- Website:
- Job Title: WordPress Developer
Contribution History
sinan isler’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Use Only With Elementor Pro, on the site Forums:
oooof thats ugly... -
Posted a reply to dev documentation sht, on the site Forums:
I know Thanks, Kath Have a great day. My problem cannot be solved until the… -
Posted a reply to dev documentation sht, on the site Forums:
wrong question. you should be asking "why is everyone using the ACF PRO plugin to… -
Created a topic, dev documentation sht, on the site Forums:
dev documentation sht -
Created a topic, doesnt work with the latest wordpress please update, on the site Forums:
doesnt work with the latest wordpress please update -
Created a topic, using this plugin for years, on the site Forums:
i love the plugin using it like 5-6 years now. i thin… -
Created a topic, one of the oldest forum software for wordpress, on the site Forums:
one of the oldest forum software for wordpress keep d… -
Created a topic, good mod thanks, on the site Forums:
good mod thanks -
Created a topic, dont use it has bugs and didnt updated !, on the site Forums:
dont use it has bugs and didnt updated ! -
Created a topic, keep developing awesome plugin, on the site Forums:
keep developing awesome plugin I like features and ke… -
Wrote a comment on the post Customizer Improvements in 4.5, on the site Make WordPress Core:
this is awesome :D -
Wrote a comment on the post Custom Logo, on the site Make WordPress Core:
good start we need to make a very good default theme next time for logo… -
Wrote a comment on the post Theme Logo Support, on the site Make WordPress Core:
yes good idea -
Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 4.5 Deputies, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Congratulations -
Wrote a comment on the post Welcome the 4.5 class of committers!, on the site Make WordPress Core:
wellcome :) -
Wrote a comment on the post Introducing Twenty Sixteen, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Friday 16:00 UTC in #core-themes I will try to be there. -
Wrote a comment on the post Introducing Twenty Sixteen, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I'm sorry for being angry. But I have reasons. It is to late now for… -
Wrote a comment on the post Introducing Twenty Sixteen, on the site Make WordPress Core:
what f is this? are we in 1995 ? -
Wrote a comment on the post This Week in 4.2: February 9 – 15, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I would like to join slack meetings please invite me. slack: @sinanisler -
Committed [915713] to Plugins SVN:
update for screenshot -
Committed [915711] to Plugins SVN:
for change -
Committed [915710] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot -
Committed [915704] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [915703] to Plugins SVN:
change -
Committed [915702] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot 1 -
Committed [915183] to Plugins SVN:
first files -
Committed [915182] to Plugins SVN:
first files -
Committed [915180] to Plugins SVN:
new plugin new files -
Committed [915179] to Plugins SVN:
new files -
Committed [915178] to Plugins SVN:
new files -
Committed [914705] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [914704] to Plugins SVN:
for change -
Committed [914688] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [914686] to Plugins SVN:
shange -
Committed [914682] to Plugins SVN:
change -
Committed [914679] to Plugins SVN:
change -
Committed [914676] to Plugins SVN:
banner -
Committed [914675] to Plugins SVN:
for change -
Committed [914651] to Plugins SVN:
new readme -
Committed [914650] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [914649] to Plugins SVN:
updating new one -
Committed [914644] to Plugins SVN:
banner -
Committed [914640] to Plugins SVN:
another update -
Committed [914639] to Plugins SVN:
readme update -
Committed [914637] to Plugins SVN:
wrong one changing -
Committed [914633] to Plugins SVN:
first version -
Committed [914632] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot -
Committed [914630] to Plugins SVN:
no need wrong upload -
Committed [914626] to Plugins SVN:
first version
Last Comments Without Links
Active Installs: 100+
Last Posts Category and Post Types
Active Installs: 50+