
  • Member Since: October 5th, 2018
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  • Created a topic, Verzija 2.0.8 pravi problem sa MSU plugin for WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
    Kada je verzija 2.0.8 Transliterator plagina aktivna n…

  • Posted a reply to Konflikt sa FluentForms, on the site Forums:
    Odgovoro od Fluent forms:"I have investigated and found that the error is thrown from the…

  • Created a topic, Konflikt sa FluentForms, on the site Forums:
    Kada je Transliterator aktivan ne mogu da vidim entrie…

  • Posted a reply to [Transliterator] Kada se sajtu pristupa iz Google pretrage otvara se sajt na ćirilici, on the site Forums:
    Hvala na odgovoru. Čemu tačno služi opcija "Omogući alternativne veze"?

  • Created a topic, Kada se sajtu pristupa iz Google pretrage otvara se sajt na ćirilici, on the site Forums:
    Kada se otvori sajt iz Google pretrage otvori se stran…

  • Created a topic, Feature request: Use HTML and CSS in notes, on the site Forums:
    Any chance you could add support for HTML and possibly…

  • Created a topic, Zamena ChipCard/Payten sa ovim plaginom, on the site Forums:
    Hteo bih da pređem sa ChipCard/Payten via Banka Intesa…

  • Posted a reply to [Wooplatnica] Uputstvo za korišćenje QR koda, on the site Forums:
    Da ne bude da se samo žalim, hvala puno na dodavanju novih funkcionalnosti. Znače puno…

  • Created a topic, Uputstvo za korišćenje QR koda, on the site Forums:
    Da li postoji neko uputstvo za korišćenje NBS IPS QR k…

  • Posted a reply to [Image Watermark Plugin for WordPress, WordPress Watermark Plugin, Add Watermark on WordPress - Ultimate Watermark] Manual watermarking doesn’t work at all, on the site Forums:
    There was no caching and I also tried 4 other browsers. All with private/incognito option…

  • Created a topic, The best Watermark plugin for WP, on the site Forums:
    I just tried 3 top rated image watermark plugins and t…

  • Posted a reply to [Image Watermark Plugin for WordPress, WordPress Watermark Plugin, Add Watermark on WordPress - Ultimate Watermark] Watermark offset [Y] not working, on the site Forums:
    I confirm that the Y offset doesn't work when the placement of the watermark is…

  • Created a topic, Manual watermarking doesn’t work at all, on the site Forums:
    I uploaded a few images and tried applying watermark, …

  • Posted a reply to [Image Watermark] Worked once, but not anymore, on the site Forums:
    I tried Manual watermarking with a few different options but "Apply watermark" button on the…

  • Created a topic, Worked once, but not anymore, on the site Forums:
    It would be great if the author updated the plugin so …

  • Reopened ticket #5471 on Meta Trac:
    Add Serbian Latin locale with transliteration of Serbian Cyrillic locale

  • Closed ticket #5471 on Meta Trac:
    Add Serbian Latin locale with transliteration of Serbian Cyrillic locale

  • Created a topic, Doesn’t support transliteration in WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
    Even though I have this plugin activated I had to tran…

  • Created a topic, Professional and detailed support, on the site Forums:
    If you use MailPoet you can count on professional and …

  • Created a topic, Translation of “Mailpoet page”, on the site Forums:
    The page title "MailPoet Page" isn't being translated,…

  • Created a topic, You should notify users when you disable an option from the free plan, on the site Forums:
    You just disabled a few options that were available in…

  • Created a topic, Does this plugin have any free option?, on the site Forums:
    Does this plugin have any free features? All option th…

  • Created a topic, Block Navigation is essential for working with Gutenberg, on the site Forums:
    Navigating between blocks and elements is at least 3 t…

  • Created a topic, Issue on “Send a Test Email” page, on the site Forums:
    When I am on "Send a Test Email" page and enter an ema…

  • Created a topic, Add description field for the backend, on the site Forums:
    In my humble opinion, it would be great to have a desc…

  • Created a topic, Issue with /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php loading too long, on the site Forums:
    Using HurryTimer's recurring timer which makes https:/…

  • Created a topic, Plugin update, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I don't have any issues with the plugin, except th…

  • Created a topic, List of variables that can be called in Follow-up emails, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I see in demo follow-up emails these variables: {{…

  • Created a topic, Missing orders with odd order IDs, on the site Forums:
    Every now and then we have missing orders. WooCommerce…

  • Created a topic, Nice interface, intuitive, but no ajax confirmation and limited in Free version, on the site Forums:
    This is the almost perfect solution for WP and MailChi…

  • Created a topic, Didn’t work for me, on the site Forums:
    This is only a widget plugin with only a few basic opt…