@scrumwheel on
- Member Since: September 16th, 2019
- Location: India
- Website:
- Employer: Scrumwheel
Contribution History
Scrumwheel’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2222808] to Plugins SVN:
uploading first version of the plugin -
Committed [2199371] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot removed -
Committed [2199367] to Plugins SVN:
added new sized logos -
Committed [2199366] to Plugins SVN:
removed old logos -
Committed [2199364] to Plugins SVN:
added new logos and screenshots -
Committed [2199359] to Plugins SVN:
added logos -
Committed [2199317] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to value bumped up to 5.3 -
Committed [2199313] to Plugins SVN:
adding logo -
Committed [2199312] to Plugins SVN:
second release -
Committed [2199294] to Plugins SVN:
first release
Ajax add to cart on hover Plugin
Active Installs: 10+