Scott Farrell
@sfarrell5123 on
- Member Since: September 12th, 2015
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Contribution History
Scott Farrell’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to my embeddings still dont have meta data, on the site Forums:
sounds great -
Posted a reply to you dont seem to record the 1st message in chat history, on the site Forums:
take a look at the json going to chatGPT - it's missing from the chatGPT… -
Posted a reply to you dont seem to record the 1st message in chat history, on the site Forums:
the system message is fine, whether you change that is up to you. BUT: what… -
Created a topic, you dont seem to record the 1st message in chat history, on the site Forums:
you dont ever seem to send the first message in the ch… -
Created a topic, you seem to be leaking the ‘system’ chat data to the browser, on the site Forums:
I'm pretty sure you're ignoring it in the UI. by you a… -
Posted a reply to my embeddings still dont have meta data, on the site Forums:
I cut and paste my own entries. Product:- ID: 587- Name: Multi Colour Cherry Shrimp… -
Posted a reply to my embeddings still dont have meta data, on the site Forums:
Do you not think this is not needed ? All your 'index builder' entries definately… -
Posted a reply to Embeddings Max Entry?, on the site Forums:
yeh - the problem is after you get the embedding search result from pine cone,… -
Posted a reply to my embeddings still dont have meta data, on the site Forums:
that's me hacking a general prompt it's standard woocommerce meta data I am talking about:-… -
Posted a reply to my embeddings still dont have meta data, on the site Forums:
yeh - that one has a big description but try 'do you sell red shrimp'… -
Posted a reply to my embeddings still dont have meta data, on the site Forums:
it's on my website, I emailed you a login a few weeks back -
Posted a reply to Could you make a tutorial to train the chatbot to learn all things in the web?, on the site Forums:
look up his stuff on content builder, embeddings. you cut and paste the text of… -
Posted a reply to Embeddings – Builder, on the site Forums:
make sure you have both an API key for openai saved, and pinecone api and… -
Created a topic, my embeddings still dont have meta data, on the site Forums:
this is from the prompt: see the first line - that's … -
Posted a reply to re-index still doesnt work, on the site Forums:
mucked around, and eventually it showed some error. now I re-index and it's working -
Posted a reply to re-index still doesnt work, on the site Forums:
yeppa - updated, 'delete all' good news- everything disappearedbad news - nothing came backchecked cron,… -
Posted a reply to re-index still doesnt work, on the site Forums:
upgraded to Version 1.5.42 I cant even work out where you store everything ? I… -
Posted a reply to re-index still doesnt work, on the site Forums:
I appreciate all your help. I upgraded, waited, nothing different. This is my screen -
Created a topic, re-index still doesnt work, on the site Forums:
I saw your new button. pressed it. waited, made sure c… -
Posted a reply to after re-index an entry, it disappears, on the site Forums:
great - that fix new 're-index'I'm missing 31 products though. but it says it's done… -
Posted a reply to after re-index an entry, it disappears, on the site Forums:
ip upgraded I uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin re-index another - and it disappears I… -
Created a topic, after re-index an entry, it disappears, on the site Forums:
I upgraded and I think you did some meta data work for… -
Posted a reply to prompting of embedded search results, on the site Forums:
look forward to it -
Posted a reply to GPT3 logs empty, on the site Forums:
thanks -
Posted a reply to need metadata added to indexing, on the site Forums:
no - I'm not repeating the product name in the description. Nor is the price… -
Created a topic, prompting of embedded search results, on the site Forums:
currently you return the summary of each search withou… -
Created a topic, GPT3 logs empty, on the site Forums:
I'm keen to keep the chat data, and possibly edit and … -
Posted a reply to need metadata added to indexing, on the site Forums:
the URL might be good also - so during chat the bot can refer the… -
Created a topic, need metadata added to indexing, on the site Forums:
When you create the summary for products it needs meta… -
Posted a reply to indexing not totally working, on the site Forums:
thanks mate -
Created a topic, indexing not totally working, on the site Forums:
my posts/products is fine. says 2 pages aren't indexed… -
Created a topic, Memory management fpm/whm question, on the site Forums:
Just trying to get your thoughts on how memory is mana… -
Created a topic, problems with php 8.0 8.1, on the site Forums:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: unserialize(): A… -
Posted a reply to Memcached issue with WHM, on the site Forums:
is there a solution to this ? I have the same issue php 80/81 there's… -
Posted a reply to Uncaught TypeError: spl_object_hash(): Argument #1 ($object) must be of type obj, on the site Forums:
they are having problems with some payments - not sure if it's the exact same… -
Created a topic, Uncaught TypeError: spl_object_hash(): Argument #1 ($object) must be of type obj, on the site Forums:
everything current as 13/9/22 php 8.1 I have multicu… -
Created a topic, does it work with page caching ?, on the site Forums:
does it work with page caching ? -
Created a topic, CLS content layout shift issue on product page, on the site Forums:
It seems the product gallery is given a HUGE vertical … -
Created a topic, how to set sendle parcel size ?, on the site Forums:
I want to always send the 4L handbag option. I can't … -
Posted a reply to error sending order to sendle, on the site Forums:
fixed my own error -
Created a topic, error sending order to sendle, on the site Forums:
Order Error byadmin [orderid:206] :: Array ( [messages… -
Created a topic, repeat visits, on the site Forums:
I'm after the fields being pre-filled on repeat visits… -
Posted a reply to wphpc_startTime is not defined, on the site Forums:
I'll take a look -
Posted a reply to Plugin generating PHP Warnings, on the site Forums:
I'll take a look -
Posted a reply to Deactivate “wp Hosting Performance Check new feature!” alert – revisited, on the site Forums:
I'll take a look thanks -
Posted a reply to Warning message in Sysinfo, on the site Forums:
thanks - I'll take a look -
Posted a reply to Purge of records older than 30 days, on the site Forums:
I'll take a look - maybe I moved it out to 90 days and didn't… -
Posted a reply to Javascript error when logged in, on the site Forums:
I'll check it out - thanks -
Posted a reply to it tests non existant url, on the site Forums:
Can you give me any clue as to what those urls are ? is there… -
Committed [1929455] to Plugins SVN:
tag 2.18.8 bug fix bot_page where count is zero
wp Hosting Performance Check
Active Installs: 300+
wp wpDone website content accelerator
Active Installs: 10+