Sakib Mohammed
@sakibmd on, @Sakib Mohammed on Slack
- Member Since: June 3rd, 2022
- Location: Sylhet, Bangladesh
- GitHub: sakibmd
- Job Title: Software Engineer
- Employer: AuthLab
Contribution History
Sakib Mohammed’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Meta Contributor
- Pattern Author
- Photo Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Mentioned in [58580] on Core SVN:
Twenty Nineteen: Fixes avatar block size inconsistency. -
Reopened ticket #60237 on Core Trac:
Fatal error when someone opens "/wp-includes/blocks" or ... -
Closed ticket #60237 on Core Trac:
Fatal error when someone opens "/wp-includes/blocks" or ... -
Mentioned in [56408] on Core SVN:
Administration: Add function to standardize admin notices. -
Mentioned in [56173] on Core SVN:
Twenty Twenty-Three: Fix Separator Block default styling. -
Mentioned in [55869] on Core SVN:
Upgrade/Install: Avoid an extra database query in `populate_network()`. -
Submitted pull request #4523 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Avoid unnecessary usage of query -
Mentioned in [55595] on Core SVN:
Docs: Clarify the `::hide_process_failed()` return value in plugin and theme installer. -
Mentioned in [55594] on Core SVN:
Docs: Add missing `@return` tag for `WP_Automatic_Updater::is_disabled()`. -
Mentioned in [55553] on Core SVN:
Widgets: Defer register inline script in `WP_Widget_Custom_HTML` and `WP_Widget_Text`. -
Mentioned in [55457] on Core SVN:
Tests: Second pass at merging file-level and class-level DocBlocks in various unit test files. -
Mentioned in [55445] on Core SVN:
Tests: Ignore EOL differences in a `wpautop()` test for `` block elements. -
Mentioned in [55438] on Core SVN:
Editor: Correctly merge custom CSS into global styles -
Mentioned in [55413] on Core SVN:
Help/About: Use the new `/documentation/` URLs for HelpHub links in Bundled Themes. -
Mentioned in [55412] on Core SVN:
Help/About: Use the new `/documentation/` URLs for HelpHub links in WordPress Admin. -
Submitted pull request #4092 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Resolved date-time updating issue after update Timezone GMT -
Closed pull request #4005 on WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Updated 'caniuse' for 6.2 -
Submitted pull request #4005 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Updated 'caniuse' for 6.2 -
Translated 1 string on
Suggested 11 strings on
Suggested 5 strings on
Suggested 18 strings on
Ninja Tables – Easy Data Table Builder
Active Installs: 80,000+
Total photo contributions: 5
View all photos contributed by Sakib Mohammed to the WordPress Photo Directory →