Nirmal Kumar Ram
@sagarseth9 on and Slack
- Member Since: June 4th, 2013
- Location: Bhubaneswar
- Website:
- Job Title: WordPress Rockstar
- Employer: Magnigenie
Contribution History
Nirmal Kumar Ram’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Category Sorting Shortcode not working, on the site Forums:
Hi @l1z0b, You can remove the order by parameters from the shortcode and simply navigate… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] delviery timeslot model on page first load, on the site Forums:
@maxroyen07 You can trigger the opening of the popup using javacript code. Are you familiar… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Long description with line breaks, on the site Forums:
Can you share if you want to change the description shown under the product name… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Add to carton button invisible (white on white), on the site Forums:
The theme you are using is acting weird with RestroPress. Can you check with some… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Horrible product and company, on the site Forums:
Hello @aarucanada, Really sorry about the experience you had. We have been running into some… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Great potential let down by lack of support, on the site Forums:
Hi @cebuss, Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, and please accept our… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Terrible support, on the site Forums:
Dear @mazzad, I apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced with one of our extensions and… -
Committed [2921509] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Requires at least and tags -
Committed [2921501] to Plugins SVN:
Released v1.0 for MagniPos -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Show only the items from the selected category, on the site Forums:
Hi @asdforcer1, Currently, it's not possible to do it out of the box but this… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Child category means items show twice, on the site Forums:
Hi @waynep16, I have checked what you have shared but currently, it's not possible to… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Remove item from cart no warning, on the site Forums:
I understand, it basically triggers the cart empty notice. We will remove this on the… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Remove item from cart no warning, on the site Forums:
Hi @waynep16, The confirmation for deleting items from the cart is not there for a… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Critical Error on Password Reset, on the site Forums:
This issue was already resolved. I am marking this thread as complete. -
Posted a reply to Square payment gateway not working (in the UK maybe other places too?), on the site Forums:
Hi @deejayuk, Really sorry about the issue you are having. Regarding ticket #2844, I just… -
Committed [2781020] to Plugins SVN:
Tested with latest WordPress and updated tested upto tag -
Posted a reply to [WOWRestro - Online Ordering System For WooCommerce] Very nice plugin – One suggestion only, on the site Forums:
Hi @nettpro, We already have the features you requested. Please check for the details.… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Checkout page does not show “Pickup” Service even though pickup was selected, on the site Forums:
Hi @neil180290, Can you please share the Website URL to check your setup? Regards, Nirmal -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Adding new currency and other questions, on the site Forums:
I understand your concerns. If you don’t want to use theme or plugins then the… -
Posted a reply to New feature requests for next version, on the site Forums:
Hi @wpjetusr2244, Thanks a lot for your suggestions. We would definitely look into your suggestions… -
Posted a reply to Adding new currency and other questions, on the site Forums:
Hi @wpjetusr2244, The way you are adding the currency isn’t correct. Please review the following… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Payment gateway broken for several days, on the site Forums:
Hello @deejayuk, Really sorry about the issues you are having. I will check and reply… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Order 3 days in advance, on the site Forums:
Hi @bumblepop, Thanks for reaching out to me. Yes, there is a way to select… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Restropress Checkout Shortcode not working, on the site Forums:
Hi @bheejay, Can you share your website URL and let us know if you are… -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Choose order of menu items?, on the site Forums:
Hi @theunionmanors, Let us know if you need any further help here? Regards, Nirmal -
Committed [2723089] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed issues related to the food items and filter -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] Bug with Add On Single Item, on the site Forums:
Hello @tassos, Sorry about this issue you are having, let us review this issue at… -
Committed [2720380] to Plugins SVN:
Released version 2.9.1 -
Committed [2717480] to Plugins SVN:
Released version 2.9 -
Posted a reply to CSS parse errors in inline CSS, on the site Forums:
As you need support for a premium version of the plugin you can connect me… -
Posted a reply to [WP Responsive Menu] CSS parse errors in inline CSS, on the site Forums:
Hi @dyin, We will definitely help you. Let me run this issue by our team… -
Committed [2709467] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tested upto -
Committed [2709461] to Plugins SVN:
Updated WOWRestro to 1.3.1 -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] I’m Not Able To Download The Extension, on the site Forums:
Hi @itsbroken, Sorry about the issue you are having. We had some recent updates on… -
Posted a reply to [WP Responsive Menu] this plugin still has security issus, on the site Forums:
Hi @p47ri0t, Can you share what’s the exact issue you had so that we can… -
Committed [2688949] to Plugins SVN:
Release version 1.3 of WOWRestro -
Posted a reply to [Sticky add to cart for WooCommerce] support, on the site Forums:
Hello @sandornemeth, We have support and we are releasing a new update for this plugin.… -
Posted a reply to Cannot Change Delivery/Pickup Time On Checkout Page, on the site Forums:
Hi @kiritiki, I think there is some plugin conflict may be. Can you share your… -
Committed [2674667] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed readme.txt -
Posted a reply to [WP Responsive Menu] Menu not showing, on the site Forums:
Can you share the url for your site and settings page? -
Committed [2673207] to Plugins SVN:
Security updates -
Committed [2670226] to Plugins SVN:
Tested with WordPress 5.9 and uodated tested upto tag -
Posted a reply to [RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System] DOES NOT WORK and Zero Customer Support, on the site Forums:
Hello @overheadstation, Sorry about the issue you are having. The support for the free plugin… -
Posted a reply to [WP Responsive Menu] Discontinued?, on the site Forums:
Hello @irvingbos, We are going to release an update. It would be available to download… -
Committed [2665187] to Plugins SVN:
Released -
Posted a reply to [WP Responsive Menu] Header banner not displayed, on the site Forums:
Hello @danniee, Can you please share a screenshot of where exactly you want to add… -
Posted a reply to [WP Responsive Menu] Issue on WordPress Multiblog, on the site Forums:
Hello @mari0bros, Do you mean you are using the plugin on WordPress MultiSite? We have… -
Posted a reply to [WP Responsive Menu] Notification bell not working in menu, on the site Forums:
Hello @danniee, Can you please share your website URL to find out what’s the exact… -
Posted a reply to [WP Responsive Menu] Customize search? Shortcode?, on the site Forums:
Hello @shapal, Update to the latest version 3.1.7 and we have added developer hook to… -
Committed [2662711] to Plugins SVN:
Added filter for the menu elements and updated readme
Lessify Wordpress
Active Installs: 400+
Magni Image Flip For WooCommerce
Active Installs: 900+
No Cache AJAX Widgets
Active Installs: 300+
RestroPress - Online Food Ordering System
Active Installs: 1,000+
Sticky Add to Cart for WooCommerce
Active Installs: 100+
WooCommerce Accordions
Active Installs: 1,000+
WooToolkit - A Scalable WooCommerce Addon!
Active Installs: 10+
WOWRestro - Online Ordering System For WooCommerce
Active Installs: 10+
WP Remote Thumbnail
Active Installs: 100+
WP Responsive Menu
Active Installs: 40,000+
Wp Single Login
Active Installs: 60+
RestroPress - Sliding Cart
Active Installs: Less than 10
Review Stars Count For WooCommerce
Active Installs: 80+