@scribu on and Slack
- Member Since: April 30th, 2007
- Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Europe
- Website:
Contribution History
scribu’s badges:- bbPress Contributor
- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Organizer
- WordCamp Speaker
Mentioned in [58406] on Core SVN:
Posts/Post Types: Display the correct message when post status is filtered on save. -
Mentioned in [58097] on Core SVN:
Bootstrap/Load: Add support for custom ports in multisite site addresses. -
Mentioned in [57580] on Core SVN:
Quick/Bulk Edit: Pre-fill category fields with their status. -
Mentioned in [57545] on Core SVN:
Upgrade/Install: Introduce Plugin Dependencies. -
Mentioned in [56939] on Core SVN:
Posts, Post Types: Don't force trailing slash in `get_pagenum_link()`. -
Mentioned in [56712] on Core SVN:
Quick/Bulk Edit: Pre-fill category fields with their status. -
Mentioned in [56635] on Core SVN:
Themes: Deprecate usage of `TEMPLATEPATH` and `STYLESHEETPATH` constants. -
Mentioned in [55569] on Core SVN:
Posts, Post Types: Use WP_Query internally in get_pages. -
Mentioned in [54378] on Core SVN:
Administration: Remove private delegation from list tables. -
Mentioned in [54247] on Core SVN:
Administration: Allow to wrap Settings sections with custom HTML content. -
Mentioned in [54240] on Core SVN:
Networks and Sites: Officially remove global terms. -
Mentioned in [53941] on Core SVN:
Query: Cache post ID database query within `WP_Query`. -
Mentioned in [53884] on Core SVN:
Login and Registration: Introduce `is_login_screen()` function. -
Mentioned in [53763] on Core SVN:
Cache API: Add `wp_cache_flush_group` function. -
Mentioned in [51943] on Core SVN:
Role/Capability: Add support for capability queries in `WP_User_Query`. -
Mentioned in [48709] on Core SVN:
Upgrade/Install: Show the installed WordPress version number on WordPress Updates screen if there is a newer version available. -
Mentioned in [48370] on Core SVN:
Themes: Allow template loading functions to pass additional arguments to the template via the `$args` parameter. -
Mentioned in [48060] on Core SVN:
Themes: Add additional later escaping to `post_class()` and `body_class()` functions. -
Mentioned in [41375] on Core SVN:
Add `wp.hooks` - JavaScript actions and filters. -
Mentioned in [38647] on Core SVN:
Allow custom bulk actions in admin list tables. -
Committed [1457735] to Plugins SVN:
deploy from git -
Mentioned in [36311] on Core SVN:
Users: Deprecate the `get_currentuserinfo()` pluggable function. -
Committed [1287839] to Plugins SVN:
update readme -
Committed [1287838] to Plugins SVN:
deploy from git -
Committed [1287824] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.4 -
Committed [1287823] to Plugins SVN:
removing old 1.1.4 tag dir -
Committed [1287821] to Plugins SVN:
fix github deploy -
Committed [1287818] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.4 -
Committed [1287817] to Plugins SVN:
deploy from git -
Mentioned in [34997] on Core SVN:
Introduce `WP_Term`. -
Mentioned in [34963] on Core SVN:
On the Users list table, show all the roles of a user in a comma-separated list if they have more than one role. -
Mentioned in [34708] on Core SVN:
Rewrite: allow `add_rewrite_rule|WP_Rewrite::add_rule()` to accept an associative array for the value of `$redirect` instead of requiring a query string. -
Mentioned in [34670] on Core SVN:
Edit: Remove the redundant "View Post" button-link and link the sample permalink. -
Committed [1248863] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.4 -
Committed [1248862] to Plugins SVN:
deploy from git -
Mentioned in [34030] on Core SVN:
Schema: Increase the length of `wp_options.option_name`. -
Mentioned in [33723] on Core SVN:
With a few modifications in `wp-admin/menu.php`, we can eliminate the extra logic for Post and Page menu registration. -
Mentioned in [33644] on Core SVN:
The `'restrict_manage_posts'` hook currently fires on the Post and Media list tables, but is passed zero arguments. -
Mentioned in [32759] on Core SVN:
Capture domain and path when editing sites on a subdomain network -
Committed [1178842] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.6.4 -
Committed [1178841] to Plugins SVN:
removing old 1.6.4 tag dir -
Committed [1178839] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.6.4 -
Committed [1178838] to Plugins SVN:
deploy from git -
Mentioned in [31575] on Core SVN:
Make a new function, `wp_delete_file()`. -
Mentioned in [31192] on Core SVN:
`functions.wp-scripts.php` contains a lot of duplicated code. -
Committed [997559] to Plugins SVN:
deploy from git -
Committed [997557] to Plugins SVN:
deploy from git -
Mentioned in [28824] on Core SVN:
Ensure that a `has_children` parameter is given to `Walker::start_el()`. -
Mentioned in [28600] on Core SVN:
Fix displaying taxonomies in bulk edit if the post type does not support titles. -
Mentioned in [28360] on Core SVN:
In `WP_Terms_List_Table::single_row()`, call `sanitize_term()` on the passed term (`$tag`).
Admin Bar Login
Active Installs: 80+
Category Checklist Tree
Active Installs: 6,000+
Comment Autogrow
Active Installs: 10+
Custom Field Taxonomies
Active Installs: 80+
Deviant Thumbs
Active Installs: 10+
Extra Feed Links
Active Installs: 10+
Filter Email Notifications
Active Installs: 10+
Front-end Editor
Active Installs: 700+
Full Comments On Dashboard
Active Installs: 10+
Hyper Admins
Active Installs: 10+
Improved Gallery
Active Installs: 10+
Merge Tags
Active Installs: 50+
My Sites Widget
Active Installs: 10+
Network Privacy
Active Installs: 400+
Plugin Dependencies
Active Installs: 200+
Posts 2 Posts
Active Installs: 10,000+
Press This Reloaded
Active Installs: 100+
Proper Network Activation
Active Installs: 30+
Query Multiple Taxonomies
Active Installs: 700+
Random Post Link
Active Installs: 70+
Active Installs: 10+
Smart Archives Reloaded
Active Installs: 1,000+
Smarter Navigation
Active Installs: 400+
Term Management Tools
Active Installs: 10,000+
User Management Tools
Active Installs: 10+
Active Installs: 500,000+
Collapsible Categories in the Dashboard
Active Installs: 600+