Samuel Jonathan Schneider Fernandez
@samuelfernandez on, @SchneiderSam on Slack
- Member Since: August 9th, 2014
- Location: Germany
- Website:
- GitHub: SchneiderSam
- Job Title: non-professional designer
- Employer: YASEED
Contribution History
Samuel Jonathan Schneider Fernandez’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to [Image Source Control Lite – Show Image Credits and Captions] Import from Better Image Credits, on the site Forums:
Thanks :-) -
Created a topic, Import from Better Image Credits, on the site Forums:
Whats the best way to import all the Links and Licence… -
Translated 4 strings on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 65 strings on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 21 strings on
Created a topic, Cache Issue: Students Must Clear Cache After Completing Lessons in Sensei LMS, on the site Forums:
Dear Sensei LMS Support, I am reaching out regardin… -
Suggested 130 strings on
Suggested 136 strings on
Posted a reply to [Sensei LMS - Online Courses, Quizzes, & Learning] Disabling “Preview as Student” feature, on the site Forums:
@gaurav984 thanks. Can someone change the URL in my previous Answer? It should be: -
Posted a reply to [Sensei LMS - Online Courses, Quizzes, & Learning] Disabling “Preview as Student” feature, on the site Forums:
Hi Gaurav, please check my Github issue: There are all the details :) -
Created a topic, Disabling “Preview as Student” feature, on the site Forums:
Hi there. I am writing to request your assistance i… -
Posted a reply to [Sensei LMS - Online Courses, Quizzes, & Learning] Undo completed lessons, on the site Forums:
Thanks. :) -
Created a topic, Undo completed lessons, on the site Forums:
I can complete lessons. How can I undo this as a stude… -
Created a topic, Translate Button with WPML, on the site Forums:
Hi, Thanks for the wonderful Plugin. Works fine… -
Posted a reply to Get Hierarchal list of categories?, on the site Forums:
Hi Oguruma, sure: Just go to Post -> Add New Category -> Creat Parent Category… -
Posted a reply to [SEOPress, on-site SEO] Problems with the Structure category, on the site Forums:
Hi Benjamin, yes it is cleared. Hm... will check the core forum... Thanks for the… -
Created a topic, Problems with the Structure category, on the site Forums:
Hi, In Wordpress I had initially set "zugspitze" as… -
Posted a reply to [canvasio3D Light] Not compatible with PHP 8.0, on the site Forums:
I just checked, but unfortunately, it does not work. With 7.4.33 it works. With 8.0.26… -
Created a topic, Add Country Field to Woo Registration Form, on the site Forums:
Hi, i use this Code to hook additional Fields: /** … -
Created a topic, Different calculators from one source, on the site Forums:
I want to create different calculators, which for cert… -
Posted a reply to [Calculated Fields Form] Bug with TAN?, on the site Forums:
Works amazing. Thanks! -
Created a topic, Bug with TAN?, on the site Forums:
Hello, TAN 30 = 0.57735026 But when i calculate wit… -
Posted a reply to [Worthy - VG WORT Integration für Wordpress] Umzug, on the site Forums:
Danke für deine Nachricht. Das scheint doch etwas komplizierter zu werden: Die Inhalte werde ich… -
Created a topic, Umzug, on the site Forums:
Welches Vorgehen würdet ihr empfehlen, wenn ich Artike… -
Created issue #145 in the WordPress/wporg-mu-plugins repository:
Header: Menu buttons have gradient/box shadow on iOS Safari -
Created issue #144 in the WordPress/wporg-mu-plugins repository:
Blue border around the menu -
Wrote a comment on the post Performance team meeting summary 11 January 2022, on the site Make WordPress Core:
BIG thanks to working on this! -
Posted a reply to [Matomo Analytics - Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.] Problem with multiple Matomo trackers, on the site Forums:
The problem is fixed. Thanks for the support -
Posted a reply to [Worthy - VG WORT Integration für Wordpress] Fehlermeldung in der Console: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED, on the site Forums:
Hallo Bernd, super danke. Wie testest du, ob die Zählmarke erfolgreich gemessen wird? Gruß, Samuel -
Created a topic, [Worthy - VG WORT Integration für Wordpress] Fehlermeldung in der Console: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED, on the site Forums:
Servus zusammen, ich bekomme einen Fehlercode in der C… -
Posted a reply to [Worthy - VG WORT Integration für Wordpress] Probleme mit Cookies?, on the site Forums:
Hi Bernd, das klingt doch gut. Interessant finde ich diesen Artikel: Borlabs ist im… -
Created a topic, [Worthy - VG WORT Integration für Wordpress] Probleme mit Cookies?, on the site Forums:
Servus, sollte man den Pixel nicht erst dann setzen, w… -
Created a topic, [Matomo Analytics - Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.] Problem with multiple Matomo trackers, on the site Forums:
I get in my Console this Error: https://www.screencast… -
Created a topic, [Sensei LMS - Online Courses, Quizzes, & Learning] Some strings can not be translated, on the site Forums:
I have already tried a few things, but I can’t g… -
Created a topic, [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Critical bug in PHP 8.0.9, on the site Forums:
I have been staging my website in my staging environme… -
Posted a reply to Mehrwerts Steuersätze nicht korrekt, on the site Forums:
Oder wenn ich digitale Güter verkaufe :) Das sollte noch in eurem Post/ der CSV… -
Created a topic, Mehrwerts Steuersätze nicht korrekt, on the site Forums:
Servus, ihr stellt hier eine CSV Datei zur Verfügung:… -
Posted a reply to Fehlermeldung nach Zähler zuordnung, on the site Forums:
Der wars: :) -
Posted a reply to Fehlermeldung nach Zähler zuordnung, on the site Forums:
Hi Bernd, ich hab das problem gelöst. Es lag wohl an einem Shortcode der im… -
Created a topic, Fehlermeldung nach Zähler zuordnung, on the site Forums:
Hallo, ich bekomme folgende Fehlermeldung wenn ich au… -
Posted a reply to Viele Meldungen und jetzt auch in den Kommentaren, on the site Forums:
Hi, jep hat sich erledigt. Danke! -
Created a topic, Line break is not displayed properly, on the site Forums:
Hello all, I have the following setup: - ASTRA Theme… -
Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 5.7: What’s on your wishlist?, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I would like to see drag-and-drop not only in the new menu view, but also… -
Posted a reply to GPS-Download-Link, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the fast response... Is there a way to use a link? So no… -
Created a topic, GPS-Download-Link, on the site Forums:
I would like to make individual tours available for do… -
Created a topic, An sich ein gutes Plugin, aber…, on the site Forums:
An sich ein gutes Plugin, aber ich warte seit Wochen a… -
Posted a reply to Viele Meldungen und jetzt auch in den Kommentaren, on the site Forums:
Hallo Bernd, alles gut. Ich hab das schon richtig verstanden und ich unterstütze gute Entwickler… -
Mentioned in [46867] on Core SVN:
Administration: Standardize form control height and alignment across the admin.