@shellbot on and Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: October 7th, 2013
- Location: Guisborough, UK
- Website:
Contribution History
Shellbot’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1888967] to Plugins SVN:
Compatibility update for latest version of WP -
Committed [1888900] to Plugins SVN:
Update compatible version -
Committed [1888890] to Plugins SVN:
Fix issue with category image size in newer versions of WooCommerce -
Committed [1888853] to Plugins SVN:
Update compatible WP version -
Committed [1888842] to Plugins SVN:
Fix problem with static URL link option being ignored -
Committed [1750656] to Plugins SVN:
Fix incompatibility with new WooCommerce visibility settings -
Committed [1332953] to Plugins SVN:
Fix typo in example code -
Committed [1286242] to Plugins SVN:
Formatting improvements & new trigger text colorpicker setting -
Committed [1222539] to Plugins SVN:
Change donate link. Compatible version up. -
Committed [1222531] to Plugins SVN:
Change donate link. Compatible version up. -
Committed [1220055] to Plugins SVN:
Compatible version up. -
Committed [1216985] to Plugins SVN:
Tweak donate notice -
Committed [1216958] to Plugins SVN:
Compatibility with WP4.3 -
Committed [1214689] to Plugins SVN:
Fix various errors & conflict with Bootstrap tooltip class. -
Committed [1207449] to Plugins SVN:
Add support and donate links -
Released a new plugin, Advanced Custom Tooltips
Committed [1205625] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit -
Committed [1202298] to Plugins SVN:
Add plugin action links + updated donate link -
Committed [1202158] to Plugins SVN:
New assets -
Committed [1202150] to Plugins SVN:
New assets -
Committed [1202132] to Plugins SVN:
New assets -
Committed [1202131] to Plugins SVN:
New icon asset -
Committed [1202128] to Plugins SVN:
New assets -
Committed [1202125] to Plugins SVN:
Move settings page to WooCommerce settings tab -
Committed [1196619] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit -
Committed [1193180] to Plugins SVN:
Add plugin banner + icon -
Committed [1193132] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed issue with caption links + lightbox -
Committed [1188502] to Plugins SVN:
Updating plugin links and tested version -
Committed [1185552] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tested version and plugin links -
Committed [1185541] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed typo in readme -
Committed [1185539] to Plugins SVN:
Changing plugin links and improving readme -
Committed [1184064] to Plugins SVN:
Adding banner image -
Committed [1184030] to Plugins SVN:
First version -
Committed [1018335] to Plugins SVN:
Added option to show/hide image captions -
Committed [994143] to Plugins SVN:
Updated changelog -
Committed [994142] to Plugins SVN:
Shortcode compatibility fix -
Committed [986230] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme for WP 4.0 -
Committed [984616] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme -
Released a new plugin, Posts by Category
Committed [984171] to Plugins SVN:
First release -
Released a new plugin, Ravelry Designs Widget
Committed [966274] to Plugins SVN:
First version. -
Committed [961977] to Plugins SVN:
* Added option to specify range of image IDs * Added custom sorting option -
Committed [854693] to Plugins SVN:
Now compatible with PHP 5.4. Option to enter static URL for image link. -
Committed [821130] to Plugins SVN:
Now compatible with WP 3.8 -
Committed [803013] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed issue with version number -
Committed [801594] to Plugins SVN:
Added option to include/exclude images based on ID. Fixed issue with ... -
Committed [791878] to Plugins SVN:
Forgot to change version number -
Committed [791858] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes an incompatibility with other lightbox plugins -
Committed [785977] to Plugins SVN:
Initial release
Easy Image Display
Active Installs: 600+
Posts by Category
Active Installs: 100+
Ravelry Designs Widget
Active Installs: 30+
WooCommerce Auto Category Thumbnails
Active Installs: 1,000+