@senatorman on
- Member Since: March 18th, 2015
Contribution History
senatorman’s badges:- Core Contributor
Posted a reply to unique price to each location, on the site Forums:
edit:Now i see the price by the product, but it is not the location with… -
Posted a reply to unique price to each location, on the site Forums:
Yesterday, I purchased and installed the Pro version.A product has two stock locations with two… -
Created a topic, unique price to each location, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to assign a unique price to each locati… -
Created a topic, Nice plugin, but we missed an important function. We can’t use this plugin, on the site Forums:
Nice plugin, but we missed an important function why w… -
Created a topic, Pro versions wil not be actitvated, on the site Forums:
Buy the pro version. Activated the plugin. Everything… -
Created a topic, Great plugin and great support, on the site Forums:
Plugin works great an support is fast. Happy with it! -
Posted a reply to Filter on Sale products, on the site Forums:
We use the pro version. I will make a ticket -
Created a topic, Filter on Sale products, on the site Forums:
How can we filter on Sale products? We can't select … -
Created a topic, Trying to get property ‘ID’ of non-object, on the site Forums:
On empty category pages there is an php error, i have … -
Posted a reply to Woocommerce Checkout, on the site Forums:
Great plugin to buy. But not for the Dutch market. The team is still working… -
Posted a reply to How to make different filters for different categories?, on the site Forums:
i have make a ticket. -
Posted a reply to How to make different filters for different categories?, on the site Forums:
Thx for the update 1.3.9 and 1.3.7 i've tested it, it works but not perfect… -
Posted a reply to How to make different filters for different categories?, on the site Forums:
Great to hear! Good job -
Created a topic, Fast and good filter plugin, on the site Forums:
This pluging works like a charme. Easy to make filter… -
Posted a reply to Savingproblem (to many filters) Script maximum., on the site Forums:
ok i'll make contact -
Posted a reply to How to make different filters for different categories?, on the site Forums:
i would be great that we can select specific categories by filter. Like: Display on… -
Posted a reply to Savingproblem (to many filters) Script maximum., on the site Forums:
The problem is when i use i long filterlist for all categories the script url… -
Posted a reply to How to make different filters for different categories?, on the site Forums:
hi, I understand that i can make separate filters I Understand that each filter… -
Posted a reply to Savingproblem (to many filters) Script maximum., on the site Forums:
I read this topic it is possible to make different filters for diffent categories But… -
Created a topic, How to make different filters for different categories?, on the site Forums:
Hi, I've read this topic but don't understand it how … -
Posted a reply to Savingproblem (to many filters) Script maximum., on the site Forums:
Hi, I changed to mediumtext, but still same problem. -
Created a topic, Savingproblem (to many filters) Script maximum., on the site Forums:
We had a lot of attributes 10000 of more, that we can … -
Mentioned in [48422] on Core SVN:
Revisions: optimize performance when post has large number of revisions. -
Created a topic, Error class-pe-public-enquiry-button.php on line 92, on the site Forums:
Hi, i get this error on the end of the productpage. … -
Posted a reply to Error in popup, on the site Forums:
problem solved. thx -
Created a topic, Error in popup, on the site Forums:
Hi, i've updates to version 2.2 i get this error in … -
Posted a reply to Buttontext is floating elswhere on the site., on the site Forums:
echo do_shortcode( '[ivory-search id=”1743″ title=”Default Search Form”]' ); This code is not working on places… -
Posted a reply to Buttontext is floating elswhere on the site., on the site Forums:
[ivory-search id="1743" title="Default Search Form"] is a shortcode, this is not php codefragment -
Posted a reply to Buttontext is floating elswhere on the site., on the site Forums:
Cab IvorySearch work with the default earchfunction form my theme? i've read that something like… -
Posted a reply to Buttontext is floating elswhere on the site., on the site Forums:
your plugin can work with a shortcode, but can it work also with a php… -
Posted a reply to Buttontext is floating elswhere on the site., on the site Forums:
hi, when i get this notification i was working en testing with your plugin. ok… -
Posted a reply to Buttontext is floating elswhere on the site., on the site Forums:
i've send you the details. -
Posted a reply to Buttontext is floating elswhere on the site., on the site Forums:
ok please can you give me your mail adres so i can send you the… -
Created a topic, Buttontext is floating elswhere on the site., on the site Forums:
Hoi, i have the search form in the menu of my heade… -
Created a topic, Feature request. User online/offline status, on the site Forums:
Feature request. User online/offline status i hope th… -
Posted a reply to tekstveld als variabele voor e-mail gebruiken, on the site Forums:
Top, ik dacht er wel even aan, maar ging ervan uit dat dat toch niet… -
Created a topic, tekstveld als variabele voor e-mail gebruiken, on the site Forums:
Hoi, Ik heb naast het vaste veld NAAM een tekstveld g… -
Created a topic, Import events from facebook, on the site Forums:
Maybe a very nice future request: Import events from … -
Created a topic, wordpress gebruikers-registratie, on the site Forums:
Is het mogelijk dit formulier meteen te koppelen aan d… -
Posted a reply to Database verloren, Hoe lopende Sepa’s stopzetten?, on the site Forums:
heb het al gevonden. En ja hoor dat gaat prima. Fijne oplossing zo. Bedankt voor… -
Posted a reply to Database verloren, Hoe lopende Sepa’s stopzetten?, on the site Forums:
kan ik dan ook met een gratis account bij lopende sepa incasso's stopzetten? -
Posted a reply to Database verloren, Hoe lopende Sepa’s stopzetten?, on the site Forums:
Heb ingelogd bij en kan daar inderdaad al mijn betalingen zien. Om sepa betalingen… -
Posted a reply to Database verloren, Hoe lopende Sepa’s stopzetten?, on the site Forums:
Dat doet het toch ook. De gegevens blijven prima in mollie staan, de incasso's lopen… -
Posted a reply to Database verloren, Hoe lopende Sepa’s stopzetten?, on the site Forums:
Nee heb een lege plugin. (helaas geen goede database backup gemaakt) Maar de incasso's lopen… -
Posted a reply to Database verloren, Hoe lopende Sepa’s stopzetten?, on the site Forums:
Als ik de registraties nog in de database had staan had ik de lopende sepas… -
Posted a reply to Database verloren, Hoe lopende Sepa’s stopzetten?, on the site Forums:
Nee, daar is het stopzetten van een Sepa niet mogelijk. Tenminste ik kan daar nergens… -
Created a topic, Database verloren, Hoe lopende Sepa’s stopzetten?, on the site Forums:
Wij hebben door serverhardwareproblemen onze database … -
Posted a reply to No spinner in submitbutton, on the site Forums:
And i've double submitbutton in the posting/replyform -
Created a topic, No spinner in submitbutton, on the site Forums:
My spinner is not working anymore after database crash… -
Created a topic, Change upload folder, on the site Forums:
Hello, This is e very nice and handy plugin. i have mo…