Seth Stevenson
@sethstevenson on and Slack
- Member Since: October 18th, 2008
Contribution History
Seth Stevenson’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2258420] to Plugins SVN:
Fix for is_plugin_active -
Committed [2258368] to Plugins SVN:
Added dependency check for Beaver Themer -
Committed [2258302] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Readme -
Committed [2258300] to Plugins SVN:
Added support for servers using Cloudflare or behind proxies -
Committed [2258182] to Plugins SVN:
Adding SVG icon back -
Committed [2258173] to Plugins SVN:
Removing SVG icon -
Committed [2258171] to Plugins SVN:
Updating SVG icon -
Committed [2257824] to Plugins SVN:
Adding Beaver Themer requirement -
Committed [2257799] to Plugins SVN:
Updating FAQ question on requests -
Committed [2257795] to Plugins SVN:
Adding icon -
Committed [2257793] to Plugins SVN:
Updated banners -
Committed [2257788] to Plugins SVN:
Added regular size banner -
Committed [2257786] to Plugins SVN:
Updating required/tested WordPress versions -
Committed [2257784] to Plugins SVN:
Adding banner -
Committed [2257711] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit -
Posted a reply to “TEMPLATEPATH” depreciated but still included in multiple core WordPress Files?, on the site Forums:
Has anyone found a solution to this? Seems to be an issue in WordPress core... -
Created a topic, Plugin causes errors with WP 5.0+, on the site Forums:
After upgrading my WP install for 5.0 (Gutenberg) I en…
Extra Conditional Logic for Beaver Builder
Active Installs: 40+