@sarispi on
- Member Since: November 12th, 2018
- Job Title: WordPress Designer
- Employer: Estudio BO
Posted a reply to Invoice Number Skipping, on the site Forums:
Hi Yordan! Thanks for your answer but we are not using PayPal, we use Redsys -
Created a topic, Invoice Number Skipping, on the site Forums:
Hi! Yesterday, I generated three invoices for thre… -
Posted a reply to error en wp-user-functions, on the site Foros de soporte:
Disculpa... no te había entendido bien. Ahí va: <br>### WordPress Environment ###<br><br>WordPress address (URL):<br>Site… -
Posted a reply to error en wp-user-functions, on the site Foros de soporte:
Ayer volvió a pasar. Te pongo el código Detalles del error==================Se ha producido un error… -
Posted a reply to error en wp-user-functions, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, @kallookoo, muchas gracias por responderme. Pues la verdad es que no creo que sea… -
Posted a reply to Problem with invoice date and number, on the site Forums:
Hi again Yordan, and thanks for your answer! The issue lies with the correlation between… -
Created a topic, error en wp-user-functions, on the site Foros de soporte:
Al entrar en la web me ha llegado un correo de "proble… -
Created a topic, Problem with invoice date and number, on the site Forums:
Good morning,I’m encountering an issue with numbering … -
Posted a reply to Incompatibility with the latest version of WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
Thanks for answering so quickly.I already have version 2.9.14 of the plugin installed and I… -
Created a topic, Incompatibility with the latest version of WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
Hi! After the last woocommerce update (9.5.1) I'm … -
Posted a reply to Problem with DNI field, on the site Forums:
Sure! I just wrote to you. Thanks! -
Posted a reply to Problem with DNI field, on the site Forums:
Hi again! I just replaced the old snippet with this new one but same thing… -
Posted a reply to Problem with DNI field, on the site Forums:
Yith suscriptions -
Posted a reply to Problem with DNI field, on the site Forums:
Now it appears on the invoices of the first orders!! Thanks a lot!! But I… -
Posted a reply to Problem with DNI field, on the site Forums:
Ok!! Thanks!! this is how it is stored: meta_data[_billing_dni] -
Posted a reply to Problem with DNI field, on the site Forums:
I've installed the plugin, but I don't know how to search how the value is… -
Posted a reply to Problem with DNI field, on the site Forums:
I have added the code but I don't think it works.To check it, after adding… -
Posted a reply to Problem with DNI field, on the site Forums:
Hello Alex!Thank you very much for your response.I add the DNI field with the Checkout… -
Created a topic, Problem with DNI field, on the site Forums:
I am having problems with the pdfs of the invoices. … -
Created a topic, Facebook Conversion API, on the site Forums:
Hello!!I need to know how to set up the Facebook Conve… -
Posted a reply to using your pluging on a bookable product, on the site Forums:
And are you considering integrating it at some point? Thanks -
Created a topic, using your pluging on a bookable product, on the site Forums:
Hi! I'm using woocommerce booking on the site to m… -
Created a topic, *Resource from a blacklisted domain, on the site Forums:
Good morning, I scanned my WordPress website with your… -
Posted a reply to Problem with shipping methods since 9.3 version, on the site Forums:
Hi!! I was recording a video to show you exactly the problem and also so… -
Created a topic, Problem with shipping methods since 9.3 version, on the site Forums:
Hello!Until version 9.3, shipping calculations were do… -
Posted a reply to Problem with custom url and modal login, on the site Forums:
Thanks Preslav Kenanov! I will open a support ticket in Siteground. -
Created a topic, Problem with custom url and modal login, on the site Forums:
Hi! I've found a bug with your plugin and the kade… -
Posted a reply to Problem with invoice date, on the site Forums:
Hi! Thanks for your answer.I just changed that setting, but I won't know if this… -
Posted a reply to Problem with invoice date, on the site Forums:
Sure! This are the order details And this the pdf settings -
Created a topic, Problem with invoice date, on the site Forums:
I am using your plugin on a page where I have subscrip… -
Created a topic, Si gestionas varias webs, LO NECESITAS, on the site Forums:
Llevo varios plugins de este tipo y la verdad es que e… -
Created a topic, Puedes construir cualquier cosa con Kadence, on the site Forums:
It is quite easy to learn how to use Kadence and once … -
Posted a reply to Don’t send email verification, on the site Forums:
Hi jkleinithemes! Thanks for your answer. That's right, the new user signs up with RC… -
Created a topic, Don’t send email verification, on the site Forums:
I have a free membership.I need users who register to … -
Created a topic, Cookies, on the site Forums:
Hi! I need to know if the plugin uses cookies in o… -
Posted a reply to Espaciado superior en entradas, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @nsoak! No trabajo con Astra, pero es probable que te deje definir en algún… -
Posted a reply to Añadir símbolos a los items del menú, on the site Foros de soporte:
Efectivamente. No me llegó con limpiarlo, tuve que desactivar el plugin de caché, pero ya… -
Created a topic, Añadir símbolos a los items del menú, on the site Foros de soporte:
Buenas tardes! Me gustaría poder añadir símbolos a los… -
Posted a reply to Importo mi web pero no aparece la página de inicio, on the site Foros de soporte:
Pues si no está dentro de las páginas... no se me ocurre cómo podrías solucionarlo.… -
Posted a reply to Importo mi web pero no aparece la página de inicio, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @blackmorthred! Así rápidamente se me ocurre ¿has establecido una página estática como homepage en… -
Posted a reply to En la versión móvil y tablet aparece todo deformado., on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola de nuevo! Me alegro de que te haya servido la opción de las columnas.… -
Posted a reply to En la versión móvil y tablet aparece todo deformado., on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola ctmedia69! A nivel diseño y usabilidad, tiene más sentido que en la versión móvil… -
Posted a reply to Añadir movimiento a elementos de la web, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola Sguti! Esos efectos son animaciones al hacer scroll y suelen depender del constructor o… -
Posted a reply to Error al entrar al panel de control de WordPress, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @lmampel! Me pasaba exactamente lo mismo y @almendron me ha dado la solución aquí… -
Posted a reply to Error crítico actualizando bases de datos, on the site Foros de soporte:
Muchas gracias @almendron! Al renombrar la carpeta de plugins e intentar acceder al escritorio, seguía… -
Created a topic, Error crítico actualizando bases de datos, on the site Foros de soporte:
Buenas tardes! Al acceder al admin de mi web me di… -
Posted a reply to Modificar el texto «Número de pedido:» en los correos de Woocommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola de nuevo!! Sigue sin funcionarme :( Estoy utilizando el plugin kadence WooCommerce Email Designer,… -
Posted a reply to Modificar el texto «Número de pedido:» en los correos de Woocommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola!! Gracias por responder. Eso ya lo había probado, pero no funciona, no me modifica… -
Created a topic, is not valid JSON, on the site Forums:
Hi! After two hours of scanning, I get the error: … -
Created a topic, Modificar el texto «Número de pedido:» en los correos de Woocommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola a tod@s!! Estoy haciendo una página web para …