@saltwaterc on
- Member Since: June 23rd, 2007
Contribution History
SaltwaterC’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [581172] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes the version number of the licence. -
Committed [581171] to Plugins SVN:
Squashed commit of the following: commit ... -
Committed [581167] to Plugins SVN:
Cleaning up the trunk. -
Committed [581166] to Plugins SVN:
Proper changelog. -
Committed [581164] to Plugins SVN:
Squashed commit of the following: commit ... -
Committed [581099] to Plugins SVN:
Updates the latest WordPress development bundle. -
Committed [581098] to Plugins SVN:
Reorganized the repository structure. Short and sweet. -
Committed [581096] to Plugins SVN:
Bumped the version into the WordPress usable plug-in description. -
Committed [581095] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the readme.txt. -
Committed [581094] to Plugins SVN:
Adds a simple changelog to the readme.txt. -
Committed [581092] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the readme.txt for -
Committed [581091] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the changelog. -
Committed [581090] to Plugins SVN:
* Added the modestbranding option to the YouTube embeds. * Updated the ... -
Committed [581089] to Plugins SVN:
Bumping the version number. -
Committed [581088] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the readme.txt for v1.0.1 -
Committed [581087] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes the Trilulilu embedding issues. -
Committed [581086] to Plugins SVN:
* Added support for listing the services into the help. * Updated ... -
Committed [581076] to Plugins SVN:
Added support for listing the services into the help. -
Committed [581075] to Plugins SVN:
Adds the readme.txt for integration. -
Committed [581074] to Plugins SVN:
Bumped the version to 1.0 as it gets ready for release. -
Committed [581073] to Plugins SVN:
* Proper README. * Added the formatted CHANGELOG. -
Committed [581070] to Plugins SVN:
Upgraded the WordPress core. -
Committed [581064] to Plugins SVN:
Adds translations made by the Codestyle Localization plug-in. -
Committed [581063] to Plugins SVN:
Adds the Codestyle Localization plug-in for OOT support for plug-in ... -
Committed [581062] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes the XVE Help that was displayed on all admin pages. -
Committed [581061] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes the embedding matching. A bug made imposible to embed more than 4 ... -
Committed [581060] to Plugins SVN:
Proper translation support. -
Committed [581059] to Plugins SVN:
First attempt at making the fooking translation work. -
Committed [581058] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the ROADMAP. -
Committed [581057] to Plugins SVN:
Changed the URLs to the new project location. -
Committed [581055] to Plugins SVN:
Added the full source tree (including a complete WordPress version). -
Committed [581047] to Plugins SVN:
Addeed the README. -
Committed [580999] to Plugins SVN:
Removes the old directories. -
Committed [580998] to Plugins SVN:
Removed the old directories. -
Committed [580908] to Plugins SVN:
Create tag 1.0.4 -
Committed [580905] to Plugins SVN:
Changed the layout. Removed the WordPress archive, md README and CHANGELOG ... -
Committed [580904] to Plugins SVN:
Updates the readme.txt with more information. -
Committed [580903] to Plugins SVN:
Updates the readme with info about GitHub. -
Committed [580902] to Plugins SVN:
v1.0.4 -
Committed [580901] to Plugins SVN:
Bumped the version into index. -
Committed [580900] to Plugins SVN:
Updates the junk. -
Committed [580898] to Plugins SVN:
Adds unit test. -
Committed [580897] to Plugins SVN:
Ingnores the tests dir since everything is auto-generated. -
Committed [580896] to Plugins SVN:
v1.0.3 -
Committed [580893] to Plugins SVN:
Updates the latest WordPress development bundle. -
Committed [580892] to Plugins SVN:
Reorganized the repository structure. Short and sweet. -
Committed [580879] to Plugins SVN:
Bumped the version into the WordPress usable plug-in description. -
Committed [580878] to Plugins SVN:
Ignores the FLV embedding test file. -
Committed [580877] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the readme.txt. -
Committed [580876] to Plugins SVN:
Adds a simple changelog to the readme.txt.
XVE Various Embed
Active Installs: 10+