

Ho caricato per gioco il mio primo sito nel 2003, tutto realizzato con HTML e CSS, un lavoro di 6 mesi che mi ha permesso di utilizzare bene questi due linguaggi di programmazione nel tempo.

Lavoro come consulente di comunicazione per PMI e creo l’immagine aziendale e il sito web e curo la presenza nel mondo online e offline.

I loaded my first site in 2003 as a game, all made with HTML and CSS, a 6-month job that allowed me to use these two programming languages well over time.

I work as a communication consultant for SMEs and create the corporate image and website and take care of the presence in the online and offline world.


Mi piace molto il mio lavoro e utilizzo la mia voglia di conoscere per creare nuove sinergie e ricercare nuovi stimoli.

In particolare mi interessa molto leggere libri del settore e libri storici, ascoltare musica (sempre).
Lavorando molto al PC ho una sana abitudine che è quella di andare via con il mio VAN e stare in mezzo alla natura appena possibile 🙂

Ho due bellissimi cani: Roger e Lattuga.

WordPress Origin Story

Ho sempre avuto la voglia di imparare a costruire siti web. Nel 2003 ho imparato HTML e CSS, e da quel momento per hobby ho studiato il codice e la programmazione; mentre svolgevo gli studi per diventare grafico pubblicitario. Poi ho iniziato a lavorare nei primi studi grafici e agenzie di comunicazione.

Nel frattempo ho sempre studiato le modalità per realizzare siti web in modalità più smart. Sono finito nei classici siti che ti propongono soluzioni “fai tutto da solo 😀 😀 :D” e ovviamente nessun sito si realizza da solo.
Poi un giorno ho scoperto wordpress. Era circa il 2010.

Ho contattato un professore di programmazione e mi ha spiegato come installarlo e come settare la base di wordpress, era il 2012. Da quell’anno ad oggi ho continuato a studiare il codice e ora grazie anche al team della mia agenzia di web marketing possiamo dire di poter realizzare progetti customizzati, ecommerce ad alta redditività, siti web posizionati nei motori di ricerca anche grazie a questo splendido strumento che è wordpress.
Lunga vita al codice libero.

I’ve always had the desire to learn how to build websites. In 2003 I learned HTML and CSS, and from that moment on as a hobby I studied code and programming; while I was studying to become an advertising graphic designer. Then I started working in the first graphic studios and communication agencies.

In the meantime, I have always studied ways to create websites in a smarter way. I ended up in the classic sites that offer you “do it yourself: D: D: D” solutions and obviously no site is built on its own.
Then one day I discovered wordpress. It was around 2010.

I contacted a programming professor and he explained how to install it and how to set up the wordpress base, it was 2012. From that year to today I have continued to study the code and now thanks also to the team of my web marketing agency magnetmarketing. it we can say we can create customized projects, high profitability ecommerce, websites positioned in search engines thanks to this splendid tool that is wordpress.
Long live the free code.

  • Member Since: June 29th, 2018
  • Location: Padova
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Consulente di Comunicazione Integrata Online e Offline - CEO di
  • Employer: MAGNET Marketing
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to Invalid or missing payment details. Make sure that the payment method provided, on the site Forums:
    in the end I changed plugins.Thanks a lot and have a nice day

  • Posted a reply to Invalid or missing payment details. Make sure that the payment method provided, on the site Forums:
    @jmatiasmastro please this ticket is not solved! No one has answered me yet!

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    @jmatiasmastro OK Thanks a lot! have a nice day

  • Posted a reply to Invalid or missing payment details. Make sure that the payment method provided, on the site Forums:
    @jmatiasmastro thanks for your reply the woopayments team says it is a problem with this…

  • Created a topic, Invalid or missing payment details. Make sure that the payment method provided, on the site Forums:
    Good evening and thanks for the support. Basically in …

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce history transactions, after changing the site., on the site Forums:
    Good morning, thanks for the reply @carolm29 we have practically created a new woocommerce.By creating…

  • Created a topic, WooCommerce history transactions, after changing the site., on the site Forums:
    Good morning, on May 14th I uploaded my new commerce, …

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce Checkout Manager not working with divi?, on the site Forums:
    @jmatiasmastro thanks a lot!

  • Created a topic, WooCommerce Checkout Manager not working with divi?, on the site Forums:
    Good morning, the site is under development before goi…

  • Posted a reply to It magically fixed the problem within the website, on the site Forums:
    Hi @thelmachido Thank you for your answer. I'm not sure at the moment, but I'm…

  • Created a topic, It magically fixed the problem within the website, on the site Forums:
    Congratulations to whoever made this plugin. There wer…

  • Posted a reply to List of websites where Akismet account is active?, on the site Forums:
    @stephdau ok thanks a lot for your reply!

  • Posted a reply to List of websites where Akismet account is active?, on the site Forums:
    Hello @stephdau Thanks for the reply. Ok section found! thank you. The question is: are…

  • Created a topic, List of websites where Akismet account is active?, on the site Forums:
    Goodmorning, Is it possible to know the list of we…

  • Created a topic, don’t take a pro subscription: they steal your money, on the site Forums:
    I had done the normal subscription for two years with …

  • Posted a reply to Problems with the wp_litespeed_img_optm table, on the site Forums:
    Yes you are right. I was thinking of doing with a text edit file, and…

  • Posted a reply to Problems with the wp_litespeed_img_optm table, on the site Forums:
    thanks, but isn't there a manual operation I can do in the exported database editing…

  • Created a topic, Problems with the wp_litespeed_img_optm table, on the site Forums:
    Goodmorning, we have a problem with exporting the data…

  • Created a topic, The best website migration plugin, on the site Forums:
    I've been using this plugin for years (since 2015? !!?…

  • Created a topic, very good for websites, on the site Forums:
    I got a lot of support and the plugin is absolutely fu…

  • Posted a reply to Column responsive, on the site Forums:
    Ok, thanks a lot and have a nice day

  • Created a topic, Excelent, on the site Forums:
    A fantastic and customizable plugin

  • Created a topic, Column responsive, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I wanted to know if there is a method (or what nee…